Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Institute celebrates the 85th anniversary of the archaeologist
25.10.2019 10:46
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Institute celebrates the 85th anniversary of the archaeologist

On October 24, Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS held a meeting dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the famous Azerbaijani scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gudrat Ismailzadeh.

Director of the institute, Dr. History Prof. Maisa Rahimova informed about the life and scientific activities of the archaeologist. He noted that for many years, he conducted research on various historical monuments and made significant contributions to the archeology of Azerbaijan. The director of the institute congratulated the scientist on the 85th anniversary and wished him success in his work.

Then chief departments – Doctors of History Asadulla Jafarov, Tarix Dostiyev, Nargiz Guliyeva, PhD in History Bahlul Ibrahimli, Abuzar Alakbarov, Safar Ashurov, Farhad Guliyev, Tavakkul Aliyev and Akif Guliyev made speeches.

The staff of the Institute spoke about the pedagogical activities of a prominent scientist, his leadership for many years at the Department of Archeology and Ethnography at the Faculty of History of BSU, in the training of young archeologists. It was noted that G. Ismayilzadeh has done important work in Garabag, especially in the study of the Garakopektepe monument, and his published works are valuable teaching materials for the first Bronze Age of the South Caucasus and for foreign archaeologists specializing in Kur-Araz culture.

Finally, Professor M. Rahimova presented the Honorary Decree of the Institute to the outstanding scientist for long-termed fruitful work.

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