Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Doctors of the Republican Seismic Survey Center

Mammadli Tahir Yadigar oglu
Place of birth Azerbaijan Republic, Shamakhy district 
Date of birth 02.01.1957 
Education Azerbaijan State University 
Scientific degree Doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences 

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name




The reflection of geological structures of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus in parameters of the seismic regime

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name


Geophysics, geophysical methods of searches of minerals

Weak seismicity of  the  Azerbaijan territory and its relation with  modern geodynamics

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 

Basic scientific achievements

The map-scheme of seismogenerating zones (the sources of strong earthquakes) territory of Azerbaijan has been made; dependence between extents (L) potential sources zones and the maximum magnitudes (M max) earthquakes is established. This dependence allows to define possible highest magnitude (M max) strong earthquakes in potential sources zones in territory Азербайджана.

Using the parameters of potential focal zones, identified using the new method, a new schematic map of seismic hazard of the territory of Azerbaijan was created.

Using parameters potential sources zones defined on new method, the new map-scheme of seismic danger in territory of Azerbaijan has been made.

Names of scientific works

1. About problems of seismic zoning and a way of their decision Catalog of seismic forecasting service in the territory of Azerbaijan in 2006, Baku 2007, p. 122-128 (coauthor Balakishibeyli Sh.A.)

2. Dependence of definition of position of epicentre of earthquake on an azimuthal arrangement of stations and features of a run time of longitudinal waves.

Catalog of seismic forecasting service in the territory of Azerbaijan in 2006, Baku 2007, p. 182-187 (coauthors G.D. Etirmishli, Kazimova S.E., Kazimova I.E)

3. Character of display of seismicity in territory of Azerbaijan during 1992-2001 / Seismicity of northern Eurasia. Materials of the International conference. Obninsk, on July, 28-31th 2008г. p.47-52 / (Coauthors A.G. Hasanov, Yetirmishli G.D., Abdullayev R.R, Agayev C.T.)

4. Seismic hazard of territory of Baku on new seismological and engineering-geological data / Dangerous natural and technogenic geological processes in mountain and foothill territories of northern caucasus. Vladikavkaz, 2008. p.67-70/(the co-author - Gasanov A.G.)

5. About features of display of seismicity and an estimation of seismic hazard of territory of Azerbaijan.

Catalog of seismic forecasting service in the territory of Azerbaijan in 2008, Baku 2009, p. 131-134 (coauthors Balakishibeyli Sh.A., Pasha N.I.)

6. About actual problems of seismic zoning and revaluation of seismic hazard of territory of Azerbaijan. News of Baku University, 2009, № 2, p.137-143 (co-authors - Balakishibeyli Sh.A., Yetirmishli GD)

7. New technique of revealing sources zones of strong earthquakes and definition of their maximum magnitudes (Mmax) on weak seismicity (on an example of territory of Azerbaijan) / PROBLEMS of SEISMOTECTONICS Materials of XVII All-Russia conference with the international participation. Voronezh-Moscow 2011, p.337-341/

8. Estimation of level of seismic hazard of the western part of Azerbaijan. Catalog of seismic forecasting service in the territory of Azerbaijan, Baku 2011, p. 162-165 (coauthors Shirinova Z.G.)

9. Revealing technique sources zones of strong earthquakes on weak seismicity / Seismic danger and management of seismic risk on Caucasus. Works of IV Caucasian international school-seminar young ученных Vladikavkaz, on October, 24-26th, 2011, p. 287-295.

10. Seismogenerating zones of Azerbaijan and their deep structural features. Catalog of seismic forecasting service in the territory of Azerbaijan, Baku 2012, p. 287-295

11. Features of seismicity of Azerbaijan part of the greater Caucasus / Journal of Georgian Geophysical Society, Issue (A), Physics of Solid Earth, v. 16a, 2013, pp. 55-60 (coauthout- Yetirmishli G.J., Kazimova S.E.)

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity Hourly teacher of “Seismology and Earth Physics” cathedra at Baku State University. 
Other activities  
Awards and prizes Honorary Title of  ANAS 
Main place of work and its address

Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 25, Nigar Rafibeyli str., AZ1001, Baku, Azerbaijan

Position Head of Seismology Department 
Office phone (+994 12)  4970698  
Mobile (+994 50)  5044746  
Home phone (+994 12)   3733500  