Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Mehraliyev Elchin Ali oglu
Place of birth Azerbaijan Republic, Agdam district, Gulluja village    
Date of birth 18.05.1952 
Education Baku State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of Philosophy on Philology 
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Azerbaijani literature

War and literature (on the lease of 90th years of Azerbaijan literature)

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 

Basic scientific achievements 1. The investigation of the new theme and idea of the contemporary Azerbaijan literature;

2. The investigation and development stages of Karabagh theme in Azerbaijan national literature;

3. The investigation of the using peculiarities from the poetical style leaning to the documentary literary prose giving the first informations connecting with Karabagh in the Azerbaijan written literature;

4. The explanation of the incident of Armenian encroachment to the Azerbaijan land in the literary literature from the point of theme and problem;

5. The determination of the genre, style and art leaning of the literature on the result of the literary reflection of Karabagh incidents;

6. The determination of the theme of Karabagh war formed in literature and its way from publicism to the epical description.

Names of scientific works 1. Everybody lives his fate (In the book had gwen the scientific articles about Almas Ildirim, Mikayil Musfiq, the creation of heraes of the play “Othello” by Shakespeare Baku: Azerneshr, 1998, 272 p;

2. The theme of war in the contemporary Azerbaijan poetry. “Dil ve edebiyyat” Baku 1999 N/2 (24) pp. 83-88;

3. War in the poetry. “Azerbaijan” journal. 1999, n. 10. pp. 176-183;

4. “Martures” as a lyrical narration about the struggle of the people. News of the Academy of Sciences (Literature, Language and Art 2000, n-1-2, pp. 77-87);

5. War and our prose. “Azerbaijan” journal, 2000, n. 8, pp. 175-183;

6. War and literature. (Struggle for Karabagh and 90th years literature. Baku: Azerneshr, 2000, 25 print leaflet;

7. Human – personification of the struggle of good and evil;

8. Our literary prose: From stagnation to animation.“Azerbaijan” journal, 2005, n. 12, pp. 138-147;

9. The idea-contents peculiarities of the works formed on the theme of Armenian – Muslim struggle at the beginning of the 20th century News of ANAS (Humanities series n.3, Baku, “Elm”, 2007, pp. 104-121;

10. Thoughts about the literary process. News of ANAS (Humanities series), n. 4, Baku: “Elm”, 2008, pp. 3 -10;

11. The theme of Karabagh in the Azerbaijan literature: the problems of idea and artistic ability. Baku: Nurlan, 2008, 21 print leaflet;

12. The two- fold vews on Karabagh theme in the Soviet period literature. Journal of “Literature”, (Scientific works of Nizami Institute of Literature of ANAS) 2008, XXI vol, pp. 156-166;

13. The conflict of Karabagh and place co-existence in Azerbaijan literature. Today and tomorrow of Russian economics. Moscow, 2009, n. 31, pp. 221-226;

14. Time and literature. Baku. “MBM”, 2009, pp. 110-124;

15. The particularly peculiarities of the reflection of aggression against Azerbaijan. “Literature on Black Sea region” journal, 2012, n. 12, pp. 116-199;

16. “Russia in the comtemporary Azerbaijan Military novel”, Scientific – publicistical journal. “Entelekhiya” n. 27, 2013.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations 1. Member of Academic Council of Nizami Institute of Literature of ANAS;

2. Member of Azerbaijan Writers Unity;

3. Member of Azerbaijan Journalists Unity.

Pedagogical activity  
Other activities 1. Literary creation;

2. Journalistic activity. Founder and editor in chief of the newspaper “Maarifchi".

Awards and prizes Loureate of Prize of “Golden Pen”. 
Main place of work and its address Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku, Huseyn Javid Avenue, 117
Position Senior research worker 
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 55) 7845252  
Home phone (+994 12) 4496303 