Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Doctors of the Institute of Literature

Aliyev Rahim Nadir oglu
Place of birth Baku
Date of birth 1961 
Education Named after S.M.Kirov BSU
Scientific degree Doctor of philological sciences

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-specialty code

-specialty name

-topic name


Azerbaijan literature

Modern Azerbaijan development trends (1970 years) 

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-specialty code

-specialty name

-topic name


Azerbaijan literature theory of Literature

J.Jabbarli creative evolution

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases



Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-number of  PhD

-number of  Doctor of sciences 


Basic scientific achievements  
Names of scientific works 1.Nasimi his own poems əsında hürufiliyin new sect indicating that an attempt to create the concept.

2.qazi the various poets collection on the presence of a concept belonging to the couch Bürhanəddinə the current.

3.semiotika prinsipıllri Ədəbiiyat course of writing theory on the basis. Myutyardzhim, 2008 and 2012 - publications published, Law.

4.iki volumes of the "history of South Azerbaijan literature" məcul editor. The first volume The Second volume Baku Baku, Nurlar, 2009,, Law, 2013.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1.Müasir lyrics Azerbaijan development trends (1977), naturalness Of the Poetry, Printer, 1982

2. Evolution of jafar Jabbarly's creative Activities, Printer, 1989

3. Nasimi and formation of classic religious style, BAKU, Nafta-mangle, 2006

4. "Gazi sofa" classical sufi poets, (in the book the above) first role in the formation and religious style

5. Theory of literature, Myutyardzhim, 2008

6.ədəbiyat theory, Law, 2012, improved second edition, 463 s.

7.sözün myth, Baku, Myutyardzhim, 2011

8. Cənuni literary process (TWENTIETH century) In Azerbaijan,

"The word time" in the book, Baku, Myutyardzhim, 2006.

9. South national movement In Azerbaijan and literature. 1941-1946. Baku, Myutyardzhim, 2013.
Pedagogical activity  
Other activities Since 1976 engaged in literary criticism. Since 1994 C. Dzhabarly is chairman of the foundation of. Member of the Union Writers since 1983.
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address

Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, AZ1073, Baku, Huseyn Javid Avenue, 117

Position Prime scientific working
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 50) 3244421
Home phone (+994 12) 5397204