Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Archeology and Anthropology

Najafova Irada Mikayilqizi




Place of birth

Baku, Azerbaijan

Date of birth



Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History

Scientific degree

Candidate of Historical Sciences


Associate Professor

Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



 Universal history

 Roman Aquileia in I-II A.D

Topic of doctoral thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name



Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad:

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

- number of  Doctor of sciences 





Basic scientific achievements

52 articles and thesis, 6 programmes

Names of scientific works

1.Римская Аквилея I-II вв. н.э. / Автореферат дисс… к.и.н. Москва. МГУ. 1992

2.Тацит о Мидии-Атропатене // Древний Восток и Античный мир. М.: Изд-во Русский Двор. 1998. PP.136-140

3.К вопросу о внешней политике Митридата из Мидии-Атропатены // Вестник Бакинского университета. Серия гуманитарных наук. Баку: Изд-во БГУ.  2007. № 3. PP. 111-117

4.Римские монеты из Габалы // Milli Azərbaycan Tarixi Muzeyi 2012. Bakı: Elm. 2012. PP.209-215 (co-author A.M.Rajabli)

5.К вопросу о восточной политике Юлия Цезаря // Lanterna nostra. К юбилею проф. И.Л.Маяк. Санкт-Петербург: Алетейя, 2014, PP. 298-301 (co-author I.A.Babayev)

6.О коллекции монет Октавиана Августа в Национальном музее истории Азербайджана // Milli Azərbaycan Tarixi Muzeyi 2020. Bakı 2020. PP. 335-343 (co-authors A.M.Rajabli, A.M.Mamedova)

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations



Pedagogical activity

1993-2007 Baku State University

Other activities


Awards and prizes


Main place of work and its address

Scientific Center for Albanian Studies Institute of Archeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS Baku, Huseyn Javid pr., 115


Leading researcher (0,5)

Office phone




Home phone



