Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Gurbanov Magsud Rustam oglu
Place of Birth Garabaglar village, Sharur district, Nakhichevan Autonomy Republic, Azerbaijan Repuplic   
Date of Birth 09 May 1941 
Education Faculty of Biology, Baku State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of Biological Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name

03.00.05 (2417.01)


Introduction species of Ash tree (Fraxinus L.) in Apsheron conditions, their significance in greenery and forestry activities
Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name

03.00.05 (2417.01)


Scientific bases of complex assessment of seed feeding when introducing woody plants and improvement of the quality of seeds
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name

30 June 2001 y.

Total number of scientific publications 161
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 74
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 12
Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:

- number of PhD

- number of Doctor of sciences


Basic scientific achievements Elaborated methods: Graphic-integral appraisal of the successful introduction of plants, X-ray of seeds by enlarged imprint, Rising the quality of seeds by the application of biologically active substances, Universal classification for the decipherment of the X-ray  imprint of seeds, Objective scale for the appraisal of the quality seeds, Determination of the growth coefficient of plants, fruits, seeds by mathematical model, Hybridization of heteroploid individuals for the increased viability of the seeds of polyploid plants, Classification of the ecological groups of the plants grown at tecnogenical landscapes, Compiled keys of dychotomic, digital polytomic and alphabetic-digital polytomic assignments to identify species they belonged according to their morphological structure peculiarities of the plants, fruits and seeds diagnostic significance.
Names of scientific works 1. Magnificated roentgnographical photography of seeds./ Byul. GBS AS SSSR, V.133. – Moscow: Nauka, 1984, p.97-101 (in Russ.).

2. Seeds of woody breeds. Methods of X-ray analysis. – Moscow: Goskomles SSSR.- 1988, 22 p. (in Russ.).

3. Comparatively – roengenographical analysis seeds of arboreal – shrubs plants, growing in conditions in situ and ex situ./ Proceedings of ANAS, Biological sciences, № 5-6, 2006, p.82-96. (in Azerb.).

4. Non-tradiditional methods determanitions species of plants by fruits and seeds. – Baku: Elm, 2011-60 p. (in Azerb.).

5. Taxonomic, biomorphological and radiological features of pine trees. – Baku: Elm, 2013-72 p. (in Azerb.).

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. Member of the scientific councils of the Central Botany Garden of the ANAS.

2. Member of the Specialised Council at the Scientific Research institute for Plant-Growing of the Ministry of Agriculture of Azerbaijan.

3. Member of the Commission for Seed study and seed growing of exotic species and Chairman of the Commission on seed study and seed Growing of introducents of the Council of the Southern Caucasus Botanical Gardens. 

Pedagogical activity  
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes  
Place of work and its address Central Botanical Gardens of ANAS, Badamdar highway, 40, AZ1073, Baku, Azerbaijan
Position Chief Scientific Worker
Office phone (+994 12) 5024903 (in add. 32)
Mobil (+994 50) 5540145 
Home phone  
Fax (+994 12) 5024172 