Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Corresponding member of ANAS Aliyev Bakhtiyar is 55 years old
18.03.2016 09:34
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Corresponding member of ANAS Aliyev Bakhtiyar is 55 years old

On March 20, Head of Baku State University Department of Psychology, Deputy Chairman of Committee on Science and Education of Mill Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Bakhtiyar Aliyev is 55 years old.

Bakhtiyar Aliyev was born on March 20, 1961 in Agdam city.

In 1979 he graduated from Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.

In 1983, after graduating from the Faculty of Psychology started his career at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Azerbaijan State University (now BSU).

In 1989 defended thesis on "International communication as a socio-psychological analysis of the object" and in 1998 - a doctoral on the topic "Problems of forensic psychological examination in criminal and civil proceedings", in 2000 received the title of Professor.

In 2007 he was elected a corresponding member of ANAS.

B.Aliyev developed the general theory of forensic psychological examination and based on it for the first time proposed a new method of determining the physiological affect, as well as the classification system established psychological criteria and types of its forensic psychological examination.He established the principles of the organization and forensic examination "of Physiological affect." The scientist also developed the theory of "A New Look at person." In his research reflected the philosophical and psychological issues of ecology and social ecology, human behavior regulation in extreme conditions, the psychological basis of education and training, the role of the thoughts of Descartes, Aristotle and Bakhmaniyar in the development of the theory of cognition, methodological bases of the key issues of the criminal and civil law, as well as criminology, application of special knowledge in the practice of law, social, philosophical and psychological aspects of national statehood and democratic development, the psychology of the masses, a psychological portrait of the political leader, the methodology of socio-psychological research.

Results of scientific researches by scientist have been reflected in more than 191 articles published in the country and abroad. He supervised 24 PhD and 5 doctoral theses.

B.Aliyev is the Chairman of the Board of Psychological Sciences since 2000. He was elected an active member of International Academy of Human Resources in 1999 for his scientific activity. He leads to scientific studies in the fields of cognitive processes and personality psychology through creating research laboratory "Experimental Psychology" at the Baku State University.

For the first time in 1999, he has set up "Psychology Journal" and in charge of it up to date.

Besides scientific-educational activities, B.Aliyev is engaged in social-political activities as well. Currently, he is MP of the fourth challenge Milli Majlis. As a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe he has been a member of the "Committee on Science and Education" and "Monitoring committee", and chairman of the subcommittee "Large-scale work on migrants and displaced people". Since 2005, is a deputy chairman of the "Committee on Science and Education", Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

We cordially congratulate the celebrate science patriot on the occasion of 55th anniversary, wish him long life, robust health, and success in development of Azerbaijan science.

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