Veb-site | ![]() |
Place of birth | Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city | |
Date of birth | January 22, 1956 | |
Education | Sankt Petersburg Insitute of Oriental Studies | |
Scientific degree | Doctor of Philosophy in History | |
Title | ||
Topic of PhD thesis: - specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
07.00.03 World History Army in the socio-economic system of Arab caliphate in VIII-X century |
Total number of printed scientific publications: - number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases |
34 22 |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | ||
Staff training: - number of PhD |
Basic scientific achievements | ||
Names of scientific works |
1. Arabic Sources on Turks in Early Middle Ages. “Elm”: Baku 1993 (in Russian) – 203 p. 2. Incomes of the Caliphate from Sawad in VII-X. Narodi Aziyi i Afriki (Moscow), N 1, 1986. (in Russian). 3. Mavarid al-Khilafa min as-Sawad (Incomes of the Caliphate from Sawad). Humanities Research Center Publications of the University of Qatar. Vol. VI, 1993. (in Arabic) 4. Evidences of Arabic sources on incomes of the Caliphate from Iraq. In: “Srednevekovi Vostok”, Baku, 1990 (in Russian). 5. Evolution of Arabs’ perception of Turks in pre-Seljuk period. In: Islam and matters of civilization transactions. Moscow, 1992. ( in Russian) 6. Social status of Turkish guards under the Abbasides in IX-X. In.: Historical and Cultural Contacts of the Peoples of Althai linguistic unity. XXIX Session of PIAC. Moscow., 1987. (In Russian) 7. Strength of Turkish Guards Regiment under the Abbasides in IX-X. In.: Problemi zarubezhnogo Vostoka: Istoriya i sovremennost. Baku, 1988. (In Russian). 8. On credibility of the Arabic sources evidences on the strength of Abbaside troops in IX-X. - Bartoldovskiye Chteniya. 1987. (In Russian) 9. Salary rates of warriors in Abbaside Caliphate. Izvestia AN Azerb. SSR. Ser.IFP . 1986,N 1. (In Russian) 10. Islam and Society: Back to Middle ages or Forth to XXI century.- “Al-Nida ” (Baku) N 2, 1995. (In collaboration with E.Aghayeva) (In Russian). 11. Allah prohibited usury, but blessed profit.- “Panorama”(Baku), April 1996 . (In Russian). 12. Hilal as-Sabi. Tuhfat al umara fi tarih al-wusara. An extract on Caliph’s court budget.- Izvestia AN Azerbaijana . Ser.IFP . 1998, N 1. (In Russian). 13. Islamic Opposition in New Independent States of Central Asia and Caucasus: favorable conditions and limiting factors. – III Era. International Analytic Journal, N 4, 2000. (Baku). (In Russian). 14. Historical continuity of Jerusalem: integrity of time and space, historic and pre-historic. – In: Jerusalem in eyes of Arts, Baku, 2000. (In Azeri-Turkish). 15. New environment and new goals of oriental studies at he time of globalization –Elm, №№ 41-42, 43-44, Baku,2000. (In Russian) 16. Oil Caravans of XXI century on the Great Silk Road: What the future has in store for Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. - Central Asia and the Caucasus (Sweden), No 6, 2000. (In Russian and English). 17. Government Regulations of Staple Commodity Prices in Pre-Ottoman Egypt. – XIII Тürk Таrihi Кonqresi.III cilt – Тürk Tarihi Kurumu Basımevi – Ankara, 2002, ss. 1635-1642 (In English). 18. The Caspian Region at a Crossroad: Challenges of a New Frontier of Energy and Development. Edited by Hooshang Amirahmadi. NY:St Martin’s Press, 2000, 311 pp. – Review in Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol. XIII, number 1, pp. 78-82: Oxford University Press, 2002 (In English). 19. Turkish Dynasty of Sulids in South Caspian Land in VII-IX centuries (VII. – IX. Yuzillarda Guney Hazar Bolgesinde Hukumranlik Suren Turk Suli Hanedani.) – Turkler: Yeni Turkiye Yayimlamalari, Ankara, 2002, c. 4. s. 311-316 (In Turkish.) 20. The Strength and Budget Expenses of Turkish Guards under the Abbasides in VIII-X centuries. – The Turks: Yeni Turkiye Publications, Ankara, 2002, v. 2, pp. 48-54. (In English) 21. VIII.-X. Yuzillarda Abbasi Ordusundaki Turk Muhafizlarin Sayisi ve Onlar Icin Yapilan Harcamalar - Turkler: Yeni Turkiye Yayimlamalari, Ankara, 2002, c. 4. s. 375-380 (In Turkish.) 22. “Democracy and civil society building in independent Azerbaijan: irrevocability of changes or temporary diversion?”. In: Democracy and Pluralism in Muslim Eurasia. L, NY: Frank Cass, 2004. (In English) 23. Three Ismail as-Samani’s campaigns to the land of Turks? – Bulletin of UNESCO International Institute for Central Asian Studies . Vol. 7, 2008, pp. 36-49. (In English and Russian). Reprinted: “Три похода Исмаила ас-Самани против тюрок.» - Иран-намэ. Научный востоковедный журнал, № 3 (19), Алматы, 2011, сс 209-223. 24. Русы в Каспийском море и на Шелковом Пути в середине IX- начале X вв. - «Дорога Страбона» как часть Великого Шелкового Пути. Материалы международной конференции. Баку 28-29 сентября, 2008 г. Международный Институт Центрально-Азиатских Исследований: Самарканд-Ташкент, 2009., сс. 14-24. (The Rus in the Caspian Sea and on the Silk Road in the middle of IX-th – beginning of X-th centuries. – “Strabo Road” as a part of Great Silk Road”. Proceedings of the International conference, Baku, September 28-29, 2008. International Institute of Central Asian Studies: Samarkand – Tashkent, 2009, pp. 14-24.) 25. The public oversight of oil projects in Azerbaijan, 2004–2007. –International Social Science Journal, Volume 57, Issue 1 , UNESCO , 2009, pp. 93 – 106: (In English) 26. Длинные стены: забытая граница с кочевниками-тюрками в Центральной Азии в 7-10 вв. – В кн.: Цивилизации и культуры Центральной Азии в единстве и многообразии. Материалы международной конфренции, Самарканд, 7-8 сентября, 2009 г., Ташкент, 2010 г., с. 34-42. (Long Walls: forgotten borderline with Turkic nomads in Central Asia in 7 th – 10 th centuries – In: Civilizations and Cultures of Central Asia in Unity and Diversity. Materials of International Conference in Samarkand, Sept 7-8, 2009, Tashkent, 2010, pp. 34-42). 27. “Рождалась ли Европа в военном противостоянии с мусульманской цивилизацией?” – Azərbaycan Elmlər Akademiyasının Z.M.Bünyadov adına Şərqşünaslıq İnstitutu, “Elmi Araşdırmalar”, İX buraxılış, 2011. (Did Europe emerge in confrontation with Islamic civilization. - “Academic proceedings”, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies after Z.M.Bunyadov. Issue IX, 2011.) – (In Russian) 28. Сведения арабских авторов Ибн Хордадбеха и ал-Масуди о транскаспийских торговых операциях хазар и русов в IX- X вв. - Azərbaycan Elmlər Akademiyasının Z.M.Bünyadov adına Şərqşünaslıq İnstitutu, “Elmi Araşdırmalar”, X buraxılış, 2011. (Evidences of Arab geographers Ibn Khordadbeh and al-Masudi about transcaspian trade operations in IX-X centuries. - “Academic proceedings”, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies after Z.M.Bunyadov. Issue X, 2011.) – (In Russian) 29. Cultural Borders of the Moslem World and the destiny of separation walls in Central Asia (7-th -10-th centuries) – EUROASIATICA magazine (, issue 2, 2011: - (In Spanish). 30. Хазария и Хорасан в VIII – IX вв.: политические и торговые связи. Вестник Международного Института Центрально-Азиатских Исследований (ЮНЕСКО, Самарканд), вып. 15, 2012, сс.70-82, (Khazaria and Khorasan in 8-9 centuries: political and trade ties, Bulletin of International Institute for Central Asian Studies(UNESCO, Samarkand),vol. 15, 2012 p. 70-82) – (in Russian) 31. Khazar Studies locked between Scarcity of Research Sources and Contemporary Policy Concerns. The Eurasia Studies Society Journal (London) , Vol.2. No.3. April 2013 ( ) - (In English). 32. Рецепции иудейского и мусульманского институтов верховной власти в хазарском обществе в период предполагаемых смен веры (VIII-IX вв.) – В кн.: Ш. Мустафаев, Ишель Эспань, Светлана Горшенина, Клод Рапэн, Амриддин Бердимурадов, Франц Гренэ (ответственные редакторы). Культурный трансфер на перекрестках Центральной Азии: до, во время и после Великого Шелкового Пути. Париж – Самарканд: МИЦАИ, 2013 г. – сс. 104 – 110. (Receptions of Jewish and Moslem Supreme Power Institutions in Khazar Society at the Time of Conjectural change of Religions (8-th – 9-th century). In.: Cultural Transfers in Central Asia before, during and after the Silk Road. Co-edited by Sh. Mustafayev, Michel Espagne, Svetlana Gorshenina, Claude Rapin, Amriddin Berdimuradov, Frantz Grenet. Paris-Samarkand: IICAS, 2013 – pp. 104-110) 33. Dokkuzuncu Yüzyılda İpek Yolu ticaretinde Araplar ve Hazarların işbirliğı. (Cooperation in Silk Road Trade between Khazar and Arabs in 9th century) – Türk Ocakları Genel Merkezi. Uluslararası “İpek Yolunda Türk Dünyası Ortak Kültür Mirası” Bilgi Şöleni Bildirileri, Ankara 2013. (In Turkish) |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | 1. Membership in international editorial boards:
2. “Bulletin of The International Institute for Central Asia Studies” ; 3. Iran-Name – scientific journal, Almaty, Kazakhstan. |
Pedagogical activity | Lectured at Baku State University and Khzara University; Delivered occasional lectures at Princeton University (USA), School of Oriental and African Studies )UK, London) | |
Other activities | Publications in daily press, contributions to TV-programs, supervision of doctoral researchers. | |
Awards and prizes |
1. Fulbright scholarship 2012-2013 – visit to Princeton University (USA) 2. Imam Tirmizi Scholarship 1998 at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies 3. Hirayama Silk Roads 1998-99, UNESCO Fellowship |
Main place of work and its address |
Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academican Ziya Bunyadov of ANAS, AZ1073, H.Javid av., 115, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic |
Position | Department Head | |
Office phone | ||
Mobile | (+994 50) 2126519 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4938671 | |
Fax | || |