Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Corresponding member of ANAS A. Mirahmadov's 95th anniversary celebrated
12.02.2015 00:00
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Corresponding member of ANAS A. Mirahmadov's 95th anniversary celebrated

On 11 February at Electronic assembly hall of ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami held the scientific session devoted to the 95th anniversary of outstanding scientist, corresponding member of ANAS A. Mirahmadov.

The event was opened by ANAS Vice-President, director of institute, academician Isa Habibbeyli who gave detailed information about rich life way and creativity of outstanding scientist.

Academic noted that, since age of 23 scientist has dedicated his life to the Institute of Literature and till the death worked at this scientific research institution. He is an author over the 20 monographs and books.

Such monographs as : “M.F.Akhundov”, “Abdullah Shaig”, “Sabir”, “Muhammad Gadi”, “Molla Nasiraddin of Azerbaijan”, “Satirical power of laugh”, and also the articles “About development of satire in Azerbaijani Literature of the XX century”, “Zakir and Azerbaijani Satire of the XIX Century”, “The literary movement at the beginning of the XX century: critical realism”, etc. are valuable sources for studying of our literature history.

Speaking about the progress of the literary 1960-1980 academician Isa Habibbeyli

Told about literary processes of 1960-1980, the academician ISa Habibbeyli noted that, this period is “Gold era” in Azerbaijani literary criticism.

Professors Zaman Askerli, Rahim Aliyev, Shirindil Alyshanly, Asif Rustamli, Bedirkhan Akhmadov, Doctor of Philology Sara Osmanli, PhD in philology Salmansoy Aslan etc. told about the various directions of rich scientific activity of the scientist and shared their memories.

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