Place of Birth | Ordubad of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic | ![]() |
Date of Birth | 08.08.1950 | |
Education | Baku State University | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
01.04.10 Physics of semiconductors and isolators Nonequilibrium electronic processes in monocrystals InSe and GaSe |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
01.04.10 Physics of semiconductors and isolators Electronic properties of layered compounds such as А3В6 and heterocontacts on their basis |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
30.06.2014 Physics |
Total number of scientific publications | 322 | |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | 138 | |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 88 | |
Certificates of authorship and number of patents | ||
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctors |
9 2 |
Main scientific achievements | For the first time has found out anomaly photoconductivity and induced by an electric field impurity photoconductivity in crystal substances, has offered new mechanism Oje - recombination in semiconductors. Has found out the reason of anomaly higher anisotropy of conductivity and has found out a new kind of Anderson transition in crystals with layered structure. Has determined criteria of Mott transition in flat and volumetric lattices. Has offered the new mechanism of amplification of photosensivity in sandwich photo resistors. | |
Names of scientific works | 1. Kyazym-zade A.G., Salmanov V.M., Guseynov A.G., Gasanova L.G., Mamedov R.M. Optical nonlineraity in GaSe and InSe crystals under laser illumination. Optics and spektroskopy, 2014, т.116, №- 4, с.641-644
2. Kyazym-zade A.G. The emprical rule for calculating ther electric charge of elementary particles. J. Modern Physics(published Online), 2010, Vol 1, N 2, pp.108-109 3. Kyazym-zade A.G., Salmanov V.M., Mokhtari A.G., Dadashova V.V. Electroluminescence and photo trigger effect in monocrystals of GaSxSe1-x solid solutions. Physics and technique of semiconductors, 2008, v.42, N.5, p. 532-535. 4. Kyazym-zade A.G., Agaeva A.A., Salmanov V.M., Моkhtari A.G. Photoconductivity of monocrystals GaSe at high levels of optical excitation. Inorganic materials, 2008, v.44, N. 4, p. 1-5. 5. Kyazym-zade A.G., Agaeva A.A., Salmanov V.M., Моkhtari A.G. Detector of optical radiation on the basis of layered crystals GaSe and InSe. JTF, 2007, v.77, N.12, p. 80-82. 6. Kyazym-zade A.G., Salmanov V.M., Dadashova V.V. Electroluminescent switches on the basis of monocrystals of GaSxSe1-x solid solutions. Applied physics, 2007, N. 4, p. 119-121. 7. Kyazym-zade A.G., Salmanov V.M., Abasova A.Z., Gasanova L.G, Dadashova V.V. Features of electrical properties of А3В6-type layered crystals. TPE-06 3 rd Intern. Conference on Technical and Physical Problems in Power Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, 2006, p. 655-658. 8. Kyazym-zade A.G., Dadashova V.V. Bipolar coordinate-sensitive elements on a basis of InSe-GaSxSe1-x. Bulletin NASA, 2005, 25, N. 2, p. 83-87. 9. Kyazym-zade A.G. About association of fundamental interactions. The bulletin of the BakuUniversity, ser.phys.-math. Sciences, 2004, N. 1, p. 93-108. 10. Kyazym-zade A.G., Abasova A.Z., Salmanov V.M. Gasanova L.G., Mamedova A.G. Self-organization of packing defects and Anderson localization in A3B6-type layered crystals. Mat. Sci.and Engineering, 2002, B 88, p.282-285. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | Member of the editorial board of the main "News of Baku University", Deputy Chief Editor; Chairman of the Dissertation Council D 02.012 |
Pedagogical activity | Since 1973 he has been engaged in educational work. During this period he has lectured on various areas of physics as the course of general physics, the problems of modern physics, semiconductors and he has conducted seminars and lab works, has led bachelor’s and master's dissertations, course works. The specialty of «Applied physics» has been exceeded by his initiative and with his participation under the faculty of Physics at Baku State University since 1996 and the curriculum and programs has been developed for this course. He is the author of several textbooks on physics of semiconductors. | |
Other activities | Since 2002, he has worked as a national consultant on educational reform projects implemented by the World Bank as "Teacher training / teacher education", "Development of teachers' professional ability", "The concept and strategy of continuous education and teacher preparation in the Republic of Azerbaijan", "Preparation of the curriculums on the subject of Education Foundation", "Modernization of the system of additional education". | |
Awarding and prizes | 1976 - the Winner of the Premium of Lenin Komsomol of Republic in the field of a science and technique, Baku, Azerbaijan 1993 - The World Scientific Fondation, Soros's Premium 2009 - Honored Scientist |
Place of work and its address | Baku State University, 23 Z.halilov st. | |
Position | Vice rektor on Science and innovation Head of semiconductor physics department | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 5371924 | |
Mobil | (+994 50) 2330504 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4317796 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 5983376 | | |