Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Corresponding member of ANAS Galib Afandiyev - 70
12.05.2016 16:02
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Corresponding member of ANAS Galib Afandiyev - 70

Celebrate scientist in drilling oil and gas wells, chief department of Drilling Technology of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics corresponding member Professor Galib Afandiyev’s 70th anniversary and 46th anniversary of his activity is marked.

Galib Afandiyev was born in Baku on May 9, 1946. In 1969 graduated from Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute (present Azerbaijan Oil and Industry Institute) Faculty of Oil-mechanics on specialty of oil-gas engine and equipment.

G.Afandiyev defended PhD thesis on “Improving the efficiency of the cutting bits by their type of rational choice based on the properties of rocks” in 1985, doctoral thesis on “Scientific bases of integrated usage of geological and technological information to increase the efficiency of the drilling process and study process and study the properties of rocks” in 1997, gained the scientific name Professor in 2010, elected corresponding member in 2007.

In the years of 1970-1996, he held positions of engineer, senior engineer, junior researcher, senior researcher at the Oil and Gas Fields Problems Institute of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, worked as the head of geological-technological forecasting during Drilling, chaired the department of Geological conditions of well drilling in 1996. He holds the chief position at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics Department of Drilling Technology since 2009. Besides being professor of the Department of Drilling Oil and Gas Wells at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry Institute, Galib Afandiyev continues scientific and pedagogical activity.

He performed investigations on the geological sections in the drilling process on the basis of complex geological-technological and geophysical researches, developed a scheme for settlement of optimal decision during drilling wells with the uncertainty, proposed a method of estimating the required density of the drilling fluid with fuzzy objectives and constraints; develop methodical approaches to evaluate mechanical properties of rocks, predicting drilling performance, possible accidents and complications during drilling in the face of uncertainty. With the direct participation, developed methods of evaluating the permeability of rocks according to drilling, estimated lifetime cutting type bits, which was patent of the Russian Federation. Proposed methodology of risks assessment and analysis, providing a classification of emergencies on their severity and the probability of their occurrence and risks based on probability fuzzy approach.

G.Afandiyev is a member of editorial-boards of “News” journal of ANAS (series of earth sciences), “Azerbaijan Oil Economy”, including journal “Quality Management of Oil-Gas Complex” in Moscow, and defense council of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry Institute.

He is an author of over 190 scientific works. In addition, has received 5 authorship certificates and patent for inventions. Supervised for 16 PhDs and a doctor of sciences.

Scientist is also an active member of “International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society”, as well as Association of Azerbaijan drillers, and “Legacy L.Zadeh and artificial intelligence”.

We congratulate the celebrate science patriot on the occasion of 70th anniversary, wish him robust health and scientific achievements.

Fakhraddin Gadirov, Academician-Secretary of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences, Academician

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