Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Corresponding member of ANAS Amin Ismayilov is 65 years old
11.03.2016 14:32
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Corresponding member of ANAS Amin Ismayilov is 65 years old

On March 14, celebrate scientist in the agrarian field, laboratory chief at the Institute of Soil Elm and Agro chemistry, corresponding member of ANAS Amin Ismayilov is 65 years old.

Amin Ismayil oglu Ismayilov was born in 1951, Kurdamir region. In 1972 he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Hydromelioration.

Received PhD in agricultural sciences in 1981, degree of doctor in 2003, and title of Professor in 2011. In 2014 was elected a corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

A.Ismayilov worked an engineer at Trust Shirvanmeliosutikinti in 1974-1975, then senior research assistant at the Institute of Soil Elm and Agricultural Chemistry, junior researcher, and senior scientific worker. In 1990, he supervised for creation of group "Using electronic computing machines in soil elm and agricultural chemistry studies". In 1995, on the basis of the same group, "Soil Informatics and Monitoring" was created and A.Ismayilov has been managing the laboratory up to date. Since 2015, the laboratory is called "Soil-geographic information systems”.

In 1997-2009, he chaired for the State Land Cadastre and Monitoring Science-Production Center attached to the State Land and Cartography Committee of Azerbaijan Republic. As a result of the generalized relationship between science and production, he has published monograph "Azerbaijani lands information system" in 2004.

Continuing educational activities since 2004 as a Professor of the Department of Geomatics, University of Architecture and Construction, scientist closely takes part in national staff training over land and urban cadastre, and in the field of GIS.

His research objects embrace scientific basics of using GIS technologies in land informatics of Azerbaijan and soil environmental studies.

Studies covers the setting up scientific parameters of soil informatics in Azerbaijan, creating expert systems to evaluate the current state of soils, establishing GIS based digital soil maps, elaborating conceptual models of soil diagnostics, math modeling of soil fertility, cadastre data management and elaborating GIS based soil and environmental database.

Amin Ismayilov was a member of International Society of Soil Scientists and Union of Soil Scientists, also member of Expert Board of the Supreme Attestation Commission on Biology and Agriculture. In addition scientist is the member of editorial board of international journal with impact factor "Applied Ecology and Environmental Research", published in Hungary.

In 2015, was elected Chairman of the Scientific Council for Management of soil and water resources and environmental protection under Republican Council for Coordination of Scientific Research of ANAS.

Scientist is also author of nearly 110 scientific works, including 4 books, 4 monographs and 2 manuals for highest schools (some of them co-authored), published in Azerbaijan and abroad.

We congratulate the celebrate scientist on the occasion of 65th anniversary, wish him long life, robust health, and new successes in development of Azerbaijan science.

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