Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Yetirmishli Gurban Jalal oglu
Place of birth Marneuli city, Georgian Republic 
Date of birth 04.09.1952 
Education Baku State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Title Professor
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Geophysical methods of mineral deposits and investigation

Geodynamic conditions of the Lower Kura basin and distribution of oil and gas deposits.
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Geophysics, geophysical methods of exploration of minerals

Seismicity of the South Caspian basin (the Azerbaijan sector)

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

 -         date

 -        specialty name 


Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 

Basic scientific achievements 1. For the first time on the basis data of the multichannel telemetric stations, have been investigated methods of estimation cross-section parameters of waves, studying of a trajectory of cross-section waves points, the analysis of direction changes on different depth and designing of increase efficiency of cross-section waves identification in difficult geological conditions. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. g-m.s. I.E.Kazimov.)

2. For the first time on the basis of telemetry stations network, corrections were made in times receipts of P and S waves in the Middle Kura depression and developed velocity model for determination coordinate of earthquake epicenters. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. g-m S.E.Kazimova.)

3. For the first time on the basis of an electronic database, has been conducted complex interpretation of parameters in geophysical areas, creation schedules of results, visualisation in a 3D format, creation of models, creation of a software package which allows to define areas of geophysical seismoabnormal effects. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. g-m.s. T.B.Asadov.)

4. According to the analysis of geomagnetic field parameters was defined seismogenic zones of earthquakes occurring in the Great Caucasus and Talysh areas and it allows to investigate the scenario of seismic activity development in these regions. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. in physic-mathematics A.G.Rzayev.)

5. For the first time by tools methods on the basis seismotelemetric stations, has been registered 3 step of eruption process of a mud volcano in Lokbatan. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. on g-m.s. S.E.Kazimova.)

6. On the basis of seismotelemetric stations database information has been created mechanism of the source zones (M ≥2,5) and have been found out characteristics of deformations in seismotectonics in various seismic zones of republic. Executors: (g-m.s.d. G.D.Yetirmishli, Ph.D. on g-m.s S.E.Kazimova.)

Names of scientific works 1. R.J.Mellors, J.Jackson, S.Myers, R.Gok, K.Priestley, G.Yetirmishli, N.Turkelli, T.Godoladze. Deep Earthquakes beneath the Nothern Caucasus: Evidence of Active or Recent Subduction in Western Asia. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol.102, No.2, April 2012, pp.862-866

2. Етирмишли Г.Д., Казымова С.Э. Скоростная модель земной коры Азербайджана по данным цифровых сейсмических станций. Геология и Геофизика Юга России, №1/2012, ISSN 2221-3198, с. 59-73

3. Г.Д.Етирмишли. Развитие сейсмологических и сейсмопрогностических исследований в Азербайджане. Azərbaycan ərazisində seysmoproqnoz müşahidələrin kataloqu, 2012, c. 151-166

4. G.Yetirmishli. Seismological and seismo-predicting research in Azerbaijan. ESC 2012, Book of Abstracts European Seismological Commission 33rd General Assembly 19-24 August 2012 and Young Seismologist Training Course 25-30august 2012, Moscow-Obninsk, Russia, pp. 192-193

5. Г.Д.Етирмишли, Р.Р.Абдуллаева. Кавказ: Азербайджан. Землетрясения Северной Евразии в 2007г., РАН Геофизическая Служба, Обнинск 2013, с. 79-86

6. Г.Д.Етирмишли, С.Э.Казымова, Э.С.Гаравелиев, С.С.Исмаилова. ЛЕРИКСКОЕ-II ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ 11 июля 2007 г. с КР=12.3, МW=5.2, I0=6 (Азербайджан). Землетрясения Северной Евразии в 2007г., РАН Геофизическая Служба, Обнинск 2013, с. 373-384

7. Г.Д.Етирмишли, Э.С.Гаравелиев, Ш.К.Исламова. АХСУИНСКОЕ ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ 23 августа 2007 г. с КР=11.6, Мs=3.8, I0=5 (Азербайджан). Землетрясения Северной Евразии в 2007г., РАН Геофизическая Служба, Обнинск 2013, с. 408-414

8. Г.Д.Етирмишли, Э.С.Гаравелиев, З.Г.Аллахвердиева. ТЕРТЕРСКОЕ ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ 19 сентября 2007 г. с КР=11.7, I0=5 (Азербайджан). Землетрясения Северной Евразии в 2007г., РАН Геофизическая Служба, Обнинск 2013, с. 415-421

9. Yetirmishli G.J., Mammadli T.Y., Kazimova. S.E. FEATURES OF SEISMICITY OF AZERBAIJAN PART OF THE GREATER CAUCASUS. Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (A), Physics of Solid Earth, v. 16a, 2013, pp. 55-60

10. Ад.А.Алиев, И.С.Гулиев, Г.Д.Етирмишли, Н.П.Юсубов. Извержение грязевого вулкана Локбатан 20 сентября 2012г.: Новые свидетельства восполняемости ресурсов углеводородов. Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası XƏBƏRLƏR Yer Elmləri, 2013 № 2, с.18-25

11. G.Skolbeltsyn, R.Mellors, R.Gök, N.Türkelli, G. Yetirmishli, E. Sandvol. Upper Mantle S wave Velocity Structure of the East Anatolian-Caucasus Region. ©2014 American Geophysical Union, doi: 10.1002/2013TC003334

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

1.President of Association of Seismologists of Azerbaijan

2. European Seismological Commission

Pedagogical activity 3 years (BSU)
Other activities  
Awards and prizes

1. In 2005, by order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic was awarded with medal "Tereggi"

2. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary was awarded the "Certificate of Honour" by the Presidium of ANAS 2003

3. İn 2015, he was awarded with "the patriotic scientific" by "the publishing house of Europe". In the same year, he was awarded too the "Honored nscientifict" with the decree of President of Azerbaijan Republic"

4. In 2015, he was awarded with "Honored Scientific" by decree of President of Azerbaijan Republic.

5. Gurban Yetirmishli, acorrespondent member of ANAS was awarded "Honorary Diploma" according to the opinion survey of journalists and separate media agencies on the eve of the 141 anniversary of the National Press by "The voice of Parliament" Public Union and "Parlamentinsəsitv" internet television.

Main place of work and its address Republican Seismology Survey Center,  25, Nigar Rafibeyli str., AZ1001, Baku, Azerbaijan  
Position General Director 
Office phone (+ 99412) 4923437
Mobile (+994 50) 2230688
Home phone (+994 12) 5020630
Fax (+994 12) 4921455 