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Keramova Ramida Agadadash gizi
Place of birth Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city
Date of birth 22.09.1947 
Education Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences  
Scientific degree docent 

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Nitrogen-Hydrogen sulphide mineral water on the northeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus and to the national economy

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name

RAS-25.00.03;   ANAS-2514.01

RAS -"geotectonics and geodynamics"

ANAS -"geotectonics and geodynamics"

"Seismicity and geochemical fields of fluids of Azerbaijan"

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship  

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 

Basic scientific achievements

1. studied mineral waters NE and NW slopes of the Greater Caucasus;

2. on the instructions manual RCSS ANAS (ОМГЭ ИГАНА) during 1979-2014 years. Azerbaijan organized seismogeochemical research;

3. with the assistance of management estab-lished a network of fixed stations all-year-round monitoring of fluids seismogeochemical (SGCH) and seismohydrogeodynamical (SHGD) methods;

4. The automated technology is created (Ke-ramova, 2004-2011) “OPERATIVE FORE-CAST EARTHQUAKES ON THE SEISMO-GEOCHEMICAL FIELDS, being tested and refined to the present. The aim of work - daily operational evaluation of seismic conditions and seismic risk in the Caspian Sea, in Azerbaijan and the border regions of neighboring countries (Russia-Dagestan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Iran) anomalies in the fields SFGD Azerbaijan. The technology is composed of 4 rapid calculation methods:

a) Rapid method of detection of anomalies (formula) for daily data processing (242 values) SFGD monitoring for rapid assessment of the seismic situation in the region.

b) Rapid method of calculating the "range-interval" magnitude (formula) predicted earth-quake.

c) Rapid methods for identifying the seismic source on the anomalies in the fields SFGD fluids. It allows to set two parameters of the focal zone, preparing for the implementation of: a) "range" location (interval coordinates); b) "range-interval" time, which was before the implementation of the predicted earthquake in the range 1÷16 days.

d) Empirically set to "range-interval" time prediction of seismic events on the anomalies in the fields SFGD fluids. They appear only in the final stage of earthquake preparation for implementation. It is equal to 1÷16 days.

5. With the direct participation (algorithm development, testing programs), created by the software (12 packages) for rapid assessment of seismic conditions and seismic risk in the Caspian Sea, in Azerbaijan and the border regions of neighboring countries (Russia-Dagestan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Iran).

6. Based on the above method first created "Atlas identification of seismic sources for flu-ids SFGD fields of Azerbaijan" to the Caspian Sea and the Anatolian-Iranian-Caucasus tectonic block (1986-2014).

7. Through the use of rapid identification me-thod of earthquake location by informative SFGD earthquake precursors, refined structure of individual seismogenic zones (Caspian Sea, Shamakhi, Ismayilli, Talysh-Azerbaijanian part and NE Iran):

а) earthquake sources in the waters of the Middle and Southern Caspian spatially distributed within six (6) seismogenic zones;

b) in Shamakhi and Ismayilli set 6 seismicmicro zones;

c) in Talish set 5 seismicmicro zones.

8. As a result of work performed, a new di-rection of research - "Scanning seismogenic zones SFGD fields."

9. Developed a new line of research - prevention of geological accidents during drilling in the Caspian Sea based on the use of technology “OPERATIVE FORECAST EARTHQUAKES ON THE SEISMOGEOCHEMICAL FIELDS”

All these studies SFGD "Geochemistry" Department continues.

Names of scientific works

1. Keramova R.A. – Preliminary genetic model of the process of emergence of short-period anomalies in seis-mogeochemical fields. //b. Geo-physics XXI Century, M. GEON, 2002.

2. Keramova R.A. – Keramova R.A. – The identification of the seismic epicenter’s vector by intensity of the hydrogeochemical field of Sheky seismoaktive zone in Azerbaijan. //1-st International Symposium of Istanbul Technical Universities the Faculty of Mines on Earth Sciences and Engineering, 16-18 may 2002 y. Istanbul, Turkey.

3. Keramova R. A - Seismogeochemical re-searches. //The b. “Geology of Azerbaijan. Physics of the Earth”. Volume V, Publishing House of the “Nafta-Press”, Baku, 2002, pp.53-67.

4. Gasanov A.G., Keramova R.A., Agapov N.I. – “The geological” accident on the Caspian Oil and Gas wells and hydro-geochemical harbingers of strong earthquakes (1999, 2001). //National Geology № 1. M. 2005, pp. 69-72.

5. Keramova R. A – Seismicity and geochemical fields of fluids of Azerbaijan. //The dissertation on competition of a rank of the doctor of geologo-mineralogical sciences. М, Institut of the Physics of the Earth of the RAS. 2004, pp. 1-187.

6. Keramova R. A. - Seismogeochemical criteria the Eart’s top cloak of the the Caucasian earthquakes (2001-2004). //The Catalogue of the seimic forecast researches in 2003 y. Baku. 2004, pp. 126-136.

7. Keramova R.A. – Express methods of an operative estimation of seismic conditions on seismogeochemical fields of fluids, in a real mode of time. //The Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Emer-gency Measures, Institut Geoe-cology of the name E.M.Sergeev of the RAS, 8-th International Scientifically Practical Conference on prob-lems of decrease in natural dangers and risks, “GEORISK - 2012”.

8. Keramova R.A. – „SEISMOGEOCHEMICAL on-line“ – technology for operativ estimation of seismic conditions of the geochemical fields of Azerbaijan. //EUROPEAN SEISMOLOGICAL COMISSION, ХХVII GENERAL ASSAMBLY. Rus-sia, Moscow, 2012.

9. Keramova R.А. – New technology of operative evalution of seismic situation on geochemical fields of fluids of Azerbaijan. //Word Forum International Congress. 19-21 September 2012. Istambul, Turkey, pp. 134-140.

10. Keramova R.A., Abdulrazagova P.A., Osmanova O.O. – Differentiation of the location of seismic sources in the geochemical fields of fluid. //Word Forum International Congress. 19-21 September 2012. Istambul, Turkey, pp. 130-133.

11. Keramova R.A. - The hypocenter of earth-quake preparing for realization is the trigger for identification of its site on seismogeochemical anomalies of fluids of Azerbaijan. The 38-th General Assembly of the International Association of Seymology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) in Sweeden, Gothenburg 22-26 July 2013.

12. Yetirmishli G.J., Abdullayeva R.R., Keramova R.A., Rzayev A.G., – “Reflection of strong Caucasian earthquake in seismical, geophysical and seismogeochemical fields (Azerbaijan–Zaqatali city; 07.05.2012)”. The 38-th General Assembly of the International Association of Seymology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) in Sweeden, Gothenburg 22-26 July 2013.

13. Keramova R.A. - Scan results of seismic zones in caspian sea on the seismicfluidogeodynamical (SFGD) fields of Azerbaijan. 2-nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Istambul, aug. 25-29, 2014.

14. Keramova R.A. - New technology of opera-tive evaluation of seismic situation on geochemical fields of fluids of Azerbaijan/ 2-nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Istambul, aug. 25-29, 2014.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

1. Azerbaijan Association of Seismology

2. European Seismological Commission

Pedagogical activity  
Other activities  
Awards and prizes Honorary Title of  ANAS 
Main place of work and its address Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 25, Nigar Rafibeyli str., AZ1001, Baku, Azerbaijan
Position Department Director
Office phone (+994 12) 4471946/37; (+994 12) 5812148 
Mobile (+994 50) 2230684 
Home phone (+994 12) 5810036 
Fax (+994 12) 4471946 