Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Division of Humanitarian Sciences reports on its activities in 2021
27.04.2022 13:25
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Division of Humanitarian Sciences reports on its activities in 2021

On April 27, at the General meeting of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, a report on the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences (DHS) for 2021 was heard.

Presenting the report, vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the division, academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that last year the division adopted the Orders of President Ilham Aliyev dated January 5, 2021 “On declaring 2021 the Year of Nizami Ganjavi in the Republic of Azerbaijan“, dated February 18, 2021 “About the celebration of the 200th anniversary of Ashig Alasgar“, “From – the relevant instructions arising from the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ”on the City of Shusha“, ”The State program for the use of the Azerbaijani language in accordance with the requirements of the time in the context of globalization and the development of linguistics in the country”, as well as “The program of activities and the action plan of ANAS in connection with research work on the liberated territories of Azerbaijan” were fulfilled, approved at the meeting of the Presidium of ANAS on January 12, 2021.

He emphasized that during the reporting period, research work was carried out on 8 directions 38 problems, on 95 (9 completed) topics, 531 works (330 completed), 308 stages (301 completed), 14 important results were obtained from scientific institutions and organizations of the DHS and 15 from external organizations.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the research conducted in the division includes “Sources, patterns of formation and development of Azerbaijani literature”, “Patterns of development of world literature”, “Prospects for the development of linguistics and the Azerbaijani language”, “Collection, systematization, cataloging, preservation, study of extant material samples of Azerbaijani literary and scientific and social thought (Turkic-speaking, Farsi, Arabic language manuscripts, books on stones, historical and archeographic documents, personal archives preparation for publication and propaganda”, “The culture of Azerbaijan (music, architecture, painting, sculpture, theatre, cinema, decorative and applied arts) and its place in the modern world art culture.”

Also, researches on “Sources, formation, development regularities and relations of Azerbaijani folk art”, “Collection, research, protection in scientific foundations, demonstration at the expositions and exhibitions of materials related to Azerbaijani literature and culture”, “Collection, protection, research and propaganda of Huseyn Javid and in general, Javids heritage” were carried out in the section.

The academician noted that in order to re-study and promote the work of the great Nizami Ganjavi, who occupies a worthy place in the treasury of world literature based on the ideals of independent statehood and azerbaijanism, a program of activities was prepared jointly with the institutions of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences and a number of commendable works were carried out in this direction. He said local and international conferences, seminars, exhibitions, competitions were organized on the life and creativity of the writer, books, monographs, articles in several languages were published in our country and abroad.

The scientist brought to attention that the Decree signed by the head of state on May 31, 2021 “Cultural capital of Azerbaijan – According to the appeal of state bodies in connection with the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ”on the city of Shusha", experts of the Institute of Architecture and Art submitted to the relevant state bodies conclusions and proposals on the definition of the exclusion zone of the city of Shusha, protection and monitoring of monuments located on this territory, compiling a list of monuments prohibiting the placement of advertising structures on them.

In addition, he said that pursuant to the order of the head of State “On declaring 2022 the Year of Shusha in the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated January 5, 2022, the action program of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences was prepared. He stressed that in this context, “Molla Panah Vagif. Life and creativity” (collective), “Khurshidbanu Natavan. Life and creativity”, collection of articles “The masterpiece of the great return - Shusha”, books “Shusha - in the era of Elam and Troy”, “Toponyms of Karabakh”, organization of international conferences, increasing attention to the literary and artistic environment of Shusha and pious work dedicated to outstanding personalities, masters.

Referring to the work done in accordance with the “Program of activities and action plan of ANAS in connection with research work on the liberated territories of Azerbaijan” on January 12, 2021, the speaker noted that the scientific institutions of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences for the study of literature, culture, folklore and cultural heritage of the region published 32 books, 1 calendar, 20 scientific and practical events.

The scientist also informed the participants about the 200th anniversary of Ashig Alasgar, international relations of the division, integration of science and education, the state of e-science, awards and awards.

Referring to the publishing activities of the department, the speaker noted that in 2021 employees of the DHS research institutions published 131 books (8 abroad), 76 monographs (7 abroad), 2253 articles (344 abroad), 185 theses (86 abroad), 20 textbooks and scientific-popular publications, 20 articles by employees in the journals "Web of Science" and “Scopus" underlined.

At the end of his speech, he noted that the ideological and strategic orientations of scientific studies and scientific-organizational measures carried out in the scientific institutions of the Division of Humanitarian Sciences were determined on the basis of the principles of independent statehood of the ideology of azerbaijanism taking into account world experience.

After listening to the report, speeches were made around the report, corresponding instructions were given to scientific institutions and organizations of the division by the decision of the General meeting of ANAS

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