Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of History

Ahmadov Agil Pirmurad oglu
Place of birth

Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city

Date of birth 09.05.1979   
Scientific degree PhD in history   
Title Associate professor 
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


History of Motherland

The Republic of Azerbaijan and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases



Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements  
Names of scientific works I. ARTICLES

Migration policy and regulation of migration processes in the Republic of Azerbaijan// “Dirçəliş XXI əsr” (Revival - XXI Century) journal, № 12(180), 2013, p. 113-123

The organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) in the Middle-Eastern policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan // National Pedagogical University named after Dragomanov. Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. "Ґileya" Scientific Journal, Issue 84 (№ 5), Kyiv, 2014, p. 518-522

The role and place of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in the contemporary international relations // “Strategic Analysis” Journal, № 03 (14). Baku: SAM, 2015, p. 65-88.

Azerbaijan – Israel relations: realities and prospects // “Strategic Analysis” Journal, № 7-8. Baku: SAM, 2014, p. 181-196

Diplomatic relations of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the State of Israel within the framework of the World Economic Forum // “Strategic Analysis” Journal, № 04 Baku: SAM, 2014, p. 33-42

The Republic of Azerbaijan and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation: 20 years of diplomatic relations // " News of Baku State University”, № 3, 2011, p. 166-173

Azerbaijan and Turkey are active members of the OIC // International peer-reviewed journal of the social sciences. "Cultural Universe". № 4, Ankara, 2009, p. 189-197

IlhamAliyev and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation // "Renaissance XXI century» Journal, in September-October, 169-170 / 2012, p. 202-211

The Israel-Palestinian conflict in the near-eastern policy of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC): current situation // “News of Baku State University”, № 2, 2012, p. 199-207.

Dynamics of the relations the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Republic of Azerbaijan // Institute of History of ANAS a "Scientific works", volume 61, 2017.

Migration and multikultural values are new in world politics: The human rights crisis and violated // "International law and integration problems". Analytical and practical journal, № 4, 2016

Factor of religion and human rights in the international migration process // "State and religion". Public views collection. № 1, (48) January-February, 2017, p. 39-48

Muslim immigrants in the modern political process // "State and religion" in modern political process. Public views collection. № 3, (50) May-June, 2017


The twentieth anniversary of collaboration of Azerbaijan-NATO: the aspects of protection of human rights, peace and security on South Caucasus / A collection of the papers and abstracts of the Conference In the aftermath of NATO Wales Summit – cooperation between North Atlantic Alliance and Partner Countries. Baku: Science and Education, 2015, p. 111-122.

Responsibilities of authorities in internal security and the protection of citizen's rights / Material of International scientific-practical conference of the 65th anniversary of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights ", dedicated to the provision of human rights problems in the modern world". Baku: MIA, 2014.

NATO's ability to influence the policy of international migration, human rights and security / A collection of abstracts of the conference “NATO 2016 Warsaw summit: opportunities and expectations”. Baku, 2016, p. 71-76.

Rights of migrant workers and international organizations / A collection of abstracts of the conference “Migration policy and human rights in Azerbaijan”, Baku: Science and Education, 2014, p. 17-27.

Political aspects of multicultural processes in international and national practice/ “Cultural diversity: the World and Azerbaijan” International scientific-practical conference. Baku, University Press. April 29, 2016, p. 189-191.

Azerbaijani model in the field of protection of rights and freedoms in the South Caucasus region (in the context of socio-political and economic rights) / “Globalization in the Caucasus and Central Asia” IV International Congress of economics and international relations. Baku: NURLAR publishing printing center, May 02-04, 2014, p. 242-246.

A new direction in the modern era in education policy: Teaching bioethics and value of training (in the context of the problems of education and human rights) / “Modern problems of teacher training, technology, education and development,” the third international scientific conference. Baku: “Muellim” Publishing House, May 22-24, 2014, p. 82


National tourism policy in modern Azerbaijan and theoretical-conceptual review to human rights / (12 November 2014).

Helpless European policy against migrant rights / (27.11.2015).

The policy of multiculturalism in Legal and democratic Azerbaijan is the highest value to the human rights / (18.03.2016).

“March 31 - Guba genocide”- in memory of young scholars / (04 April 2016).

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity  
Other activities  
Awards and prizes Certificates:

IV Международная летняя школа молодых-ученых историков стран СНГ. 20 лет СНГ: историко-культурное наследие. Сертификат выдан Институтом истории и сохранения культурного наследия Национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики, под эгидой Межгосударственного фонда гуманитарного сотрудничества государств-участников СНГ и Международной ассоциации институтов истории стран СНГ. Бишкек, 12-19 июня 2011.

Azerbaijans access to global science base. Certificate of attendance has attended the seminar on Azerbaijans access to global science base conducted by Thomson Reuters at The Institute of Information Technology of ANAS on 05 November 2013

III International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers. Certificate of attendance has attended the III International Scientific Conference Of Young Researchers between 17-18 April 2015 dedicated to the 92 anniversary of the national leader of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev

Consolidation of migration and border management capacities in Azerbaijan. This is to certify that has attended the training of trainers on readmission and human rights. 21-22 January; 1-2 February 2016

IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers. Certificate of attendance has attended the IV International Scientific Conference Of Young Researchers between 29-30 April 2016 dedicated to the 93 anniversary of the national leader of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev

Ganja European Youth Capital 2016. International Youth Forum “Integration Processes of the World Science in the 21 Century” organized by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Executive Power of Ganja City/ Dedicated of the “Ganja – European Youth Capital 2016”. Ganja, 10-14 October 2016

AMEA Rəyasət Heyəti və AMEA İnformasiya Texnologiyaları İnstitutunun birgə təşkilatçılığı ilə “AzScienceNet”: mövcud vəziyyəti, imkanları və inkişaf perspektivləri” mövzusu üzrə respublika elmi-praktiki seminarında iºtirak etmiºdir. 31 yanvar 2017-ci il

Main place of work and its address Institute of History named after Abbasgulu Agha Bakikhanov of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku city, H.Javid avenue, 115 
Position Leading researcher 
Office phone (+994 12) 5395135  
Mobile (+994 50) 4667647  
Home phone  