Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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HOME PAGE  >>  Doctors of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology

Alizadeh Aydin Arif oglu
Place of birth

Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city

Date of birth 21.10.1963 
Scientific degree Doctor of Philosophical Sciences  
Title Associate Professor 
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



History of Philosophy

Koran and Bible: Comparative Analysis

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



History of Philosophy

The Divine and Earthly Authority in the Islamic Worldview

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases




Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 



Basic scientific achievements 1. The publication of encyclopedic dictionaries and monographs contributed to the development of religious Studies and the philosophy of religion.

2. For the first time in the post-Soviet territory created work on Islamic apologetics.

3. As part of the cultural edition of the series of analytical articles popularized the culture, science and religion of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt in Azerbaijan and Turkey.

4. On the part of the historical- philosophical science, for the first time published in Azerbaijani language a textbook on the history of ancient philosophy and a monograph on the history and philosophy of early Christianity.

5. He is the author of polemical works written in a lively discussion with opponents on various forums of the Internet and theoretical works on the history and technique of conducting discussions in social networks.

6. On the part of historical science for the first time investigated the activity of anti-Soviet underground of the first decade of Soviet power and one of the largest investigative cases of Stalin's repression in Azerbaijan. Described the history of the early Muslim states. Popularization and methods of presentation of scientific activity

7. Promotes results of the scientific activity in social networks and video blogs.

8. Translated all his scientific activities into electronic format and collected it on his website.

9. Promotes philosophical, religious and historical science in the Azerbaijani and Russian Wikipedia.

Names of scientific works 1. Коран и Библия: сравнительный анализ (мировоззренческий аспект) [The Quran and the Bible: Comparative Analysis]. Баку: Абилов, Зейналов и сыновья, 2002, 132 с.

2. Хроника мусульманских государств I-VII вв. xиджры. [The Chronicle of Muslim States (1st-7th Centuries)] М.: Умма, 2004; 2-е издание там же, 2007, 400 с.

3. Божественная и земная власть в Исламском мировоззрении. [Divine and Earthly Authority in the Islamic Worldview] Баку: Адильоглы, 2004, 224 с; 2-е издание: М., Нур. 2013.

4. Исламский энциклопедический словарь. [Islamic Encyclopedic Dictionary] М.: Ансар. 2007

5. Xristianlıq: tarix və fəlsəfə (ilk çağlar) [Christianity: Early History and Philosophy]. Bakı: Əbilov, Zeynalov və oğulları, 2007, 172 s.

6. Исламская апологетика. Ответы критикам Ислама. [Islamic Apologetics. Answers to Kritics of Islam] Баку: Идрак, 2008, 420 с. Ислам не такой! А какой? 40 ответов критикам Корана и Сунны (в соавторстве с А. В. Полосиным) [Islam is not Like That! 40 Responses to Critics of the Quran and Sunnah]. М.: Ансар, 2008, 288 s.

7.Проблемы современного исламского мировоззрения. Религиозно-философские диалоги. [Problems of the Modern Islamic Worldview. Religious and Philosophical Dialogues.] Баку: Текнур, 2009, 238 с

8. İslam: Tarix, Fəlsəfə və Hüquq. Ensiklopedik Lüğət. [Islam: History, Philosophy and Law. Encyclopedic Dictionary] Bakı: 3 saylı Bakı Mətbəəsi ASC, 2016, 308 s. Antik fəlsəfə tarixi. [History of Ancient Philosophy] Bakı: 3 saylı Bakı Mətbəəsi ASC 2016, 298 s.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations Member of the Council on thesis defence. 
Pedagogical activity In 2005-2014 lectured on the philosophy, culture, philosophy of religion, religious studies, history of religion, political science, social anthropology, labor sociology at the Baku Musical Academy, Baku State University, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 
Other activities  
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, 115 Ave. Huseyn Javid, Baki city, AZ1073 

Position Chief Researcher 
Office phone (+994 12) 5372279 
Mobile (+994 51) 3549633 
Home phone  