Place of Birth | Baku, Azerbaijan | ![]() |
Date of Birth | 02.11.1945 | |
Education | Azerbaijan Industrial Institute (now the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University) | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of sciences | |
Title | Professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
2503.01 Geochemical search methods of oil and gas fields Hydrocarbon gases of Pliocene-Anthropogenous sediments SE part of Low Kura depression and geochemical searches of petroleum pools in non-structural traps |
Topic of doctoral thesis:
- specialty code - specialty name
- topic name |
2503.01/2521 Геохимические методы поисков месторождений нефти и газа/Геология, поиски и разведка месторождений нефти и газа Hydrocarbon gas regime of folded areas in connection with geochemical searches of oil and gas |
Election of corresponding member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
2007 Geology |
Election of active member of ANAS:
- date - specialty name |
02.05.2017 Geology of Oil-Gas |
Total number of printed scientific publications:
- number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases: |
343, including: papers, monographs, brochures , text books -190 and theses - 134
172 в 190 including: papers - 102 and theses - 88
95 (citations: 482) |
Certificates of authorship and number of patents | 1 | |
Staff training:
- number of PhD - number of Doctors |
10 |
Main scientific achievements | A. Feyzullayev jointly with Azerbaijan and foreign colleagues, solved a number of fundamental problems using most modern geochemical methods for research of sedimentary rocks and hydrocarbon fluids and basin modeling. These researches allowed revealing main peculiarities of Petroleum systems and Mud volcanism in South Caspian Basin, carry out their comparison with other basins of the world, new tectono-geophysical model is suggested for the formation and spatial distribution of oil and gas fields in SCB etc. | |
Names of scientific works | 1. Carbon Isotopic Composition of the Hydrocarbon Fluids of the South Caspian Megadepression. Geochemistry International, 39(3), 2001, 237–243. (Həmmüəlliflər: Guliev I.S., D.A. Husseynov).
2. Isotope geochemistry of oils from fields and mud volcanoes in the South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan. Petroleum Geoscience. 2001, 7(2), 201-209 (Həmmüəlliflər: Guliyev I., Husseynov D.). 3. Source potential of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic rocks in the South Caspian Basin and their role in forming the oil accumulations in the Lower Pliocene reservoirs. Petroleum Geoscience, 2001,7(4), 409-417 (Həmmüəlliflər: Guliyev I., M. Tagiyev). 4. Углеводородный потенциал майкопских отложений Азербайджана. Литология и полезные ископаемые. 2001, 3, 324-329. (Həmmüəlliflər: Гулиев И., Тагиев М.). 5. Methane emission from mud volcanoes in eastern Azerbaijan. Geology, 2004, 32(6), 465-468 (Həmmüəlliflər: Etiope G., Baciu C., Milkov A.). 6. Геохимические особенности и источники флюидов грязевых вулканов Южно-Каспийского осадочного бассейна в свете новых данных по изотопии С, Н, и О. Геохимия, 2004, 7, 792-800 (Həmmüəlliflər: Гулиев И., Д. Гусейнов). 7. Comparative characteristics of composition and radioactivity of Oligocene clays in the Greater Caucasus and Talysh. Lithology and Mineral Resources, 2005, 40(4), 376–385 (Həmmüəlliflər: Kheirov M., Aliyev Ch., Abbasova S., Aliyev K.). 8. Mud volcano model resulting from geophysical and geochemical research. G.Martinelli and B.Panahi eds. Mud volcanoes, Geodynamics and Seismicity. Springer. 2005, 251-261 (Həmmüəlliflər: Kadirov F., Aliyev Ch.). 9. Feyzullayev A.A. Petroleum Content and Mud Volcanism in the Po (Italy) and South Caspian (Azerbaijan) Basins: Differences and Their Possible Origins. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2007, Volume 25, Number 5, 313-324 10. Stratigraphy and geochemical characterization of the Oligocene–Miocene Maikop series: Implications for the paleogeography of Eastern Azerbaijan. Tectonophysics, 2008, 451, 40–55 (Həmmüəlliflər: Hudson S.M., C. L. Johnson, M.A. Efendiyeva, H.D. Rowe, C.S. Aliyev.). 11. Tectonic Control on Fluid Dynamics and Efficiency of Gas Survey in Different Tectonic Settings. Energy Exploration and Exploitation, 2008, 26(6), 363-374 (Həmmüəlliflər: M.F. Tagiyev, I. Lerche.). 12. Terrestrial methane seeps and mud volcanoes: A global perspective of gas origin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2009, 26(3), 333-344 (Həmmüəlliflər: Etiope G., Calin L. Baciu.). 13. Evidence of subsurface anaerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbons and potential secondary methanogenesis in terrestrial mud volcanoes. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2009, 26, 1692-1703 (Həmmüəlliflər: Etiope G., A.V. Milkov, A. Waseda, K. Mizobe, C.H. Sun.). 14. Occurrence and nature of overpressure in the sedimentary section of the South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2009, 27(5), 345-366 (Həmmüəllif: I. Lerche.). 15. The Nature of the Isotopically Heavy Carbon Composition of Carbon Dioxide and Bicarbonates in the Waters of Mud Volcanoes in Azerbaijan. Geochemistry International, 2010, 48(5), 517–522 (Həmmüəllif: U.A. Movsumova.). 16. Pre-drill overpressure prediction in the South Caspian Basin using seismic data. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2010, 28(5), 397-410 (Həmmüəlliflər: Shykhaliyev Yu., I. Lerche.). 17. Organic matter maturity and clay mineral transformations in overpressured formations:comparison histories from two zones of the South Caspian Basin. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2011, 29(1), 21–32 (Həmmüəlliflər: I. Lerche). 18. Feyzullayev A.A. About retardation of a physicochemical processes in overpressured sediments, South-Caspian basin, Azerbaijan. Natural Science, 2011, 3(5), 359-364 19. Neotectonics of the Caucasus and Kura Valley, Azerbaijan. Global Engineers and Technologists Review, 2011, 1(1), 6-19 (Həmmüəlliflər: Nemcok M., Kadirof F.A., Zeynalov G.A., Allen R., Christensen C., Welker B.). 20. Active sulfur-cycling by diverse mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms in terrestrial mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan. Environmental Microbiology, 2012, 14(12), 3271–3286 (Həmmüəlliflər: Green-Saxena A., Hubert C.R.J., Kallmeyer J., Krueger M., Sauer P., Schulz H.-M. and Orphan V.J.). 21. Feyzullayev A.A. Mud volcanoes in the South Caspian basin: nature and estimated depth of its products. Natural Science, 2012, 4(7), 445-453 22. Investigation of the Dashigil mud volcano (Azerbaijan) using Beryllium-10. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, 2013, B 294, 606–610 (Həmmüəlliflər: Kim K. J., Baskaran M., Jweda J., Aliyev C., Matsuzaki H., Jull A.J.T.). 23. Fluid expulsion in terrestrial sedimentary basins: A process providing potential analogs for giant polygons and mounds in the Martian lowlands. Icarus, 2013, 224, 424–432 (Həmmüəlliflər: Allen C.C., Oehler D.Z., Etiope G., Van Rensbergen P., Baciu C., Martinelli G., Tanaka K., Van Rooij D.). 24. Feyzullayev A.A. 2013. Organic matter and petroleum: modern methods of investigations: Educational guide for undergraduate, graduate and PhD students at the specialty «Petroleum Geology and Geochemistry» LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 76 p. 25. Фейзуллаев А.А. 2013. Органическое вещество, нефть и газ: современные методы исследования. Учебное пособие по специальности «Геология и геохимия нефти и газа». Изд.: Palmarium Academic Publishing, 76 с. 26. Feyzullayev A.A. 2013. Migration pathways of hydrocarbons in South-Caspian basin. Geology and Geosciences, 2(3), 1-6 27. Feyzullayev A.A. 2014. Пространственная гетерогенность Южно-Каспийского бассейна в контексте его нефтегазоносности. Oil and Gas Journal. Russia, 6, 42-50 28. GPS-Based Crustal Deformations in Azerbaijan and their Influence on Seismicity and Mud Volcanism. Izvestiya, Physics of the solid Earth, 2014, 50(6), 814–823 (Həmmüəlliflər: Kadirov F.A., I.S. Guliyev, R.T. Safarov, S.K. Mammadov, G.R. Babayev, and T.M. Rashidov). 29. Pre-eruptive ground deformation of Azerbaijan mud volcanoes detected through satellite radar interferometry (DInSAR). Tectonophysics, 2014, 637, 163-177 (Həmmüəlliflər: Antoniellia B., Monserrat O., Bonini M., Righini G., Sani F., Luzi G., Aliyev C.S.) 30. Экологическая оценка уровня концентрации радона в термальных водах Талыша (Азербайджан). Вода и экология: проблемы и решения, 2014, 4, 69-80 (Həmmüəlliflər: Алиев Ч.С., Бонини М., Васелли О., Багирли Р.Дж., Махмудова Ф.Ф.) 31. Environmental Consequences of Long-Term Development of Petroleum Fields, Absheron p-la, Azerbaijan, Case History. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2014, 5, 1603-1610 (Həmmüəllif: Ibragimov V.B.) 32. О роли генерации углеводородов в формировании избыточных давлений в осадочном разрезе. Геология, геофизика и разработка нефтяных и газовых месторождений, 2014, 12, 18-23 (Həmmüəllif: Гулиев И.С.) 33. On the origin of hydrocarbons in the main Lower Pliocene reservoirs of the South Caspian Basin, Azerbaijan. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2015, 33(1), 1–14 M.F. (Həmmüəlliflər: M.Tagiyev, I. Lerche). 34. Geochemical Hydrocarbon Exploration – Insights from Stable Isotope Models OIL GAS European Magazine, 2015, 41 (2), 93-98. (Həmmüəlliflər: Faber E., Schmidt M. 35. Поверхностные газопроявления на подземном хранилище газа Галмас (Азербайджан) и их технологическое и экологическое значение. Журнал «Газовая промышленность», 2015, 06/723, 83-86 (Həmmüəllif: Шыхалиев Ю.А.) 36. Палеореконструкция условий формирования продуктивной и красноцветной толщ по геохимическим критериям (на примере Абшерон-Прибалханской зоны). AMEA Xəbərləri. Yer Elmləri Bölməsi, 2016, 1-2, 28-33 (Həmmüəllif: А.Н. Бабазаде) 37. Тектоно-геофизическая модель Южного Каспия в связи с нефтегазоносностью. Физика Земли, 2016, 6, 129-138. (Həmmüəlliflər: Кадиров Ф.А., Кадиров А.Г.) 38. Oil Geochemistry of the Middle Kura Basin, Azerbaijan. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 2016, 3(5), 1-9 (Həmmüəlliflər: D.A.Hüseynov and I. Lerche). 39. First map of residential indoor radon measurements in Azerbaijan. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2016, (Həmmüəlliflər: Hofman M., Aliyev Ch., Bagirli R., Veliyeva F., Pampuri L., Valsangiacomo C., Tollefsen T., Cinelli G.) 40. Hydrocarbon potential and resourses of low pliocene-productive series in South Caspian basin. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of oil- qaz basins, 2016, (Həmmüəllif: Huseynov D.A.). |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | 1. EAGE
2. AAPG 3. The International Union for Quaternary Science (INQUA) – expert of working group at “Carbon Commission” |
Pedagogical activity | Chair in “Petroleum geology, searches and exploration” at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy and magistracy at ANAS | |
Other activities | Head of Scientific Board for Defense of Doctor of Sciences Dissertation at Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS;
Deputy of Academician-Secretary of the Earth Sciences Department of ANAS; Member of editorial board of the scientific journals: “Proceedings of ANAS. Earth Sciences series”; “Stratigraphy and sedimentology of petroleum basins”; “Geophysical news in Azerbaijan” |
Awarding and prizes | 1. Laureat of Azerbaijan State Award in Science
2. Honorary diploma of President of Azerb. Republic 3. Medal “Taraggi” 4. An honor awards of Presidium and Earth of Sciences department of ANAS |
Place of work and its address | Institute of Geology and Geophysics of ANAS, H. Javid Av., 119, Baku, AZ1143, Azerbaijan | |
Position | Head of department | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 5101163 | |
Mobil | (+994 50) 3639215 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 5309452 | |
Fax | (+994 12) 5372285 | | |