Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Aydazade Kamil Rajab oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Qusar District   
Date of Birth 23.12.1950 
Education Baku State University  
Scientific degree Doctor of Mathematical Sciences
Title Professor  
Topic of PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Computational Mathematics

Development of some numerical methods of mathematical programming and their application

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Application of computing devices of mathematical modeling and mathematical methods in scientific research

Developing constructive methods for solving the problems of network structure optimization and their application

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name


Total number of scientific publications 585
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 420
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 125
Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:

-   number of PhD

-   number of Doctors



Main scientific achievements

The decomposition approach to the investigation, modelling and optimization of complex technical and technological objects developed by him in 1976-1980 and used for solving real problems in different areas of science, techniques has been developed into intelligent program packages, dialogue systems.

His decomposition approach developed into the fundamental theory, methods of investigation and of solving non-linear optimization problems of network structure, which are characterized by large dimension, by feeble and, more importantly, random fullness of the Jacobean of the constraints, which substantially distinguishes them from the class of problems of large dimension investigated by G. Dantzig, F. Wulf, Y.G. Golstein, A.A. Pervozvanskiy, N.Z. Shorand others.

The new statement and approach to synthesis of zone controlling actions in systems with lumped and distributed parameters proposed by him are designed to manage many technological processes and technical objects (in particular, in oil and gas extraction, pipeline transportation of raw material, etc.)

The software for pattern recognition developed under his direction served as an instrumental basis for the already developed system of Azerbaijani text recognition, and for the systems of Azerbaijan speech recognition and synthesis being developed.

He has solved a number of important practical problems having network structure, the mathematical models of which use graph theory; among them are operating, calculated, optimization problems on oil and gas transporting networks of complex loopback structure, as well as problems of optimal control by objects with concentrated and distributed parameters.

One of the significant objects where K. Aydazade’s developments were applied in 1978-88 was SPA "Energy” (S.P. Korolev Design Office), for which, with his participation, methods, algorithms and software were developed for calculating optimization of different technical problems, such as kinematic and dynamic analysis of the docking unit of "Soyuz-Apollo”, optimization of aircraft trajectory, calculation of life support systems in aircrafts.

In the period from 1985 to 1998, K. Aydazade was the scientific supervisor of important developments in the national economy, such as systems of dispatch operational control of the world’s largest Urengoy and Yamburg gas condensate fields, PA "Aztransgaz”. The control problems for pipeline transportation networks investigated by him are a part of the software of relevant information control systems.

The control system of Yamburg gas field developed under direction of K. Aydazade won the competition announced by the Ministry of Gas Industry of the USSR in 1988 and was commercialized. The work related to modernization, transfer to the new information technologies and up-to-date computers, introduction of local and global corporate computer networks for the PA "Yamburggazdobycha” continued up to 1998.

Informatization works were carried out under direction of K. Aydazade in Azerbaijan as well: for SOCAR, Azerbaijan Railways, "Azad” Association, the former State Committee on Property Issues.

Aydazade actively participated in developing the pilot version of "Seçkilər” computer system and applying it at the MilliMajlis elections, as well as creating the concept of developing the system within the framework of UNDP international program.

Since 1983, K. Aydazade’s many scientific achievements have been included in the annual report of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering of ANAS among the most important ones.

Aydazade participated in the organization of the Transcaucasia Association within the framework of the All-Union Association of UCS Users; was deputy President of the Transcaucasia Association in 1976-1983; took part in organization of All-Union conferences and meetings of UCS Users, which to some extent influenced development of computer science in Azerbaijan.

Names of scientific works

(* - Science Citation Index or SCI Expanded)

  1. Solution to Classes of Inverse Coefficient Problems and Problems With Non local Conditions for Parabolic Equations //J. “ Differential equation”, Springer, v 51, N1, 2015, p.83-93.
  2. Finite-Difference Methods for Solving Loaded Parabolic Equations //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. Vol. 56, №1, 2016, s. 93-105.
  3. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Classification of Texts. //Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Soft Computing. Berkeley, Ca, USA, 2016.
  4. Оptimization of loading places and load response functions for stationary systems //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. Vol. 57, № 4, 2017, s. 634-644.
  5. Identification of Pieciwise Constant Parameters of the Filtration Process and Regions Bondaries of their Constansy //Automation and Remote Control, 2017, № 8, v. 78, p. 1404-1416.
  6. Optimization of Control Paints Location Under Synthesis of Heating Prosess Control //Automation and Remote Control, № 9, 2017.
  7. Numerical Solution to the Problem of Determinition of Places and Volume of the Fluid Leakage under Non-stationary Regimes in a Pipeline Netwokr //J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, v.58, №12, 2017.
  8. Numerical solution of the problem of determining the number and locations of state observation points in feedback control of a heating process //Comput. Math. Math. Phys., Vol.58, No.1, 2018, pp.78-89.
  9. Optimization of Measurement Points Positioning in a Border Control Synthesis Problem for the Process of Heating a Rod //Automation and Remote Control, 2018, Vol. 79, No. 9, pp. 1643–1660.
  10. An Approach for Solving Nonlinearly Loaded Problems for Linear Ordinary Differential Equations //Tranzation of Mathematics Mechanics İnstitut of ANAS, №2, 2018.
  11. Optimization of Placement of Observation Points in One Problem of Control of Heating the Process //IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 51, Issue 30, pp. 245-250, Baku, 13-15 september 2018
  12. An Approach for Solving Nonlinearly Loaded Problems for Linear Ordinary Differential Equations //Tranzation of Mathematics Mechanics İnstitut of ANAS, №2, 2018
  13. Numerical Method for solving the paramertric Idenstificatin Problem for Loaded Differential Equations //J. “Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society”, 2019
  14. Nonlinearly Loaded Boundary Value Problems for linear Ordinary Differential Equations //“Dıfferensıal Equations” 2019, V.55 N6 pp.1-6 , , Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
  15. Approach to the Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems for Loaded Differensial Equations with Nonlocal Conditions //J. “Computatıonal Mathematics and Mathematical Physics” 2019, v.59, N5, PP696-707
  16. *Numerical approach to parametric identification of dynamic systems //Journal of Automation Information Sciences, Begell House, Inc., New York, №3, 2014.
  17. *An Approach to Numerical Solution to a Class of Loaded Non-local Problems //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Springer, № 7, 2014.
  18. On Numerical Solution to Loaded Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations with Non-separated Multipoint and Integral Conditions //Numerical Analysis and Applications, Springer, №1, 2014.
  19. *An approach to numerical solution of some inverse problems for parabolic equations //J. of Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Taylor & Francis, №1, 2014.
  20. *On the Solution of Boundary Value Problems with Nonseparated Multipoint and Integral Conditions //Differential Equations, Springer, № 9, 2013.
  21. *Solution to optimal control problems involving non-separated multipoint and integral conditions //Journal of Automation Information Sciences, Begell House, Inc., New York, №3, 2013.
  22. *On the Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with Nonseparated Multipoint and Integral Conditions //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Springer, № 12, 2012.
  23. *On an approach to designing control of the distributed-parameter processes //Automation and remote control, Springer, vol.73, №9, 2012.
  24. *Optimal control of sources on some classes of functions //Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, Taylor & Francis, 02331934.2012.711831, 2012.
  25. *Numerical solution on a class inverse problems for discontinuance dynamic systems //Automation and Remote Control, Pleiades Publishing Inc., Springer, №6, 2012.
  26. Optimal control of systems in a concentrated class piece -wise functions at Inexact Information on its Initial State and Parameters //Cybernetics and Systems Analyses, Springer, №2, 2012.
  27. *On a class of smoth membership functions //Journal of Automation Information sciences, Begell House, Inc., New York, №2, 2012.
  28. An Analysis of Rejims of Transitional Process in the Oil Pipelines //Journal of Engineering Physics, Springer, № 2, 2011.
  29. About a one class of membership functions of fuzzi sets //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, İnc, №3, 2011.
  30. *Optimal control problems of soirces in Distributed systems on the classes of Impulsive, Piecwenise constant and Heaviside Functions //Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, Begel House, İnc, New York, № 4, 2011.
  31. *An Invertigation of Transitional Process in the Oil Pipelines //Automation and Remote control, Springer, № 12, 2011.
  32. *On a Regulation Problem for Heating Prosess //Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, Begel House, İnc, New York, № 2, 2011.
  33. *Numeral Solution of Nonlinear Inverse Soeffisient Problems for Ordinary Differential Equation //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Springer, № 5, 2011.
  34. *Relay control on nonlinear system with uncertain values of parameters //Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, Begell House, Inc. New York, №7, 2010.
  35. The computational Solution of the Object Control Problem at Inexact information on Its Initial State and Parameters //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, Inc. № 2, 2010.
  36. The Main Principles of text-to-speech synthesis system //Intern. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Technologies, №1, 2010.
  37. Word base line detection in hand written text recognition systems //Intern. Journal of Intelligent Systems and Technologies, №1 2009.
  38. To solution of control problems on the classes of impulsive and Heaviside functions //Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Springer, №5, 2009.
  39. Control of Systems with Concentrated Parameters in a Class of Special Control Functions //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, Inc., No. 3, 2009.
  40. Подход к математическому моделированию и оптимизации технологических процессов //Ж. «Электронное моделирование», Киев, №5, 2008.
  41. On a class of inverse problems for discontinuous systems //Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Springer, №4, 2008.
  42. *An Apprach to Lumped Control Synthesis in Distributed Systems //Int. J. Applied and Comp. Mathematics, № 1, 2007.
  43. *Identification of Parameters and Regions of Their Constancy in Distributed Systems //Journal of Inverse Ill - Posed Problems, 2007.
  44. On the optimal control problem on a class of piecewise constant functions //Automatic Control and Computer Systems Allerton Press, INC, №1, 2007.
  45. *Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems for Loaded Lumped Parameter Systems //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Phsics, Springer, №9, 2004.
  46. *MFCC and LPC Factures in Speech Recognition Systems //International journal of Signal Processing, №2, 2006.
  47. Численная оптимизация размещения скважин //Журнал «Вычислительные технологии», Новосибирск, №3, 2006.
  48. On Problem of Parameters identification of Dynamic Object //Enformatika. Transactions of Engineering, Computing and Technology, 2006.
  49. *On the problem of placement of oil wells and control of their flow- rates //Automation and Remote Control, Springer, №1, 2006.
  50. *Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems with Unseparated Conditions on Phase State //Journal Applied and Computational Mathematics, Vol. 4, №2, 2005.
  51. The feedback control for Distributed systems //Enformatika, Praque, Czech, 2005.
  52. On solution of problem of optimal control in the class of piecewise constant functions //Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Springer, № 4, 2005.
  53. *On the Solution of Optimal Control Problems with Inter- mediate Conditions //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Springer, N6, 2005.
  54. An Approach to synthesis of focused control in Distributed systems //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, № 3, 2005.
  55. *Numerical Method of recognition of dynamic system parameters //Journal Inverse Ill-Posed Problem, №3, 2005.
  56. A Task for Nonlinear system control synthesis //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Allerton Press, №1, 2005.
  57. *On the Numerical Solution of Loaded Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Springer, № 9, 2004.
  58. Numerical method of restored parameters of dynamic system //Cybernetics and systems analysis, Springer, № 3, 2004.
  59. Система управления Ямбургским промыслом //«Приборы и системы управления», Москва, №2, 1990.
  60. *Investigation of non-linear optimization Problems of networks structure //Automation and Remote Control, Springer, №2, 1990.
  61. Быстрое автоматическое дифференцирование на ЭВМ //Математическое моделирование , Москва, № 1, 1989.
  62. *Investigation and Numerical solving the finite-difference approximations of problems of control by systems with distributed parameters //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Phsics, Springer, № 3, 1989.
  63. Оперативное управление Уренгойским ГДП //Приборы и системы управления , Москва, №2, 1986.
  64. One Approach to the Construction optimization Algorithms //Engineering Cybernetics, 20 (6), 1982.
  65. Dekomposition Method for Syntesis and Analysis Spatial Mechanisms //Mechanism and Machine Theory, New-York , № 2, 1981.
  66. Декомпозиционный метод анализа и синтеза плоских механизмов //"Механика машин”, Москва, Наука, вып. 57, 1980.
  67. *The method of polar coordinates for minimizing functions with ravine structure //Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, №2, 1979.
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations
  1. Expert of EU international scientific research programs
  2. 1993-2001 - Member of Expert Council for Computer Science of the Higher Attestation Commission of Azerbaijan
  3. 2001-2008 – Member of the Dissertation Council D 01.121 of the Institute of Cybernetics, ANAS
  4. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "International Journal of Computational Intelligence” (published in Turkey), member of the Editorial Board of "Ege University Journal of The Faculty Of Science” (Turkey), member of editorial boards of "News of ANAS” and "Pure and Applied mathematics”.
Pedagogical activity

1. Department of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, BSU, from 1975 to 2018

2. Chair of Applied Mathematics, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, from 1998 to 2014

Other activities

2nd prize in the competition of the STS "Priborprom” of the USSR named fater S.I. Vavilov, 1984, for the paper "Complex of problems on the management of field gas pipeline transfer at gas extraction facilities” (scientific supervisor of the project) (№129, 7 December 1984);

1st prize in the competition of the STS "Priborprom” of the USSR named fater S.I. Vavilov, 1986, for the paper "Automated control system for Urengoy field” (scientific supervisor of the project). (№131, 18 December 1986);

1st place in the competition announced by PA "Yamburggazdobycha” for developing «The system of dispatch control of Yamburg field”, 1988 г. (scientific supervisor of the project).

UNDP grant for developing the concept of "Seçkilər” computer system and its pilot prototype, 2000 (executive in charge)

Grant of the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) for the project "A system of recognition of print and hand-written texts in the Azerbaijani language”, 2005 (scientific supervisor of the project). ( Project № BBP-03);

Grant of the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) for the project "Development of mathware and software for solving the problems of identification and optimal control of hydrodynamic processes”, 2005 (scientific supervisor of the project). (Project № BBP-06);

Grant of the EU INTAS program for the project "Development of the unified approach and software for solving inverse problems and optimization problems in distributed systems”, 2006 (scientific supervisor of the project). (Project № 06-1000017-8909);

Grant of the Science Fund under President of the Azerbaijan Republic for the project "Development and application of numerical methods of solving the problems of optimization and mathematical modeling of complex systems”, 2010 (Grant № EIF-2010-1(1)-40/11-1);

Grant of the Science Fund under President of the Azerbaijan Republic for the project "Developing the software hardware complex for recognition of print and hand-written texts in the Azerbaijani language”, 2010г. (Grant № EIF-2010-1(1)-40/13-1);

Grant of the Science Fund under President of the Azerbaijan Republic for the project "Developing the support of object oriented intelligent user-computer dialogue system in the Azerbaijani language”, 2010г. (Grant № EIF-2010-1(1)-40/12-1).
Awarding and prizes

Certificates of Merit of the USSR Ministry of Instrument-Making for high achievements in science (1985) and successful completion of the development and commissioning of systems for operational control of "Urengoygazprom” PA and "Yamburggazdobycha” PA (1988).

Certificate of Merit of the Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy (2001).

Winner’s certificate and a valuable gift at the competition of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies for scientific papers on ICT in 2007 and 2011; Winner’s certificate and a valuable gift at the competition of the Science Development Fund under President of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies for the best scientific paper on ICT in 2013.

Honored Teacher of the Azerbaijan Republic – 2011

Honorary Decree of ANAS – Taking into account his services in the field of informatics and optimization in Azerbaijan in 2020 and in connection with the 70th anniversary

Place of work and its address Institute of Control Systems  of ANAS, 68 B. Vahabzade, Baku, AZ1141, Azerbaijan 
Position Head of Recognition, identification and methods of optimal solutions laboratory
Office phone (+994 12) 5399231 
Mobil (+994 50) 3895834 
Home phone  
Fax (+994 12) 5392826 