Azerbaijan National Academy of Science

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Salakhov Mustafa Sattar oglu
Place of Birth Baku city, Azerbaijan Republic 
Date of Birth 29 August, 1931 
Education Gorky State University, physical chemistry 
Scientific degree Doctor of Chemistry 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Organic chemistry

Investigations in the field of exhaustive chlorination of alkenes and alkadienes of C4-C5 in boiling layer of catalyst
Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Organic chemistry

Investigation of stereochemistry of diene condensation of polychlorinated cyclopentadienes with some cyclohexene dienophils
Election of corresponding

member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name


Organic chemistry 

Total number of scientific publications 1115
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 620
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 459
Number of patents and certificates of authorship 13 patents, 198 certificates of authorship
Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of Doctor of sciences


Basic scientific achievements The exhaustive chlorination of hydrocarbons of C1-C5 has been investigated, the regularities of formation of chlorocarbons C1-C6, the possibility of isolation of fullerenes C60 and prevention of formation of dioxin xenobiotics has been established. The kinetics and mechanism of reactions of oxychlorination and oxybromination of hydrocarbons have been studied. The stereochemistry of Diels-Alder reaction of hexachlorocyclopentadiene and dialkoxytetrachlor-cyclopentadiene and also “ene” reaction of 4-benzoyl-1,2,4-triazolin-3,5-diones with anhydrides, imides and bisimides of tetrahydrophthalic and norbornenedicarboxylic acids and polycondensation of the prepared bis-imidedienes with bis-imidodienophiles with formation of incombustible articulated-skeleton polyimides with given spatial structure has been investigated. The quantum-chemical investigation of dioxins and N-arylimides of norbornane dicarboxylic acids and calculation of topological indices of adducts of Diels-Alder with known spatial structure for investigation of dependence between structure and property have been carried out.
Names of scientific works 1. Flame-retardant monomers from chlorinated petroleum hydrocarbons// J. Chem. Mech. 1978. s. 44-51

2. Внутримолекулярное /4+2/- циклоприсоединение //Ж. Успехи химии. 1986. Т.55, вып.12 С..2008-2044.

3. Еновая сополимеризация бис-триазолиндионов с бисимидами цис-4-циклогексен- 1,2-дикарбоновой кислоты.//Высокомолек. соед. 1997. Т. 39Б. С.1531

4. Contamination of the environment in Azerbaijan with dioxin xenobiotics // Organohaloen compounds, 2000. Vol.46.P.510. "Dioxin-2000"

5. Синтез новых классов хлорированных диимидов тетракарбоновых кислот.//ЖОрХ 1998.Т.34. Вып.1. С.145.

6. Применение топологических индексов в коррел-яционном анализе N-алкилкарбоксиимидов циклических 1,2-дикарбоновых кислот. Журнал структурной химии,т.51,№1, 2010,с.22-28.

7. Role of topological indices in description of dependences “structure-property” “Natureal cataclysms and global problems of the modern civilization” International Academy of Science H&E, may, Innsburck-Baku,2009.p.504-512.v.3

8. Открытие теории «динамического пространст-венного мышления» и ее применение в современной образовательной системе.Избранные труды Международного симпозиума по фундаментальным и прикладным проблемам науки. Наука и Образование. Москва, 2012, т.2., с.3-25

9. Развитие галоидорганического синтеза в работах академика Ю.Г. Мамедалиева. Баку, Елм, 2010, 152 с.

10. Топологические индексы в корреляционном анализе реакции Дильса-Альдера. Исследование зависимости «структура-свойство» и направленный синтез циклических соединений. Palmarium Academic Publishing, Germany,2012, 94p.
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. In 2003 – full member of International Academy of Sciences on scientific development.

2. In 2008 – full member of International Modern Academy of Sciences named after Lutfi-zade.

3. A chairman of Problem Council on Organic Chemistry, Organization and Coordination Council of scientific investigations of Azerbaijan Republic.

Pedagogical activity Professor of Baku State University. Author of theory of Dynamic Spatial Thinking in the education process. Organizer of gymnasium with bias of natural sciences in Sumgait and two scientific-pedagogical centers in Baku (school N3 of Binagadi r-on, school N 177 of Narimanov r-on).
Other activities Poetic activity. Author of poetry and poems:

«İslamiyyət və Məhəmməd Peyğəmbərin həyatı», “Məhəmməd Nəsrəddin Tusi”, “Ömər Xəyyam”, “Biruni”, “İbn-Sina”, “Sənin Uluların”, “Yusif Məmmədəliyev”, “Əshabi-Kəhf”

Scientific-technical creativity: Molecular ornamentation, molecular architecture
Awarding and prizes 1. Honoured inventor of Azerbaijan, 1979;

2. Labour veteran, 1995;

3. Medal and prize named after academician Yu.G.Mamedaliev, 1995;

4. Medal and prize named after academician M.Mekhti-zade, 2001.

5. Order “Glory” of Azerbaijan Republic (N 000284) 23.12.2004

6. Prize winner “Honoured Gold Medal” of International Academy of Sciences on scientific development, 2006

7. Prize winner of competition of scientific-technical creativity, 2010, Russian Federation, Moscow

8. Honorary Presidential Pension – 03.11.2015

Main place of work and its address Institute of Polymer Materials of ANAS, AZ5004, Sumgait, S.Vurgun Str.124, Azerbaijan Republic
Position Chief researcher of laboratory “Stereochemistry of monomers and polymers”
Office phone (+994 18) 6420169
Mobil (+994 50) 3512553 
Home phone (+994 18) 6540498
Fax (+994 18) 6420400