Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


Aliev Rafik Aziz oglu
Place of Birth Agdam city, Azerbaijan Republic   
Date of Birth 10.02.1942 
Education Azerbaijan Industrial Institute
Scientific degree Doctor of Technical Science 
Title Professor
Topic of PhD thesis:

      -  specialty code

      -  specialty name

      -  topic name



Computer-Aided Control Systems

Invariance Theory and Applications

Topic of doctoral thesis:

      -  specialty code

      -  specialty name

      -  topic name


Computer-Aided Control Systems

Automation of control processes at the oil refineries

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

     -   date

     - specialty name 


Computer Science
Total number of printed scientific publications

    -  number of scientific publications printed abroad

    -  number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Certificates of authorship and number of patents 15 
Staff training:

      - number of PhD

      - number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements Formulation of invariance conditions for MIMO feedforward-feedback deterministic, stochastic (1967), and fuzzy (1981) control systems.

Initiation of the integration principles of decision and control processes in intelligent manufacturing systems, 1969.

Development of the methods for synthesis of a stochastic variable structure systems (1976).

Development of coordination theory for multi-level distributed manufacturing systems 1980.

Development of fuzzy logic ALI1, ALI2, and ALI3, 1984-1986.

Formulation of conditions for adequacy of fuzzy models, 1984.

Development of theory and construction principle of fuzzy intelligent robots, 1986.

Development of fuzzy expert systems, including expert system shell ESPLAN, 1987

Formulation of the concept of fuzzy distributed intelligent systems (1988), development of their creation methods (1993).

Initiation of Soft Computing based distributed multi-agent intelligent systems with competition and cooperation among agents, 1997.

Development of the genetic algorithm based learning method of fuzzy neural networks, 1997.

Development of a new concept of fuzzy regression analysis based on genetic algorithms, 1998.

Development of a new method for fuzzy forecasting (2001)

Names of scientific works
  1. Aliev R.A., Fazlollahi B., Vahidov R.M. Soft computing based multi-agent marketing decision support systems. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, pages 1-9, 2000. 
  2. Aliev R.A., Fazlollahi B., Vahidov R.M.  Multi-agent distributed intelligent systems based on fuzzy decision-making. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, vol.15, pages 849-858, 2000. 
  3. Aliev R.A., Fazlollahi B., Vahidov R.M. Genetic Algorithm-based learning of fuzzy neural net­works. Part 1: feed-forward fuzzy neural networks. Fuzzy sets and systems 2001, 8 pp. 
  4. Aliev R.A., Fazlollahi B., Vahidov R.M. Genetic Algorithm-based fuzzy regression analysis. Soft Computing, Methodologies and Applications. 3(2002), 10 p.
  5.  R.A. Aliev, B.G. Guirimov,  R.R. Aliev. A Neuro-Fuzzy Graphic Object Classifer with Modified Distance Measure Estimator. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 1. No. 1, 2004, p 5-15. 
  6. R.A. Aliev, B.Fazlollahi, R.R.Aliev, B.Guirimov. Fuzzy Time Series Prediction Method Based on Fuzzy Recurrent Neural Network. Neural Information Processing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4233, 2006, pp 860-869, Springer.
  7. R.A. Aliev, R.R. Aliev, B.G. Guirimov, K. Uyar. Recurrent Neural Network Based System for Battery Charging. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), ISNN (2), 2007, Vol. 4492/2007, pp. 307-316, Springer.
  8. R.A. Aliev, B. Fazlollahi, B.G. Guirimov, R.R. Aliev. Fuzzy-genetic approach to aggregate production–distribution planning in supply chain management. Information Sciences, Volume 177, Issue 20, 2007, pp. 4241-4255, Elsevier. 
  9. R.R. Aliev, B. Guirimov, K. Uyar. Dynamic data mining technique for rules extraction in a process of battery charging. Applied Soft Computing, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2008, Elsevier.
  10. R.A. Aliev, B. Fazlollahi, R.R. Aliev, B.G. Guirimov. Linguistic time series forecasting using fuzzy recurrent neural network. Soft Computing – A Fusion of Foundations, Volume 12, Number 2, 2008, pp. 183-190, Springer.
  11. Aliev R.A. Modeling and stability analysis in fuzzy economics. Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2008, v. 7, No. 1, pp. 31-53.
  12. R.A. Aliev, B.G. Guirimov, B. Fazlollahi, R.R. Aliev. Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Learning of Fuzzy Neural Networks Part 2: Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Networks. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 160, Issue 17, 2009, pp. 2553-2566, Elsevier. 
  13. R.A. Aliev, W. Pedrycz. Logic-Oriented Neural Networks for Fuzzy Neurocomputing. Neurocomputing, Volume 73, Issues 1-3, 2009, pp. 10-23, Elsevier. 
  14. R.A. Aliev, W. Pedrycz. Fundamentals of a Fuzzy Logic Based Generalized Theory of Stability. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, v. 39, Issue 4, 2009, pp. 971-988.
  15. R.A. Aliev, B.F. Aliyev, L.A. Gardashova. Selection of an Optimal Treatment Method for Acute Periodontitis Disease. Journal of Medical Systems, 36(2), pp. 639-646, 2012 
  16. R.A. Aliev, A. Tserkovny. Systemic approach to fuzzy logic formalization for approximate reasoning. Information Sciences 181(6), 2011, Elsevier, pp. 1045-1059. 
  17. R.A. Aliev, W. Pedrycz, B.G. Guirimov, R.R. Aliev, Umit Ilhan, M. Babagil, S.Mammadli. Type-2 fuzzy neural networks with fuzzy clustering and differential evolution optimization. Information Sciences 181(9), 2011, Elsevier, pp. 1591-1608 
  18. Aliev R.A., Pedrycz W., Fazlollahi B., Huseynov O.H., Alizadeh A.V., Guirimov B.G. (2011). Fuzzy Logic-Based Generalized Decision Theory with Imperfect Information. Information Sciences, 189,  pp. 18-42.
  19. Aliev R.A., Pedrycz W., Huseynov O.H. (2012) Decision theory with imprecise probabilities. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 11(02), 271-306.
  20. Aliev, R. A., Pedrycz, W., Huseynov, O. H. (2013). Behavioral Decision Making with Combined States under Imperfect Information. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, Volume 12, Issue 03, 2013 
  21. Aliev, R. A., Pedrycz, W., Alizadeh, A.V., Huseynov, O. H. (2013). Fuzzy optimality based decision making under imperfect information without utility. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making,  Volume 12, Issue 4,  pp 357-372. 
  22. Aliev R.A. at all. Decision Making with Second-order imprecise probabilites, International Journal of Intelligent Systems, V.29, pp.137-160, 2014.
  23. Rafik A. Aliev, Akif V. Alizadeh, Oleg H. Huseynov, K. I. Jabbarova. Z-Number-Based Linear Programming. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 30(5): 563-589 (2015)
  24. Rafik A. Aliev, Akif V. Alizadeh, Oleg H. Huseynov. The arithmetic of discrete Z-numbers. Inf. Sci. 290: 134-155 (2015)
  25. R. Aliev and K. Memmedova, “Application of Z-number based modeling in psychological research,” Comput. Intell. Neurosci., vol. 2015, 2015,Art. no. 760403.
  26. Rafik A. Aliev, Witold Pedrycz, Vladik Kreinovich, Oleg H. Huseynov. The general theory of decisions. Inf. Sci. 327: 125-148 (2016)
  27. Aliev, R. A.; Huseynov, O. H.; Zeinalova, L. M. The arithmetic of continuous Z-numbers. Information Sciences   Vol. 373 pp. 441-460, 2016 
  28. R. A. Aliev, O. H. Huseynov, R. Serdaroglu. Ranking of Z-Numbers and Its Application in Decision Making. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 2016
  29. R. A. Aliev, O. H. Huseynov, L.M. Zeinalova. The Arithmetic of Continuous Z-Numbers. Information Sciences, 373, 2016, pp.  441–460
  30. Rafik A. Aliev, Witold Pedrycz, Oleg H. Huseynov, Serife Z. Eyupoglu. Approximate Reasoning on a Basis of Z-number valued If-Then Rules. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2016, Volume: PP, Issue: 99), DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2016.2612303
  31. R.A. Aliev, Approximate Arithmetic Operations of U-numbers. 12th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, ICAFS 2016, 29-30 August 2016, Vienna, Austria, Procedia Computer Science Open Access Journal, Volume 102, 2016, Pages 59–66
  32. R.A. Aliev, Toward a Theory of Approximate Arithmetic of U-numbers. 12th International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, ICAFS 2016, 29-30 August 2016, Vienna, Austria, Procedia Computer Science Open Access Journal, Volume 102, 2016, Pages 6
  33. R. A. Aliev, O. H. Huseynov, and R. X. Zulfugarova. Z-Distance Based IF-THEN Rules. The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 1673537, 9 pages,
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. The President of the Azerbaijan Association “Zadeh Legacy and Artificial intelligence”

2. R.A.Aliev’s served as the Chairman of the following scientific conferences:

a)  International Conference on Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, ICAFS 1994-2014.

b) World Conference on Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation, WCIS 2000-2014.

c) International Conference on Soft Computing and Computing with Words in System Analysis, Decision and Control, ICSCCW 2001-2015.

3. R.A. Aliev is the Editor-in-Chief of "Bilgi" (Knowledge) journal and journal of Intelligent Control and Decision Making Systems, Associate Editor of Information Sciences journal, a member of the Advisory Boards of the International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making and IEEE Systems journal, Editorial member of the Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (Japan), a member of Editorial Advisory Board of the International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing.

4. He was elected a professor of Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA (1998), a professor of Tabriz University, Iran (1992), a visiting professor at the University of Siegen (1991), Siegen, Germany and at the Near East University (2002) , Cyprus.

5. Member of Russian Association for Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing.

6. Member of IEEE.

7. Member of IFSA.

8. Member of NAFIPS.
Pedagogical activity 1979-1987 - The rector of the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute, Sumgait (at present Sumgait State University).

1979-1987 - The head of the Department ²Automation of control processes² at the same institute.

1989-2011 - The head of the Department of Control Systems at Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (ASOA).

1989-2011 - The director of Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory at ASOA.

1998-up to now - Director of the joint MBA Program, ASOA, Baku, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA.

2002- up to now - Director of the joint BBA Program, ASOA, Baku, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA.

Director of  the joint SU Program, ASOA, Baku, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany

Other activities Supervision of Candidates and Doctors of Sciences
Organizing and participation activity at international conferences
Awards and prizes
  1. Winner of the prize of Lenin’s comsomol, 1971
  2. USSR State Prize in the field of science, 1983
  3. Fulbright award, USA, 1997
  4. Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient, USA, 2014
Main place of work and its address Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University(ASOIU), Baku, Azadlig ave., 20
Position Director of the joint  BA and ZU Programs (ASOIU and Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany)
Office phone (+994 12) 4984509
Mobil (+994 50) 5471041
Home phone (+994 12) 4920906 
Fax (+994 12) 4984509 