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Huseynova Irada Mammad gizi
Place of Birth Ordubad city, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Azerbaijan Republic    
Date of Birth 24 May 1965 
Education Chemistry Faculty, Baku State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of Biological Sciences
Title Professor 
 Topic of PhD thesis:

-          speciality code

-          speciality name

-          topic name

2415.01 , 2411.02 

Molecular biology,  Plant Physiology

Genetic regulation of pigment-protein complexes formation of thylakoid membrane of wheat chloroplasts
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-          speciality code

-          speciality name

-           topic name



Molecular-genetic mechanisms of formation and assembly of pigment-protein complexes of wheat photosynthetic membrane
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-          date

-         speciality name



Biochemistry and bioinformatics

Election of active member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name



Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad

-         number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements

Molecular-genetic mechanisms of the synthesis, assembly and formation of pigment-protein complexes - the major structural-functional components of photosynthetic membrane of higher plants are comprehensively investigated; probable role of photosynthetic changes in plant adaptation to extreme conditions of growing is determined and molecular bases of the defense-adaptive processes of plants to abiotic (drought, salinity, radiation) and biotic (rust, virus, phytoplasma) stress factors are identified. During investigations, a number of important results of fundamental and practical importance were obtained.

  • It was determined that the two genetic and protein-synthesizing systems of plant cell, the nuclear and chloroplasts, are related during formation and functioning of pigment-protein complexes in vivo and regulation of formation of photosystem I, photosystem II and light-harvesting complexes occurs, mainly, at the posttrancription level.
  • Basic principles of the pigment-protein complexes assembly were identified during the experiments under different light regimes and structural and stabilizing role of carotenoids in these processes was revealed.
  • For the first time proteins primary induced by light called ELIP (Early Light- Induced Proteins) in the early hours of wheat plant greening with the molecular masses of 20.5-19 and 17.5-15.5 kD were observed and their carotenoid-binding protein nature was proved.
  • It was detected that synthesis of polypeptides with the molecular masses of 34 (cdsp 34) and 17 kD increases in plants grown under high salinity conditions in accordance with an increasing concentration of salt in the environment.
  • The comparative analysis of wheat genotypes which differ in tolerance to drought and are cultivated in controlled conditions in a phytotrone demonstrated that water shortage leads to enhancement of synthesis of polypeptides with the molecular masses of 36, 21.5, 16.5 and 14 kD which are the constituents of photosynthetic membranes in tolerant genotypes.
  • The mechanisms of wheat adaptation to drought were identified and the tolerant genotypes were evaluated for selection as a result of the study of free radicals formation, antioxidant defense systems, native and functional forms of chloroplasts, synthesis of thylakoid membrane proteins in all phases of the ontogenesis of wheat genotypes cultivated in field conditions under water shortage, and on the basis of screening for drought tolerance of the durum (Triticum durum Desf.) and bread (Triticum aestivum L.) wheat genotypes collected in the Gene Pool of Azerbaijan using RAPD, SSR and functional markers;
  • The effective genes of tolerance to brown and yellow rust are revealed as a result of the analysis of wheat genotypes using STS, SCAR and SSR molecular markers;
  • Ras composition in the causative of the stem rust disease has been molecularly characterized in wheat plants from various regions of Azerbaijan.SNP (Single nucleotide polymorphism) genotyping based on single nucleotide polymorphism has not revealed the Ug99 ras group. Genetic diversity has been observed in 54 samples of 17 multilocus genotypes.It has been found that 12 samples belong to TKTTF ras group, whereas 42 samples belong to a new, unidentified ras group;
  • RNA- and DNA-genome viruses and their mixes were identified for the first time in various agricultural and wild vegetable plants collected from different regions in Azerbaijan using serological and molecular analysis; their molecular identification was carried out and biochemical, physiological and biophysical characteristics of infected plants were studied;
  • During a joint research of nanovirus diseasesof cultivated and wild beans, conducted in several European countries, a new nanovirus-Black medic leaf roll virus (BMLRV) was identified and its complete genome was sequenced in chick-pea plants collected in Ganja. As a result of the complete sequencing of five isolates of Faba bean necrotic yellow virus (FBNYV) in bean samples from Azerbaijan and Spain and four isolates of Faba bean necrotic stunt virus (FBNSV) in chick-pea, green pea, lentils and bean samples from Azerbaijanit was proved that the FBNSVnanovirus was identified in Europe for the first time;
  • Sequence of non-ribosomal stamp-gene from pepper (Capsicum annuum) AZ2012-PV2 from Azerbaijan was identified the mixture of two stolbur isolates of phytoplasma differing by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP);
  • Nested-PCR,RFLP(restriction fragment length polymorphism) and sequence analyses of 16S r gene have revealed a phytoplasma species ’Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ for the first time in grape plants of Azerbaijan and it has been established that this species causes a dangerous disease ‘Bois noir’.
Names of scientific works
  1. Əliyev C.Ə., Balakişiyeva G.Ş, Məmmədov Ə.Ç, Danet J.-L., Foissac X., Hüseynova İ.M. Azərbaycanda yayılan fitoplazmaların genetik müxtəlifliyi (monoqrafiya). Bakı:Elm 2015, 150 səh.
  2. Huseynova  I.M., Aliyeva D. R., Mammadov A. Ch., Aliyev J.A. Hydrogen peroxide generation and antioxidant enzyme activities in the leaves and roots of wheat cultivars subjected to long-term soil drought stress. Photosynthesis Research, 2015, v. 125, p.279-289.
  3. Huseynova I.M., Rustamova S.M., Nasrullayeva M. Y., Aliyev J. A. Screening of barley genotypes for drought tolerance using molecular markers.  International Journal of Plant Research.  2015, v. 1, No. 3, pp. 88-92.
  4. Huseynova I.M., Rustamova S.M., Guliyeva F.B., Aliyev J.A. Evaluation of winter wheat varieties for resistance to yellow and brown leaf rust in Azerbaijan. Global Journal for Research Analysis, 2015, V.4 (1), p.5-9.
  5. Huseynova İ.M., Sultanova N.F., Mammadov A. Ch., Kosayeva N.J., Khanishova M.A., Aliyev J.A. Detection of Grapevine leafroll-assosiated virus type 3  (GLRaV-3)  in Azerbaijan and study of some histopathological changes in leaves of infected plants. 18th Conference of the International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine, September 7-11, 2015, p. 48-50.
  6. Huseynova I., G. Balakishiyeva, A. Mammadov, P. Salar and X. Foissac. ‘Bois Noir’ phytoplasma disease in grapevine in Azerbaijan. 18th Congress of the International Council for the Study of Virus and Virus-like Diseases of the Grapevine (ICVG 2015). Ankara. 7-11 September 2015, p. 124-125.
  7. Huseynova I.M, Rustamova S.M., Suleymanov S.Y., Aliyeva D. R., Aliyev J.A. Drought-induced changes in photosynthetic apparatus and antioxidant components of wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties. Abstracr book of the İnternational Conference “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability – 2015: in honor of Dr. George C. Papageorgiou”, 2015, Greece. p.108.
  8. Süleymanov S.Y., Qasımova K.B., Huseynova İ.M., Alıyev J.A. (2015) The effect of ionising radiation on piqment production, photochemical efficiency, protein level and generation of reactive oxygen species in plants. İnternational conference “Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability” in honor of Dr. George C. Papageorgiou, p.107, Crete, Greece.
  9. Hüseynova İ.M., Sultanova N.F., Mirzəyeva S.T., Məmmədov Ə.Ç.,  Əliyev C.Ə. Azərbaycanda tərəvəz bitkilərini yoluxduran qarışıq virus infeksiyaları haqqında ilk məlumat: onların yayılması və diaqnostikası.АМЕА-nın Xəbərləri (biologiya və tibb elmləri), cild 70, №1, 2015,  səh.
  10. Balakishiyeva G.Sh., Mammadov A.Ch., Foissac X., Huseynova I.M.  Molecular Characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’ from Prunus avium and Solanaceous crops  in north regions of Azerbaijan. Reports of ANAS, 2015, p.103-107.
  11. Huseynova I.M., Balakishiyeva G.Sh., Mammadov A.Ch., Danet J.L., Salar P., Foissac X., Aliyev J.A. ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ associated with grapevine ‘Bois Noir’ disease in Azerbaijan. Proceedings of ANAS, 2015, v.70, N 2, p.7-12.
  12. Əliyeva D.R., Mirzəyeva S.T., Sultanova N.F., Hüseynova İ.M. Tobamoviruslarla yoluxmuş tomat bitkisində malondehidrinin, peroksidaza fəallığının və izoferment tərkibinin təyini. АМЕА-nın Xəbərləri (biologiya və tibb elmləri), 2015, cild 70, № 2, səh.19-24.
  13. Sultanova N.F., Hüseynova İ.M. Azərbaycanda yemişin virus xəstəliklərinin seroloji və molekulyar diaqnostikası. Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 92-ci ildönümünə həsr olunmuş Müasir biologiya və kimyanın aktual problemləri Elmi-praktik konfrans, 5-6 may 2015-ci il, GDU, səh.114.
  14. Hüseynova İ.M., Sultanova N.F., Mirzəyeva S.T., Məmmədov Ə.Ç.,  Əliyev C.Ə. Azərbaycanda tərəvəz bitkilərini yoluxduran qarışıq virus infeksiyaları haqqında ilk məlumat: onların yayılması və diaqnostikası. АМЕА-nın Xəbərləri (biologiya və tibb elmləri), cild 70, №1, 2015, səh. 5-10.
  15. Sultanova N.F., Mirzəyeva S.T., Hüseynova I.M. Azərbaycanda pomidor bitkisini yoluxduran virus xəstəliklərinin seroloji metodlarla diaqnostikası. “Müasir biologiyanın innovasiya problemləri” mövzusunda V Beynəlxalq elmi konfrans, 24-25 aprel, , BDU 2015, Bakı, səh. 107-108.
  16. Sultanova N.F., Balakishiyeva G.Sh., Mammadov A.CH., Huseynova İ.M., Aliyev J.A. Serologycal and molecular detection of melon (Cucumis Melo L.) infecting viruses in Azerbaijan. World Congress on Infectious diseases, August 10-12, 2015,  London, UK. p. 38.
  17. Qasımova F.İ., Məmmədov Ə.Ç., Süleymanov S.Y., Hüseynova İ.M. NaCl duzunun müxtəlif qatılıqlarının buğda genotiplərinin su rejimi parametrlərinə və fotosintetik piqmentlərinə təsiri. Azərbaycan Aqrar Elmi, 2015, Cild 3, səh.42-44.
  18. Huseynova I.M., Ibrahimov E.R., Rustamova S.M., Szabo L., Aghayeva D.N. and Aliyev J.A. Wheat stem rust pathogene in Azerbaijan. Borlaug Global Rust Initiative Technical Workshop, Australia, 2015.
  19. Huseynova I.M., Rustamova S.M., Guliyeva F.B., Aliyev J.A. Molecular assessment of the allelic state of Lr34 leaf rust resistance gene in bread wheat germplasm in Azerbaijan. Reports of ANAS, 2015, v.LXXI, N2, p.106-11.
  20. Huseynova I.M., Rustamova S.M., Guliyeva F.B., Aliyev J.A.Wheat Rusts in Azerbaijan: Effective Genes for Resistance. İn: Advances in Environmental Research (ed. Justin A.Daniels), 2015, Volume 44, Nova Science Publishers , chapter 8, p.193-220. (invited chapter).
  21. Sultanova N.F., Mirzoyeva S.T., Aliyeva O., Huseynova İ.M. Serological and molecular diagnostics of major viral infections of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) plants in Azerbaijan. 2nd International Plant Breeding Congress. 1-5 November, 2015, Antalya, Turkey (in press).
  22. Huseynova İ.M., Allakhverdiev S.İ., Govindjee. Jalal A. Aliyev (1928–2016): a great scientist, a great teacher and a great human being (Tribute). Photosynthesis Reserch, 2016, v. 128(3):219-22.
  23. Huseynova I.M., Rustamova S.M., Suleymanov S.Y., Aliyeva D.R., Aliyev J.A. Drought-induced changes in photosynthetic apparatus and antioxidant components of wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) varieties. Photosynthesis Research, 2016, v.130(1-3):215-223. DOI 10.1007/s11120-016-0244-z.
  24. Balakishiyeva G.Sh., Mammadov A.Ch., Foissac X., Huseynova I.M.,  Aliyev J.A. First Report of Grapevine “Bois Noir” Disease in Azerbaijan. Plant disease, 2016 December 2016, v. 100 (12): 2522.
  25. Huseynova I.M., Allahverdiyev T.I., Babayev H.G., Aliyeva D.R., Rustamova S.M., Aliyev J.A. Wheat: approaches to improve under water stress. Water Stress and Crop Plants: A Sustainable Approach, 2016, John Wiley, UK, pp. 506-542 (invited chapter).
  26. Huseynova I.M., Rustamova S.M., Aliyeva D.R., Babayev H.G., Aliyev J.A. Photosynthesis, Antioxidant Protection and Drought Tolerance in Plants. Drought Tolerance in Plants, Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016, v. 1., pp. 349-378 (invited chapter).
  27. Hüseynova İ.M. Əbədiyaşar alim və şəxsiyyət Cəlal Əlirza oğlu Əliyevin əziz xatirəsinə. АМЕА-nın Xəbərləri (biologiya və   tibb elmləri),  2016, c.71, N1, s.5-10 .
  28. Huseynova I.M., Sultanova N.F., Mirzayeva S.M., Aliyeva D.R., Balakishiyeva G.Sh. and Aliyev J.A. Virus-induced changes in photosynthetic Apparatus and antioxidant enzyme activities in tomato leaves. Abstracts of the 13th International plant virus epidemiology Symposium, June 6-10, 2016, Avignon, France, p. 65.
  29. Huseynova I.M., Balakishiyeva G.Sh., Qurbanova U.A., Bayramova J.Y., Maharramov I. A. and Aliyev J.A. Response of photosynthetic apparatus, methobolic and antioxidant defense enzymes to phytoplasma infection in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) leaves. Abstracts of the 7th International Conference "Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability - 2016" in honor of Nathan Nelson and T. Nejat Veziroglu, June 19 - 25, 2016, Pushchino, Russia, p.128.
  30. Huseynova İ.M., Aliyeva D.R.,  Sultanova N.F.,  Bayramova N.K., Allahverdiyev T.I., Aliyev J.A. Effects of grapevıne leafroll  assosıated vırus 3  on the photosynthesıs and antıoxıdant compounds  ın fıeld grown  grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) plants. Abstracts of the 7th International Meeting "Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability - 2016" in honor of Nathan Nelson and T. Nejat Veziroglu, June 19 - 25, 2016, Pushchino, Russia, p.21.
  31. Huseynova I.M. The contributions of professor Jalal Aliyev to the development of the Institute of Botany in Azerbaijan. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, October 2-4, 2016, Baku, p.15.
  32. Debiez C., Verdin E., Moury B., Kheyr-Pour A., Sultanova N., Mirzoyeva S., Mammadov A., Huseinova I.M., Aliyev J.A., Gronenborg B. Molecular analysis of virus diseases in vegetable crops and legumes in Azerbaijan. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.19.
  33. Huseynova I.M. Identification of the Lr and Yr rust resistance genes in a collection of Azerbaijan wheat genotypes using STS and SCAR markers. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.57.
  34. Maharramova E.H., Huseynova I.M., Kolbaia S., Safarov H.M., Kozlowski G., Grunstaudl M., Muller L.A.H., Borsch T. Genetic diversity and evolutionary history of Colchic and Hyrcanian relict trees – implications for concervation and management. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.80.
  35. Balakishiyeva G.Sh, Bayramova J.Y., Mammadov A.Ch., Huseynova I.M., Aliyev J.A. Actual situation of phytoplasma diseases in Azerbaijan. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.68.
  36. Rustamova S.M.,  Niyazova N.N.,  Huseynova I.M. Identification of  wheat TaDREB1 gene using functional markers. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.66.
  37. Isgandarova T.Y., Rustamova S,M., Huseynova I.M.  Assessment of drought tolerance of wheat plants using trap marker linked to cell membrane stability. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.142.
  38. Mirzoyeva S.,SULTANOVA N.F., Huseynova I.M. Serological detection of cucumber mosaic virus infecting tomato plants (Solanum Lycopersıcum L.) in Azerbaijan.Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.158.
  39. Huseynova I.M., Ibrahimov E.R., Rustamova S.R., Hajiyeva A.T., Sadigov Sh.F., Aghayeva D. N., Szabo L. J., Aliyev J.A. Molecular study Of Pgt  races in Azerbaijan. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.151.
  40. Aliyeva D.R., Nemanli L., Maharramov I., Balakishiyeva G.Sh., Huseynova I.M. Effect of phytoplasma infection on photosyntheticpigments and antioxidant content in pepper (Capsicum annum L.) leaf cells. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.143.
  41. Jahangirov A.A.,  Hamidov H.N.,  Jahangirov A.A., Huseynova  I.M. The study of the reutilization of bread autumn wheat in the upland shirvan region. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, Baku, October 2-4, 2016, p.163.
  42. Sadigov Sh. F., Huseynova I.M. The Study of the environmental effects on yellow spot disease in wheat leaves. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, October 2-4, 2016, Baku, p.165.
  43. Sultanova N.F., Gurbanova M.,  Huseynova I.M. Physiological and biochemical changes in melon (Cucumis Melo L.) plants infected with zucchini yellow mosaic virus. Abstract book of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches to Conservation of Biodiversity”, October 2-4, 2016, Baku, p.70.
  44. Bayramova N.K., Sultanova N.F., Əliyeva D.R., Hüseynova İ.M. Virus infeksiyasının üzüm yarpaqlarında malondealdehidinin və fotosintetik piqmentlərinin miqdarında təsiri. Gənc alimlərin I beynəlxalq elmi konfransı, 17-18 oktyabr 2016-cı il, Gəncə,səh. 244.
  45. Huseynova İ.M., Sultanova N.F., Mirzoyeva S.T., Aliyev J.A. Serological and molecular detection of virus infections of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants in Azerbaijan. Reports of ANAS, 2016, N.3,2016, səh 73-78.
  46. Sadıqov Ş.F., İbrahimov E.R., Hüseynova İ.M. Yerli və introduksiya edilmiş sortların in vitro şəraitdə sarı ləkə xəstəliyinə (Pyrenophora tritici repentis) qarşı davamlılığının öyrənilməsi. Əkinçilik Elmi-Tədqiqat İnstitutunun elmi əsərləri məcmuəsi, 2016, Bakı, səh.238-241.
  47. Balakişiyeva G.Ş., Nemanlı L.F., Bayramova C.Y., Sultanova N.F., Hüseynova İ.M. “Candidatus Phytoplasma solani” Infeksiyasının Abşeronda Becərilən Üzüm Sortlarının Yarpaqlarında Fotosintetik Piqmentlərə Təsiri“Müasir biologiyanın innovasiya problemləri” mövzusunda VI Beynəlxalq elmi konfrans, 26-27 aprel, BDU 2016, Bakı, səh. 5-6.
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

Member of the International Society on Photosynthesis Research ;

Member  of the International Society of Plant Biology (FESPB);

Member of the Federation of European Biochemical Society (FEBS);

Vice-chairman of Azerbaijan National Committee on Bioethics, the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (UNESCO);

Member of the Presidium of Azerbaijan Society of Biochemists & Molecular Biologists;

Member of the Azerbaijan Society of Plant Physiologists.
Pedagogical activity Professor of the Biophysics and Molecular Biology Department, Baku State University 
Other activities

Vice-chairman of the Scientific Council on Biological Problems of the Research Coordination Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Associate editor f of the Official Journal “Proceedings of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences” (Biological and Medical Sciences);

Member of the Council of Defense at the Institute of Botany;

Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Botany. 
Awarding and prizes

Certificate of Honor of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (2005, 2010, 2015);

Award of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciencesnamed after Hasan Bey Zerdabi; 

Jubilee medal "100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-2018)" - 2019

Place of work and its address Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, ANAS, 2A Matbuat Avenue, Baku, AZ1073, Azerbaijan
Position General director,

Vice-President of ANAS, 

Chairman of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences

Office phone (+994 12) 5381164 
Mobil (+994 50) 3541606 
Home phone (+994 12) 5117328 
Fax (+994 12) 5102433 