Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  PhD Institute of Oriental Studies

Melikova Leyla Fuad gizi

Place of birth Baku, Azerbaijan
Date of birth 13.09.1973

Baku State University named after M.A Rasulzade, Master’s Degree  

Scientific degree Ph.D. (Philos.)

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Religious studies, philosophy of  culture

Sources and main world outlook aspects of  baha’ism

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements Researches in the field of the Oriental philosophical problems, the formation and development of religious thinking, the history, ideological and religious-philosophical aspects of religious movements in the Eastern countries, including in Azerbaijan; Writing and publishing articles, Scholarly translations; Editing of academic journals; Organization of scientific seminars, conferences. 
Names of scientific works

1. Некоторые аспекты концепции человека в исламе (до ХIII в.). // National Academy of Sciences, Journal of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi, № 1, Baku, 2001. Pp.116-126.

2. Истоки и основные аспекты развития концепции человека в средневековой мусульманской схоластике (общий обзорный анализ). Materials of the conference “Actual problems of the East: History and Modernity”. National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov, Baku: 2001. Pp.253-257.

3. «Mirzə Kaım Bəyin 200 illiyinə həsr olunmuş elmi konfrans». // «ЕЛМ», (Qəz.), 21 iyul 2003 il, № 25 - 26 (666 - 667). S. 12.

4. Символика и обрядность в религиозной практике Бахаи. // “Actual Problems of Oriental Studies”, Materials of the Republican scientific conference (on the 80th anniversary of the Faculty of Oriental Studies). Publishing house of Baku State University, 2003. Pp. 259-261.

5. Некоторые мировоззренческие аспекты бахаизма. // Materials of the conference devoted to the 80th anniversary of academician Z.M.Bunyatov “Actual problems of the East: History and Modernity”. National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov, Baku: «Nurlan». 2003. Pp. 327-329.

6. Некоторые сведения об истории распространения бахаизма в Азербайджане.// Journal of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences “News (chapter of History, Philosophy and Law)”. № 5-6. 2005. С. 67-75.

7. Особенности концепции человека в бахаизме. // “Scientific researches” (Folklore: philology, philosophy, history, art and theoretical aspects)». XVIII, Baku, «Sada», 2006. Pp. 299-303.

8. Некоторые феноменологические особенности бахаизма. // Journal of «Scientific studies». National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov, Baku. 2006. Pp. 575-582.

9. Характерные особенности концепции цикличности божественного откровения в бахаизме. // International scientific-theoretical journal «Language and Literature», 3 (51), Baku, 2006. Pp. 176-178.

10. Сведения о деятельности бахаитской общины в Советском Азербайджане в условиях сталинского режима (1920-40 гг.). // International scientific-theoretical journal «Language and Literature», 4 (52), Baku, 2006. Pp. 180-181.

11. Социальные аспекты бахаизма. // Scientific-theoretical journal «Socio-political problems». Institute of Philosophy and Political-Law Researches of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, 2007. № 3 (16). Pp. 123-132.

12. Бахаизм и экуменизм – явления одного порядка, в условиях глобализирующегося мирового сообщества. // “Scientific researches”. Journal Institute of Philosophy and Political-Law Researches of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, 2007. № 2 (8), Pp. 67-74.

13. Bahaism in Azerbaijan. The Caucasus and Globalization. Sweden: CA&CC Press® AB Publishing House, 2007, Vol. 1(5). P. 93-100.

14. Общий анализ проблемы изучения специфики бахаизма – как религиозного движения современности. // Journal of «Scientific studies». NationalAcademy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov, Baku: 2008, Pp. 500-510.

15. Bahaism and ecumenism in the context of recent sociocultural trends. // The Caucasus and Globalization. Sweden: CA&CC Press® AB Publishing House, 2008, Vol. 2, Issue 3. P. 105-112.

16. О некоторых морально-этических аспектах бахаизма. // UNESCO & Institute of Philosophy and Political-Law Researches of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Materials of the conference “The problems of study and teaching of philosophy of Islamic region in the context of world philosophy”: 2008. Pp. 42-43.

17. Этико-философские аспекты бахаизма. // “Journal Oriental Philosophy”. Institute of Philosophy and Political-Law Researches of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku: 2008. 82-88.

18. İslamın aktual problemləri (dəyirmi masa). // The Journal «Azerbaijan Oriental Studies», National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov, Baku: 2010, №1(3), Pp. 76-78.

19. Элементы исмаилитского гнозиса бахаитской религиозной доктрине. Journal of «Scientific studies». National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov, Baku: 2007/2011. Pp.288-293.

20. The Influence of the Religious Factor on the State of Women in Azerbaijan in the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. SEPHIS and Khazar University Workshop “Women and the Public Sphere” Baku, Azerbaijan, 17-22 June 2008, Khazar University Conference Center.

21. Взаимосвязь общемирового социокультурного процесса с общественно-религиозной ситуацией в современном Азербайджане (общий анализ). // Materials of the Nationwide Scientific-theoretical Conference «Socio-economic development of contemporary East and model of Azerbaijan», Baku: 2010.

22. К вопросу о генетической связи бахаизма и шиизма. // The International Scientific-Theoretical “Journal of Oriental Philosophy”, Institute of Philosophy and Political-Law Researches of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Baku: 2011.

23. «Истоки и основные мировоззренческие аспекты бахаизма». (Monograph). National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov, Baku: 2011. 199 p.

24. “Книга точки “Каф” (перс.: کتاب نقطة الکاف) мирза Джани Кашани и её место в бабидо-бахаитской историографии. // Materials of the International Scientific Symposium "Historiography and Source Studies of the Medieval East", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of active member of ANAS Hero of the Soviet Union ZMBunyadov. Baku, "Elm", Pp.151-153.

25. Взаимосвязь неоуниверсалистских религиозных концепций Востока с идеологией западного глобализма (на примере бахаизма). // II Congress of Young Orientalists of Russia and the CIS (Moscow, Zvenigorod, 3-5.10.2012). The program, abstracts, list of participants. Moscow, 2012, p. 106.

26. Взаимосвязь неоуниверсалистских религиозных концепций Востока с идеологией западного глобализма на примере бахаизма). // ≪ORIENTALISTICA IUVENILE≫ - V. (Materials of the Congress of Young Orientalists of Russia and CIS), (Moscow-Zvenigorod, 3-5. 10. 2012). Moscow, 2012. The Council of Young Scientists of the RAS. Department of Historical and Philological Sciences RAS. Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Moscow, 2012, Pp. 152-160.

27. A critical analysis of the inter-religious dialogue of cultures on the basis of new religions: a case study on bahaism. // (In English). Proceedings of 3-rd International Congress of Caucasiologists Multiculturalism and Tolerance in the Caucasus. Tbilisi, Georgia. 23-26.10. 2013. Pp. 421-423.

28. Шейх Мухаммад аль-Газали Ахмад ас-Сакка (1917-1996) – новаторство в контексте современности. (Тезисы), ≪ORIENTALISTICA IUVENILE≫ - VI. Materials of the Congress of young Orientalists of the CIS. Council of young scientists of the RAS. Department of Historical and Philological Sciences RAS. Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS. Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Baku, 11 - 14.11. 2013 P. 46.

29. Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali Ahmad as-Saqqa (1917–1996): Renewing in the Context of Modernity. ≪ORIENTALISTICA IUVENILE≫ - VI. Proceedings of the Congress of Young Orientalists CIS. Council of Young Scientists of the RAS. Department of History and Philology of the RAS. Institute of Oriental Studies. Institute of Oriental Studies of ANAS. Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Baku, 11 - 14.11. 2013.

30. HOW BAHA’ISM TRAVELLED FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST (IDEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF THE NEO-UNIVERSALIST RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE). The Caucasus and Globalization. Sweden: CA&CC Press® AB Publishing House, 2013, Vol. 7, Issue 3-4. Pp. 115-120.

31. Islam in Azerbaijan. Materials of the International Conference “Religions in the Caucasus”. Hallam Conference Centre, London, 2014.

32. On the Issue of origin and ways of development of the religious aspect of the Nahda. // Journal of «Scientific studies». National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov, Issue 10 (Х), Baku: 2014. Pp. 316-323.

33. Some educational reformist features of Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā (1865-1935). // The International Scientific-Theoretical “Journal of Oriental Philosophy”, Institute of Philosophy and Political-Law Researches of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. №XX, Baku: 2015. Pp.: in Azeri - 16-23; in Russian - 16-22.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity  
Other activities

Since 1999 – Secretary of  Free Trade Unions, 2012 - Committee member of the Free Trade Unions;

Since 2009 – Member of editorial board of the “Journal Oriental Philosophy” (Institute of Philosophy and Political-Law Researches of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, “History of Philosophy and Social thought” department);

Since 2011 – Scientific Secretary of the Councils on thesis defending on the specialty: 09.00.13 - "Religion, philosophy of culture" functioning at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences;

Since 2013 – member of the Councils on thesis defending on the specialty: 7214.01 - "History and Philosophy of Religion" functioning at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences;

Since 2013 – Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician Z.M.Bunyatov of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address ANAS, Institute of Oriental Studies named after academician  Z.M.Bunyatov, AZ1073, 115, H.Javid ave., Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
Position Head Scientist Researcher
Office phone (+994 12) 5392661
Mobile (+994 50) 5358821 
Home phone  