Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Aliyev Seyfaddin Veli oglu
Place of Birth Azerbaijan Republic, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Sharur district
Date of Birth 30.05.1930 
Education Azerbaijan Teachers Training Institute named after V.I.Lenin
Scientific degree Doctor of Biological Sciences
Title Professor
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         speciality code

-         speciality name

-         topic name



Rodent noctuids of Azerbaijan (Lepidoptera, Agrotinae)
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         speciality code

-         speciality name

-         topic name



Noctuids of Azerbaijan (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         speciality name 


Election of active member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name


Total number of scientific publications 164
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 40 
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 3
Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements: 445, 67 species of them are new accordingly to the territory of Azerbaijan and USSR. 33 and 34 species of them are endemics accordingly to the fauna of Azerbaijan and Caucasus.  3 species are new to science. For the first time, he has given their distribution on the natural regions, horizontal belts, zones, biotopes, ecological groups, formation, zoogeographical analysis, their relationships, biological features of the toxic species studied, biological control against them prepared. For the first time, damage of 61 species of noctuids to the agricultural plants has been studied. 21 species of parasites and 12 species of beetles, being dangerous pest of the cotton have been researched, number and role of them identified. The result of this research has been applied in agriculture as the integration struggle method. Maps, dedicated to the complex pests of the technical and orchard plants, reflected distribution degree of this noctuid have been prepared. Information on 52 species of the extinct and endangered butterflies has been reflected in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. He has reported on various subjects in the scientific conferences, organized in 45 districts, by “Bilik” Society and Institute of Zoology. He has awarded with the certificate and valuable awards for his activity. He has been in expedition in Tartar, Imishli, Beylagan, Saatli, Barda and Sharur district for 25-30 days. The summary of the beetles, distributed in the territories along an oil pipeline stretching from Baku to the Georgian border has been submitted to the company BP of UK. He is one of the authors of Zoology book for 7-8 classes, 30 articles, related to entomology in the “Encyclopedia of Azerbaijan” (10 volumes), 2nd volume of the monograph, named “Animal world of Azerbaijan”, some articles on various families and orders, zoological and entomological terms of the dictionary of Azerbaijan language (4th volume). V.A.Dogelin is one of authors of “Invertebrates zoology”, written for the universities. He is the author of 4 books and 3 scientific books in order to help agricultural workers. He is the redactor of 9 books, 2 lesson-books, 7 monographs, 3 scientific-popular books. He is the redactor of 9 lesson-books, 2 scientific books and 4 books, written for the higher educational institutions. The lesson of zoology has been operated by him for 2 years on TV. He has made a report on “Human and environment” and “Round table”. He has also implemented scientific researches, written over 20 articles, they published in “Science and Life” journal. He has also made areport in Azerbaijan sector of the radio in 15 times in 2011-2015. 
Names of scientific works: 1. Harmful noctuids of Azerbaijan. The publ. house of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, 1964, 78 p.

2. Plants, microorganisms, invertebrates and vertebrates feeding on insects. Monography, “Ziya”, NPM publ., 2011, 252 p.

3. Noctuids (Lepidoptera,Noctuidae) of Azerbaijan. Monography, “Elm”, Baku, 1984, 227 p.

4. Dünyada analoqu olmayan şeirlə yazılmış “Cücülər aləmi poeziyada” , Ağrıdağ nəşr, 2000-ci il, 80 səh.

5. Cücülərələ qidalanan bitkilər, mikroorqanizmlər, onurğasız və onurğalı heyvanlar. Monoqrafiya, “Ziya” NPM nəşr., 2011, 253 səh.

6. Lepidoptera (Butterflies and moths). Azerbaijan Red Book, Chapter VII, Baku, 2013, pp. 84-189

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: 1. 1992-1994-cü illərdə “Elm və həyat” jurnalının redaksiya heyətinin üzvü seçilmişdir.

2. «Azərbaycan Entomoloji Cəmiyyətinin» üzvü

3. “Azərbaycan Zooloqlar” cəmiyyətinin üzvü

4. AMEA Aqrar Elmlər Bölməsinin büro üzvü

5. AMEA nəzdində yaradılmış “Azərbaycanın təbii və mədəni irsinin qorunması” problemi üzrə birləşmiş elmi şuranın üzvü

6. Elmi Şuranın, müdafiə şurasının və redaksiya heyətinin üzvü

Pedagogical activities 1. Teacher of biology and chemistry at Night school N4, Nakhchivan AR.

2. Teacher of entomology at Baku State University. 

Other activities: Researches have been conducted in Zagatala, Ismayilli, Saatli districts and Shirvan Reserve of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources with the agreement for 3 years, given large reports on them by S.V.Aliyev.
Awarding and prizes 1. Medal "Veteran of Labor" (1986)

2. Commemorative badge " Veteran of Labor" (1989).

3. The worker of the ninth five-year medal (1976).

4. Grant and a diploma from the Soros Foundation (1992).

5. Diploma of the Presidium of ANAS for the selfless work of many years in the development of entomological science in the Republic (2000, 2005, 2010,2015)

Place of work and its address Institute of Zoology of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku city, Str. A.Abbaszadeh, 1128th side street, 504th block.
Position Head of the Laboratory of "Fauna and Systematics of Insects" and the head of the department "Entomology".
Office phone (+994 12) 5397482
Mobil (+994 50) 5516667
Home phone (+994 12) 4326942
Fax (+994 12) 5397353