Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Pashayeva Nargis Arif gizi
Place of Birth Baku city, Azerbaijan Republic 
Date of Birth December 13, 1962 
Education Baku State University, Faculty of Philology 
Scientific degree Doctor of Philological Sciences 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name


Literature of Azerbaijan

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name

10.01.01, 09.00.04

Azerbaijani Literature, Aesthetics

Election of corresponding

member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name

June 30, 2014


Election of active member of ANAS:

- date

- specialty name



Literature study

Total number of printed scientific publications

- number of scientific publications printed abroad

- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:

- number of PhD

- number of Doctor of sciences



Main scientific achievements  
Names of scientific works 1. Sabirin novatorluğu. Monoqrafiya. Bakı, 1997. 224 s.

2. Antik ədəbiyyat tarixi. I hissə. Qədim Yunan ədəbiyyatı. Dərslik. Bakı, 1997. 402 s.

3. Antik ədəbiyyat tarixi. II hissə. Qədim Roma ədəbiyyatı. Dərslik. Bakı, 2000. 398 s.

4. Dünya deyilən sənmişsən. Kitab. İstanbul, 2002. 198 s.

5. Человек – образ – литература. Monoqrafiya. Bakı: Mütərcim, 2003. 184 s.

6. İnsan bədii tədqiq obyekti kimi (xalq yazıçısı Elçinin yaradıcılığı əsasında). Monoqrafiya. Bakı: XXI – Yeni Nəşrlər Evi, 2003. 255 s.

7. Yeniləşən ədəbiyyatın yeni insanı (xalq yazıçısı Elçinin yaradıcılığı əsasında). Monoqrafiya. Bakı: ATİ, 2004. 224 s.

8. Şərqin ruhu və Qərbin idrakı // “Şərq və Qərb: ortaq mənəvi dəyərlər, elmi-mədəni əlaqələr” adlı Beynəlxalq İbn-Ərəbi simpoziumun materialları. Bakı, 2009.

9. Əl-Fərabi və varlığın birliyi // “Əl-Fərabi və Avropa İntibahı” adlı Beynəlxalq elmi konfransın materialları. Paris, 2010.

10. Этические основы государственного управления // Международная научная конференция «От Древней Руси к Российской Федерации: история российской государственности». Москва, 2012.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity 31 years 
Other activities

President of the 47th International Chemistry Olympiad, 2015.

The Nizami Ganjavi Centre of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus Studies at the University of Oxford, in cooperation with the Oriental Institute and the Centre of Antiquity at Oxford University held the academic conference The Eastern Caucasus from Late Antiquity to Early Islam, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2015; Co-chairman of the  conference.

"The British Foundation for the Study of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus"   The Chairman of the Board of trustees. 2016. United Kingdom

The international academic conference The Trans-Caspian Relations in the 5th-13th Centuries was held by the Nizami Ganjavi Centre at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 2016; Co-chairman of  the conference.

Awarding and prizes • Rector of the Year title was awarded as a result of the poll conducted by the Azerbaijani-Slavic Youth Association among 20 Azerbaijani universities. This two-month poll also actively involved young Azerbaijani people living in Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Poland, 2014.

• The title of Honorary Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University was awarded by the Decision of the MSU Academic Council for outstanding contribution to the establishment and development of the Baku Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University and fruitful collaboration with MSU, 2015.

• Diploma of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences was awarded for substantial contribution to organisation and management of the 47th International Chemistry Olympiad, 2015.

• "The British Foundation for the Study of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus" The Chairman of the Board of trustees. 2016. United Kingdom

• The international academic conference The Trans-Caspian Relations in the 5th-13th Centuries was held by the Nizami Ganjavi Centre at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 2016; Co-chairman of the conference.

• The title of Honorary Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University was awarded by the Decision of the MSU Academic Council for outstanding contribution to the establishment and development of the Baku Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University and fruitful collaboration with MSU, 2015.

• President of the 47th International Chemistry Olympiad, 2015.

• Diploma of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences was awarded for substantial contribution to organisation and management of the 47th International Chemistry Olympiad, 2015.

• The Nizami Ganjavi Centre of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus Studies at the University of Oxford, in cooperation with the Oriental Institute and the Centre of Antiquity at Oxford University held the academic conference The Eastern Caucasus from Late Antiquity to Early Islam, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2015; Co-chairman of the conference.

• Rector of the Year title was awarded as a result of the poll conducted by the Azerbaijani-Slavic Youth Association among 20 Azerbaijani universities. This two-month poll also actively involved young Azerbaijani people living in Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Poland, 2014.

• "Gold Medal after Nizami Ganjavi", 2017 

• Order "Shohrat", 2019

Place of work and its address M.V. Baku branch of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, Baku, Binagadi district, Khojasan str., 1, University str. 
Position Rector, Vice-President of ANAS 
Office phone (+994 12) 5989727
Home phone  
Fax (+994 12) 5989323