Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Asgarov Afzaladdin Daghbeyi oglu
Place of birth Nakhichevan Autonomous of Republic, village Karabaghlar 
Date of birth 1958 
Education Nakhchivan State Pedagogical Institute 
Scientific degree PhD in philology
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name




Tales of heroes: characteristics and origin
Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases





Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements Dynamics of Oghuz-study activity and investigation of the relations of the important events with the ethnic process and historical events 
Names of scientific works 1. The ethno geographical approach to the literature history and the problem of Oghuz nations’ literature // Dede Gorgud” scientific journal, 2002∕1, p.106-113

2. Turkmens: ethno genesis process // “Azerbaijan” literary-artistic journal, 2003, №10, p. 136-146

3. Ozmag song and its poetical formation // “Dede Gorgud” scientific journal, 2003, № 1861, s. 31-51

4. My wedding party happened, Galin Oghuz beys – The sign of the ancient military victory ceremony in the book “Dede Gorgud” // “Dede Gorgud” scientific journal, 2006, № 1, p. 3-9

5. Oghuznames and Rashidaddin’s Oghuzname // “Common Turkic Past to Common Turkic Future” the 5th International folklore conference, 2007, p. 86-93.

6. The ethnic auditorium and function of Oghuznames //“Azerbaijan” literary-artistic journal, 2007, №9, p. 148-166

7. Çaqatay medeniyyetinin kurşawyında yazılan “Oguznamalaryın” monqollaşdyrylmasy barada // OGUZNAMA YORDUMU-TARYNY VE MEDENİ ÇEŞME HÖKMÜDE. Halkara ylmy maslahatyn nutuklaryn gısgaca beyanı, 2010-nji oktyabr, Aşgabat, s.53

8. Oghuznames with proverbs and Muhammedali’s Oghuzname // Turan. Academical, Science, Thought and Culture Journal, number 8, 2009, p.159-166

9. Muslim-Oghuz in Oghuznames and the formation problem of Oghuznames // Kültür Evreni. International Staff Social Sciences Journal, 3, 2009, p. 322-335

10. «Огузнаме» Фазлаллаха Рашид-ад-дина и «Родос-ловная туркмен» Абу-л-Гази хана Хивинского об истории огузов // Народна творчıсть та етнологıя. № 1, Kiev- 2014 (347), s. 44-48

11. Oğuz-namelerin şiirsel yapısı ve emsal-i Muhammed Ali el-yazısı // Motif Akademi Halkbilimi Dergisi, 1, 2014, s. 69-80

12. Reshideddin’s Oghuzname: the wordly tradition and the author text// Вестник Казахского Национального Университета имени Аль-Фараби. Philology. №4-5(150-151), 2014, p. 22-27

13. Ceremony “Toum” in the “Book of Dede Gorgud”// İnternational Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences (IJBPAS). № 4(9), 2015, s. 108-114

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1
Pedagogical activity  
Other activities  
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address Institute of Folklore of ANAS, AZ1001, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city, Icharishahar, Kichik Gala, 8 sidestreet, 31 
Office phone (+994 12) 4929248 
Mobile (+994 55) 8930026 
Home phone (+994 12) 5631403 
Fax (+994 12) 4981621  