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Guliyev Ibrahim Said oglu
Place of Birth Bazar-Kurgan village, Republic of Kirgizistan    
Date of Birth 23.05.1947 
Education Geological-exploration faculty in Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Gas by Azizbekov  (now – Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University)
Scientific degree Doctor of Geological-mineralogical Science 
Title Professor 
Topic of PhD thesis:

-         speciality code

-         speciality name

-         topic name


Geochemical methods of search for economic minerals deposits

Zonation of natural gases of Azerbaijan and gas-geochemical methods of search for oil and gas fields
Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         speciality code

-         speciality name

-         topic name


Geology of oil and gas fields their prospecting and exploration

Gas regime of Alpine intermontane depressions

Election of corresponding member of ANAS:

-         date

-         speciality name 


Geology and Geochemistry of Oil & Gas fields
Election of active member of ANAS:

-         date

-         specialty name


Total number of scientific publications 222, 10 monographs
Number of scientific publications printed abroad 111
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases 50 
Certificates of authorship and number of patents  
Staff training:  

-  number of PhD

-  number of Doctors


Main scientific achievements: Guliyev I.S. is a prominent scientist in the field of geology and geochemistry of natural gases, oil-gas fields and mud volcanism.

Under his supervision and participation there has been conducted original investigations of a gas regime in folded areas with the assessment of amount of discharge of carbonaceous gases and their distribution in the surficial atmosphere.

Together with colleagues from Germany for the first time there have been determined scientific-technological principles and there has been organized long-term telemetrical monitoring of gas discharge out of mud volcanos in Azerbaijan. There has been also determined regularity of change of gas regime of mud volcanos in time depending on geological and cosmic factors. These investigations has contributed much to the studies of mechanism of “greenhouse effect”.

Guliyes I.S. and his colleagues have performed classical investigations of isotopic-geochemical composition of mud volcanos ejecta, rocks, oil, gas and water and compiled catalogues of eruptions with a detailed description of the greatest paroxysms, evaluation of amount of discharged breccia, gas, water and oil. These investigations enabled to create original physical-chemical model of mud volcanism which has been accepted by scientific society.

Guliyev I.S. with his colleagues from Geology Institute of ANAS and VNII oceanology (Russia) possess priority in the discovery and geological-geochemical studies of submarine mud volcanos and mud-volcanic gashydrates in the Caspian Sea.

Of a special practical importance are his studies of hydrocarbonaceous systems of rapidly subsiding basins (case study of the South Caspian basin). Results of basin’s simulation, investigations of velocities and range of generation, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in terms of rapid subsidence as well as studies of isotopic-geochemical properties of the organic matter, oil, gas and water enabled to determine a wide range and maximum depth of generation and preservation of hydrocarbons (up to 16-18 km) in the South Caspian basin.

Results of these investigations increased efficiency of exploration of hydrocarbonaceous deposits in Azerbaijan and efficiency of prediction of new on-shore and off-shore oil-gas fields.

He was awarded first State Prize of Independent Azerbaijan Republic for work cycle in field of study of mud volcanism and oil and gas content of the South Caspian basin (jointly with authors team).

Names of scientific works:

1. Fundamental challenges of the location of oil and gas in the South Caspian Basin

Author(s): Guliev, I. S.; Kerimov, V. Yu.; Mustaev, R. N.

Source: Doklady Earth Sciences Volume: 471 Issue: 1 Pages: 1109-1112 Published: NOV 2016

2. Relics of mud volcanoes in the sedimentary cover of the South Caspian Basin

Author(s): Guliyev, I. S.; Huseynov, D. A.

Source: Lithology and Mineral Resources Volume: 50 Issue: 4 Pages: 311-321 Published: 2015

3. Waters from Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan: Isotopic-Geochemical Properties and Generation Environments

Author(s): Lavrushin, V. Yu; Guliev, I. S.; Kikvadze, O. E.;Guliyev,I  et al.

Source: Lithology and Mineral Resources Volume: 50 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-25 Published: JAN 2015

4. GPS-based crustal deformations in Azerbaijan and their influence on seismicity and mud volcanism

Author(s): Kadirov, F. A.; Guliyev, I. S.; Feyzullayev, A. A.; et al.

Source: Izvestiya-Physics of the Solid Earth Volume: 50 Issue: 6 Pages: 814-823 Published: 2014

5. The Elemental Stratigraphy of the South Caspian Lower Pliocene Productive Series

Author(s): Alizada, A.; Aliyeva, E.; Huseynov, D.; Guliyev,I et al.

Source: Strati 2013 Pages: 827-831 Published: 2014

6. Nanocolloid structures in crude oils from the mud volcanoes of Azerbaijan

Author(s): Martynova, G. S.; Aliev, Ad A.; Babaev, F. R.; et al.

Source: Geochemistry International Volume: 51 Issue: 9 Pages: 764-766 Published: SEP 2013

7. Kinematics of the eastern Caucasus near Baku, Azerbaijan

Author(s): Kadirov, Fakhraddin; Floyd, Michael; Alizadeh, Akif;Guliyev,I  et al.

Source: Natural Hazards Volume: 63 Issue: 2 Pages: 997-1006 Published: SEP 2012

8. Long-term in situ monitoring at Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan: a link between seismicity, pore-pressure transients and methane emission

Author(s): Kopf, Achim; Delisle, Georg; Faber, Eckhard; GuliyevI, et al.

Source: International Journal of Earth Sciences Volume: 99 Pages: S227-S240 Published: OCT 2010

9. In situ cone penetration tests at the active Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan: Evidence for excess fluid pressure, updoming, and possible future violent eruption

Author(s): Kopf, Achim; Stegmann, Sylvia; Delisle, Georg; Guliyev,I et al. When mud volcanoes sleep: Insight from seep geochemistry at the Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan

10. When mud volcanoes sleep: Insight from seep geochemistry at the Dashgil mud volcano, Azerbaijan

Author(s): Mazzini, A.; Svensen, H.; Planke, S.; Guliyev,I,et al.

Source: Marine and Petroleum Geology Volume: 26 Issue: 9 Pages: 1704-1715 Published: 2009

11. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions

Author(s): Reilinger, Robert; McClusky, Simon; Vernant, Philippe; Guliyev,et al.

Source: Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth Volume: 111 Issue: B5 Published: MAY 31 2006

12. Mud volcanism in Azerbaijan

Author(s): Guliyev, I. S.

Source: Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region, Proceedings Volume: 825 Pages: 11-18 Published: 2006

13. Akif A. Alizadeh, Ibrahim S. Guliyev, Fakhraddin A. Kadirov, Lev V. Eppelbaum  “Geosciences of Azerbaijan” Volume I: Geology © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016. 237 p.;ISBN 978-3-319-27395-2.

14. Akif A. Alizadeh, Ibrahim S. Guliyev, Fakhraddin A. Kadirov, Lev V. Eppelbaum Geosciences of Azerbaijan Volume II: Economic Geology and Applied Geophysics. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017. 340 p.; ISBN 978-3-319-40493-6.

15. Ad.A.Aliev, I.S.Quliev, F.H.Dadashov, R.R.Rahmanov. Atlas of the world  mud volcanoes. Chief Editor: Academician Ak.A.Ali-zadeh. 321p.; ISBN 978-9952-437-60-7. Publishing house “Nafta-Press”,  2015

16.Subsidence history and basin-fill evolution in the South Caspian Basin from geophysical mapping, flexural backstripping, forward lithospheric modelling and gravity modelling. N.A. Abdullayev, F.A. Kadirov, I.S. Guliyev. Журнал «Geological Society, London, Special Publications», 2017, том 427, №1, стр. 175-196, издатель: Geological Society of London

17. Исследование   нанодисперсности    Нафталанской нефти. И.С. Гулиев, Д.А.Гусейнов, Г.С.Мартынова, Ф.Р.Бабаев, О.П.Максакова, Р.Г.Нанаджанова. East European Scientific Journal, 2017   № 4   c.90-98 (i.f. - 0.572).

18. Subsidence history and basin-fill evolution in the South Caspian Basin from geophysical mapping, flexural backstripping, forward lithospheric modelling and gravity modelling. N. A.ABDULLAYEV, F.KADIROV  & I.S.GULIYEV From: Brunet, M.-F.,McC , T&Sobel, E. R. (eds) 2017. Geological Evolution of Central Asian Basins and the Western Tien Shan Range. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 427, 175-196. 
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations: President of the Azerbaijan branch of the American Association of oilmen geologists and a member of AAPG society.
Pedagogical activities Russian State University (Moscow), Department of Oil and Gas;

Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, geological-exploration faculty.

Other activities:  
Awarding and prizes Honored publicman of Science of Azerbaijan Republic – 2008;

Azerbaijan Republic State Award Prizer – 2010;

Was elected as foreign member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences – 2014;

Order "Sharaf" - 2017; 

Jubilee medal "100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-2018)" - 2019

Place of work and its address Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 30, Istiglaliyyat str., Baku, AZ1001, Azerbaijan Republic

Vice-President of ANAS,

Chairman of the Division of Earth Sciences

Office phone  
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