Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Alizade Valida Movsum gizi
Place of birth Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city 
Date of birth 31.01.1946
Education Azerbaijan State University
Scientific degree Doctor of Biological Sciences
Title professor
Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Plant Phystology

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name



Plant Phystology
Election of active member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name




Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad:

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Number of patents and certificates of authorship 2
Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences 



Basic scientific achievements V. M. Ali-zade is a leading specialist in the field of plant physiology and botany. The basis of her scientific activity constitutes formation of plants under the condition of environmental stress factor, cellular and molecular mechanisms of plant stability, problems of plant physiological ecology like the role of some species of local flora in the bioindication and remediation of contamination of environment. At the same time, her area of interest covers the direction on the conservation and sustainable development of environment. The study of biodiversity of endemic and rare species of local and Caucasus flora, the analysis of plant species, assessment of their status according to modern category and criteria and investigation of their conservation ways makes the basis of her activity in this field during last 10 years.Due to Valida Ali-zade’sactivity as responsible editor the 2nd edition of the “Red Book of Rare and Endangered Plant and Fungi of Azerbaijan” was printed in 2013. At the same time she is the author of Azerbaijani part of the book “Red List of the Endemic Plants of the Caucasus” which was printed in the English language in USA, 2014.

NATO Linkage collaborative research grants, CRG.LG 971653 (1999-2001), LST.CLG 980190 (2004-2005); STCU research grant № 3625 (2006-2008), № 3803 (2006-2009), № 4797 (2009-2011); CEPF (2006-2009, 2007); IUCN (2007-2009); CRDF - BGP -2 (2008-2009), EİF-2010-1(1)-40/26-3; Wolksvagen Stifftung (2009-2018); MTB (2012-2018); İCBA (2014-2016).

Names of scientific works 1. Alirzayeva E.G., Shirvani T.S., Alverdiyeva S., Yazici M.A., Alizade V.M., Cakmak I. Heavy metal accumulation in Artemisia and foliaceous lichen species from the Azerbaijan flora. Forest, Snow and Landscape Res. Switzerland, 2006, v. 80, N 3, p. 339-348

2. В.Д.Гаджиев, С.Г.Мусаев, Р.Т.Абдиева, В.М.Ализаде Спорные эндемичные виды флоры Азербайджана. Известия НАНАзерб. (сер.биол.науки), 2008 т.63, №5-6 стр. 8-13.

3. Schatz G., Shulkina T., Nakhutsrishvili G., Batsatsashvili K., Alizade V., Kikodze D., Geltman D., Ekim T. Development of Plant Red List Assessments for the Caucasus Biodiversity Hotspot. "Status and protection of globally threatened species in the Caucasus" Eds. N. Zazanashvili and David Mallon, CEPF, WWF, 2009, p.188-192.

4. Ализаде В., Абдыева Р., Алирзаева Э., ФарзалиевВ. Международныйприродоохранный статус и инновационный подход к сохранению приоритетных эндемичных растений Азербайджана.Труды Международной конференции «Биоразнообразие и интродукция растений», Баку, 2009, часть 1, стр. 21-25.

5. С.Мусаев, Р.Абдыева, В.Ализаде. Биоразнообразие, оценка и сохранение национальных эндемиков Азербайджана. Известия НАН Азербайджана (сер. биол науки) 2009, №1-2, cmp.10-17.

6. Alizade V., Alirzayeva E., Shirvani T. Plant resistance to anthropogenic toxicants: approaches to phytoremediation. "Plant adaptation and Phytoremediation" Eds: M.Ashref, M.Ozturk and M.S.A.Ahmad Springer, 2010, XII, Chapter 9, p.173-192.

7. В.М.Ализаде, Т.С.Ширвани, Э.Г.Алирзаева Устойчивость растений к токсичности металлов и нефтяных углеводородов. Подходы к фиторемедиации. Баку, Элм, 2011, 280 c.

8. Alirzayeva E., Alizade V., Shirvani T., Roemheld V., Cakmak I. Genetic capacity of some medicinal plants to accumulate heavy metals. Eds, A.Ahmad, T.O.Siddiqi, M.Iqbal. Medicinal plants in Changing Environment. Capital Publ. Company, New Delhi, India, 2011, Chapter 6, p.89-114.

9. V.Alizade, V.Hajiev, V.Kerimov, S.Musayev, R.Abdiyeva and V.Farzaliyev. Azerbaijan. p.73-108. In: Red List of the Endemic Plants of the Caucasus. Eds.J.Solomon, T.Shulkina, G.Schatz. USA, Monographs in Systematic Botany,Missouri Botanical Garden Press.,Saint Louis, 2014,451p.

10. Esmira Alirzayeva, Valida Alizade, TamillaShirvani, Kristina Toderich. Evaluation of wild halophytes of Aralo-Caspian flora towards soil restoration and food security improvement.In: M. Öztürk et al. (eds.) “Plants, Pollutants and Remediation”, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, Chapter 4.

11. E.Alirzayeva, G.Neuman, W.Horst, Y.Allahverdiyeva, A.Specht, V.Alizade “Multiple mechanism of heavs metal tolerance are differentielly expressed in ecotypes of Artemisa prograns. J.Environmental pollution, 2016.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. Member of Society of Plant Physiologists of Russia

2. Member of Society of Plant Physiologists of Azerbaijan

3. Member of Society of Azerbaijanian Biophysists

4. Member of Federation of European Societies of Plant Biologists

5. Member of UNESCO National Committee on Bioethics and Ethics of Science and Technology in Azerbaijan (from 2010 up to present)

6. Lead author of IPBES on the regional assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services for Europe and Central Asia (2015-2017)

Pedagogical activity  
Other activities The member of Bureau of the Department of Biology and Medical Scientists of ANAS 
Awards and prizes 1. Awarded by Individual grant of ISF (1993), Order of Glory by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2015, Honorary Decree of the Presidium of ANAS for her Exemplary Services in the field of scientific-pedagogical and organizational affairs.

2. Honorary degree of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (2007)

Main place of work and its address Institute of the History of Science of ANAS, AZ1143, Azerbaijan, Baku, H.Javid ave., 115
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 50) 3928753
Home phone (+992 12) 5101883