Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Mamedaliyeva Sevda Yusif gizi
Place of Birth Baku city,  Azerbaijan Republic    
Date of Birth 14 November 1946 
Education Baku State University, chemistry 
Scientific degree Doctor of Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-  specialty code

-  specialty name

-  topic name
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-  specialty code

-  specialty name

-  topic name

Social philosophy 
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-   date

-  specialty name 


Total number of scientific publications More than 120 
Number of scientific publications printed abroad More than 20
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases  
Certificates of authorship and number of patents
Staff training:

- number of PhD

- number of Doctor of sciences

Main scientific achievements Has made a valucable contribution to the philosophy of inter pretation of inter pretetion of integrative processes in modern science, and hasing on the historic-philosophic and scientific research has revealed the increasing linns among different fields of scientific knowledge. Discovering the statut of the ecological sciense, shows, that the modern ecology is a socioregulative factor of development of scientific knowledge. Discovering the statut of the ecolgical  science, shows,thet the modern ecology is a socioregulative factor of development of scientific knowledge, that moves modern science fowards aksiology. One of research directions is the problem of ecological culture and ethics. During last years deals with preparation of narional and international spientific programs in cultunal policy. With her participation there was prepared the scientific project  "Cultural Policy in Azerbaijan" in co operation write the Bonn Institute  "Ericarts and The Council of Europe, Which is now replaced in Internet.She is coordination of regional scientific projects of the Courcil of Europe "Stage" and "Overcoming of the conflicts through culture" deals with preparation of scientific programs of UNESCO Cultural diversity", supportued by OSCE and the project "Memory of World" 
Names of scientific works 1. Philosophic-methodolocical factors of interaction between the chemistry and the ecology.

2. Ecological problem and ways of its resolution.

3. Ecology and technics/

4. Culture, education and ecology.

5. Cultural policy in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Compendium of basic facts and frends)

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. Member of international eco-energetic Academy.

2. Foreign member of Russian ecological Academy.

3. Academic of International Academy of Noosphere (sustainable development)

4. Member of Cultural Commitlee and the Commitlee of Cultural Co-operation of the Council of Europe.

Pedagogical activity 1983-1994-docent of azerbaijan Architectural Construction University (AACU) 1994-1999 professor of AACU 1999 present-chief of cathedra of AACU 
Other activities  
Awarding and prizes  
Place of work and its address  
Office phone  