Veb-site |
Place of birth |
Azerbaijan, Quba, Ispik |
Date of birth |
23.08.1979 |
Education |
Baku State University |
Scientific degree |
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy (Ph.D) |
Title |
Topic of PhD thesis:
- specialty code
- specialty name
- topic name
Religious studies, philosophy of culture
Azerbaijani scholar of IX-X Centuries, Ahmad Ibn Harun al-Bardichi’s Hadith Activity
Total number of printed scientific publications:
- number of scientific publications printed abroad:
- number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases
Number of patents and certificates of authorship |
Staff training:
- number of PhD
Basic scientific achievements |
Names of scientific works |
- The Hadith Scientist of Azerbaijan Ahmad ibn Harun al-Bardichi / / Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Theology of the BakuStateUniversity, Baku: "Nurlan" publishing-printing center, 2007, № 08 (17), p. 207-218
- The role of Hadith in Islamic religion and attitudes of Muslims to it / / The Materials of scientific conference of graduates of the National Academy of Sciences (yearbook.) - Baku, "Elm", 2008, p. 538-540
- The first independent book dedicated to the subject of “Great Sins” which is strictly prohibited by Islam Religion // Language and Literature, Baku: Leman-poliqr published. Ltd, 2008, № 3 (63), p. 216-219
- “The tabaqat book of Azerbaijanian hadith scientist Ahmad Ibn Harun Al-Bardichi, deals with Sahaba, tabiun and unique names of hadith tellers” // Institute of Manuscripts of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences M.Fizuli philology, Baku: "Nurlan" publishing-printing enterprise, 2008, № 2, p. 517-526
- The flourishing period of Hadith Science // Institute of Manuscripts of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences M.Fizuli philology, Baku: "Nurlan" publishing-printing enterprise, 2009, № 4, p. 392-404
- Reference matter in the Hadiths stories // Institute of Manuscripts of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences M.Fizuli philology, Baku: "Science and Education" enterprise printing, 2009, № 9, p. 374-387
- The role of the early Middle Ages Azerbaijani scholar Ahmad ibn Harun al-Bardichi in formation of the religious literature. / The International Scientific Symposium dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Z.M Bunyadov, / the Hero of the Soviet Union Acad./ Baku, "Elm", 2012, p. 268-271
- The "Verbal nouns" in Traditional Arabic grammar (أسماء الأفعال) / /The materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the academician V.M. Mammadaliyev.
- On criticism of Author Sekine ash-Şihab regarding the Book of "Tabaqat" of Ahmet b. Harun al-Bardichi / / The Journal of the Researches of Islamic Law, Selcuk / Konya: 2009, № 13, p. 489-496
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
Pedagogical activity |
Since 2009, the Islamic University of Baku, classical Arabic language ,until the present time, I am teaching the Arabic language and Islamic Philosophy |
Other activities |
Arabic language translator |
Awards and prizes |
Main place of work and its address |
Institute of Oriental Studies named after Academican Ziya Bunyadov of ANAS, AZ1073, H.Javid av., 115, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
Position |
Senior Researcher |
Office phone |
(+994 12) 5392661 |
Mobile |
(+994 50) 7557997 |
Home phone |
Fax |
E-mail | |