Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Tahirov Ilham Mikayil oglu
Place of birth village Miyanku, Masalli District, Azerbaijan Republic   
Date of birth June 8, 1963 
Education Azerbaijan University of Languages 
Scientific degree Doctor of Philological Sciences 
Title Assistant Professor 

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Azerbaijani language

Iranian loan words in the eastern dialects of the Azerbaijani language 

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Theory of language

The field of temporality in language

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases

87, 3 monographs, 7 books



Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 


Basic scientific achievements

In Azerbaijan linguistics, studied for the first time the expression of temporality (time relations) in all language level, presented the time relations as a functional-semantic field.

- studied for the first time the issues of lexical and syntactic temporality on the material of the Azerbaijani language, constructed the structural-semantic model of the field of temporality.

- Enriched the theoretical thought, proposing to add one binary opposition to the distinctive features that are used in determining the "center-periphery" structure of the functional-semantic field in field theory.

-At the level of dialects of the Azerbaijani language, studied the phonetic, grammatical and lexico-semantic nature of borrowed words, revealed the ancient layers of loanwords. 
Names of scientific works

1. Temporal leksika. Bakı: Nurlan, 2008. – 142 s.

2. Azərbaycan və ingilis dillərində zaman kateqoriyası. Bakı: Nurlan, 2007. – 324 s.

3. Dialekt leksikasında alınma sözlər. Bakı: Nurlan, 2004.- 136 s.

4. Leksik temporallıq sahəsinin struktur-semantik modeli  (ingilis və Azərbaycan dilləri materialı üzrə) // Azərbaycan MEA Xəbərləri, Humanitar elmlər seriyası, Bakı, 2004, № 2, s. 126-134.

5. Temporallıq sahəsinin üfüqi strukturu // Türkologiya, Bakı, 2007, № 1-2, s. 46-52.

6. Temporal leksikanın semantik təsnifatı // Azərbaycan MEA Xəbərləri , Humanitar elmlər seriyası, Bakı, 2006, № 2, s. 82-90.

7. К вопросу об отражении понятия времени в языке // Вопросы филологических наук, Москва, 2009, № 4, с. 87-90.

8. Azerbaycan dilinin leksik zamansallık alanının yapısal-semantik modeli // Turan, Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, Uluslararası Bilimsel Hakemli Mevsimlik Dergi, Konya, YIL:1, SAYI:3, YAZ 2009, s. 113-117.

9. Focus on Structural and Lexical Ambiguity in English Newspaper Headlines Written by Native and Non-Native Journalists: A Contrastive Study // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. Rome, Italy, July 2013, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 379-383. (with G.Khamahani).

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity

Secondary School, teacher (1986-1990), Khazar University, lecturer, (1994-1996), Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Lecturer (1996-1998).

Other activities  
Awards and prizes  
Main place of work and its address Nasimi Institute of LinguisticsAZ1073, Baku city, H.Gavid aven., 115
Position Head of department 
Office phone  
Mobile (+994 50) 3672556 
Home phone (+994 12) 4529914 