Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Literature

Mammadova Svetlana Aliabbas gizi
Place of birth Azerbaijan Republic, Shamakhi
Date of birth 25.12.1946
Education Azerbaijan State Institute of Languages named after M.F.Akhundov (Slavic University)
Scientific degree Doctor of Philosophy in Philology
Topic of  PhD thesis:

- specialty code

- specialty name

- topic name

10.10.09; 10.10.03

Folklore studies; Azerbaijan literature

Vladimir Gafarov as a translator of Asiq poetry
Total number of printed scientific publications:

- number of scientific publications printed abroad:

- number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases

2 books, 26 articles
Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

- number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements Thesis for the degree of candidate of sciences in philology.
Names of scientific works 1. “Vladimir Gafarov as a translator of Ashiq poetry”;

2. “Russian translations of  Azerbaijan folklore poetry”.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity 1. Russian teacher at Azerbaijan school № 3 in Salyan town;

2. Russian teacher at Mechanical and Technological collage in Sheki town;

3. Russian teacher of the department for foreign students of Azerbaijan State University;

4. Head of the Dean's office at the philological department at Tafakkur (Thought) University.

Other activities  
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku, Huseyn Javid Avenue, 117
Position Leading researcher
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 50) 4989800
Home phone (+994 12) 4989800