Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Academician Isa Habibbayli: “Presidential Decree opens way for new reforms in the field of science and education”
29.07.2022 16:42
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Academician Isa Habibbayli: “Presidential Decree opens way for new reforms in the field of science and education”

The Decree of President Ilham Aliyev “On some measures to improve management in the field of science and education in the Republic of Azerbaijan” dated July 2022 28, as well as the establishment of the Ministry of Science and Education is a very important step towards reform in terms of integration of science and education. This step is also consistent with world experience. Thus, science and education in many countries of the world is managed in the format of the Ministry of Science and Education from a single center and gives efficiency. at the same time, the reality of our country also creates confidence that mutual coordination of science and education will contribute to the development of science and education. Therefore, the staff of ANAS considers the creation of the Ministry of Science and Education in our country, the improvement of management in the field of science and education as a necessary step in terms of the development of science and education and we express our deep gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev.

Vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli said these thoughts. The academician said that the Decree also reflected the preservation of the status of ANAS and the functioning of a number of institutions under its subordination. This, first of all, serves to put an end to meaningless rumors in our country about the closure of ANAS in social networks and society in recent months. ANAS will continue its activities in the new structure and on the basis of new goals. She will carry out such important tasks as deeper study, promotion, delivery to new generations, justification and direction of statehood ideology and ideals of azerbaijanism, national and moral values in our country. At the same time, the National Academy of Sciences will continue the coordination council of science and the management of problem councils. ANAS is also authorized to hold elections of active and corresponding members of the Academy.

This Decree of the President opens the way for the start of new reforms in the field of science and education. The staff of both the academy and the Ministry of Science and Education are deeply aware of the responsibility of the tasks set by the state and will continue to work in the direction of implementation of the tasks arising from the Decree, reform-oriented measures. This will ensure the presentation of our country's statehood and national ideals to our society from the scientific point of view and further strengthening the integration of Azerbaijani science with world experience,” academician Isa Habibbayli said.


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