Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Melikova Masuma Fazil gizi
Place of Birth Baku city, Azerbaijan Republic    
Date of Birth 22 November, 1929 
Education Azerbaijan State University, Faculty of Law
Scientific degree Doctor of law sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Theory and history of state and law; doctrines about the law and state

Public-political views of M.F.Akhundov 
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Theory and history of state and law; doctrines about the law and state

Political and legal views of Azerbaijan enlighteners in the 2nd half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-        specialty name


Theory and history of political and legal doctrines
Total number of scientific publications


Number of scientific publications printed abroad 18 
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases  
Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences 


Main scientific achievements For the first time, she has created grounds of studying of the national political and legal opinion in Azerbaijan, has formed appropriate school on the opening of a new direction in jurisprudence. Initially, she has applied the problematic research method of history of political and legal doctrines in Azerbaijan. The concept of formation and development of the ideology of enlightenment in Azerbaijan, as well as, scientific substantiation of development periodization of this ideology since ancient times have been given in her works. Problems of history of state and law of Azerbaijan and foreign countries, also theory of public state and law acts as scientific research facilities.
Names of scientific works

1. “Public-political views of M.F.Akhundov”. B., 1958 (russian)

2. “History of political and legal doctrines in Azerbaijan in the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century”. B., 1972 (russian)

3. “History of political-legal theories of Azerbaijan” (co-author). B., 1984.

4. “History of political and legal doctrines”. Moscow, (tomes I-III), 1985, 1986, 1989, Sections: history of political and legal doctrines of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Central Asia and etc.

5. “History of political and legal doctrines”. Moscow (1965, 1971, 1991) A number of sections of textbooks.

6. “Theory of state and law”. B., (1979)

7. “Theory of state and law”. B., (1988)

8. “State and law of Azerbaijan in ancient times and the early middle ages” (co-author). B., 2001

9. “History of contemporary state and law” (co-author). B., 2003.

10. “History of state and law of foreign countries” (co-author). B., 1997.

11. “History of state and law of foreign countries” (co-author). B., 2005.

12. Anthology of legal monuments of Caucasian nations. Legal monuments of Azerbaijan. C. 17, Rostov-na-Donu, “Altair”. 2015 (co-author).

about 200 scientific articles and thesis 
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations Chairman and member of editorial boards on the journals of "History of state and law" and the Azerbaijani-Russian joint "International law and comparative law", Executive Committee of the Association Council of All-Union Political Sciences, Educational-methodical Council on Legal Sciences of the Ministry of Education of USSR, Educational-methodical Council of the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan SSR, Expert Commission on economic, philosophical and legal sciences of the EAC's, Commissions of Azerbaijan constitutions 1978 and 1995, Council of Problems on Legal Sciences of ANAS. At the moment, she is the redactor on series of social and political sciences of “News of Baku University”, member of Public sciences department of the bureau of ANAS, Editorial board on series of history and legal sciences of journal of "News of ANAS", Editorial board of the journal of "Legal state and law," Section of the law on Terminology Commission under the Presidium of ANAS, Scientific Advisory Board of Supreme Court of AR and other scientific bodies. 
Pedagogical activity BSU, since 1952
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes

1. 1969 – “The Honored Lawyer of Azerbaijan SSR”

2. 1976 – “Honor” order

3. 1985 – “Veteran of Labor” medal

4. 2000 – “Order of Glory”

5. 2009 – Individual scholar of the President of AR

6. 2009 – “For distinction” mark of the Ministry of Education of AR

Diplomas of the Ministry of Education of AR, BSU, ANAS, MIA and other state bodies. 
Place of work and its address Baku State University, Faculty of Law, AZ1073, Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Str. Zahid Khalilov, 23.
Position Chief of department of Theory and history of state and law
Office phone (+994 12) 5390484 
Mobil (+994 50) 3672131 
Home phone (+994 12) 4938573 