Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


High-Tech Park adequately represented ANAS in “TEKNOFEST” with its products
03.06.2022 18:41
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High-Tech Park adequately represented ANAS in “TEKNOFEST” with its products

General Director of ANAS High Technologies Park, PhD in economics Vasif Abbasov made a speech at a special meeting of the Presidium of ANAS dedicated to the results of the participation of the Academy in the festival “TEKNOFEST Azerbaijan”.

He noted that this festival will go down in history as an important event that gave impetus to the development of technologies and innovations in our country, as well as brought brotherhood and cooperation of Azerbaijan and Turkey to a new historical stage.

“From the first day of its activity, HT Park has set a goal to realize the production of science-intensive, competitive and innovative products, commercialize scientific results and cooperate with the private sector and academic institutions in the direction of forming intellectual business. The High-Tech Park is moving towards strategic goals through attracting investments in research, making certain concessions to the private sector investing in this direction and creating an innovative business environment favorable for entrepreneurs and also plays an important role in expanding scientific and technological ties of ANAS,”-he said.

He emphasized that High Technologies Park participated in the exhibition held within the framework of “TEKNOFEST” with innovative products presented by 5 residents in the pavilion of ANAS: “The selection of residents of the High-Tech Park is carried out by the Experts Council of the technopark. The Council, chaired by vice-president of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev, was established for the purpose of evaluating the high-tech project presented by resident candidates, preparing the relevant opinion, implementation of projects, scientific research and experimental-design works. At the same time, the Council carries out the study of achievements, advanced experience in the field of development or development of innovative products, preparation of proposals for their application. Residents of the Technopark- “Park of Science and Technology”, “Experimental - industrial plant”, “BEYT”, “Inkor”, “Proline Chemicals” and “Tronig” LLC played a great role in the high-level representation of ANAS at the exhibition.

According to him, among the products presented at the exhibition are unmanned aerial vehicles, plant-based lubricants and lubricants, mineral, industrial, engine, hydraulic and transmission oils, “Smart” bee boxes, diodes and microcircuits for LED lamps, various types of robotics, platters, artificial intelligence products, special additives, fertilizers and medicines. A large part of these products has been developed as a result of research conducted in the relevant Institutes of ANAS.

“It is gratifying that there was a great interest in these innovative products at the exhibition and a large influx of visitors to the pavilion. I think that the High-Tech Park adequately represented ANAS with its products at the exhibition and played the role of a bridge in establishing relations with relevant bodies of ANAS in Turkey and implementing joint innovative projects”, - V.Abbasov said.

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