Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Hajiyeva Zemfira Ali gizi
Place of birth Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city
Education Institute of Russian Language and Literature. MF Akhundov (present Baku Slavic University) 
Scientific degree Doctor of Historical Sciences 
Title Associate Professor
Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



National history

Karabakh Khanate: the socio-economic relations and political system

Topic of doctoral thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



National history

Chronology of Karabakh and Irevan Khanates

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship  
Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

-         number of  Doctor of sciences 



Basic scientific achievements 1. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Karabakh khanate: socio-economic relations and political system. Baku, 2007 (in 3 languages).

2. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Azerbaijan State Museum (1920-1960). History of the establishment of museums in Azerbaijan. Baku, 2012. (in Azerbaijani and Russian).

3. Z.A. Hajiyeva. History of Irevan khanate (catalogue). Baku, 2013. (in 3 languages).

4. Z.A. Hajiyeva, N.Aliyarli. History of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (catalogue). Baku, 2013. (in 3 languages).

Names of scientific works 1. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Historiography of the Karabakh khanate. Baku. 2010.

2. Z.A.Hajiyeva. Historiography of the Irevan khanate. Baku, 2012.

3. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Society for studying and promoting Azerbaijan. Baku, 2005.

4. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Historical and cultural heritage of Karabakh. Baku.

5. Z.Ə. Hacıyeva. Azərbaycan Dövlət elmi-tədqiqat İnstitutu (AzDETİ) Azərbaycanda Elmin inkişafı tarixindən (1929-1932). (azərbaycan, rusdillərində). Z.A. Hajiyeva. Azerbaijan State Scientific-research Institute. From the history of development of science in Azerbaijan (1929-1932). (in Azerbaijani and Russian).

6. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Recurring history, recurring comments. Baku, 2011.

7. Z.A.Hajiyeva. Azerbaijani scientists during World War II (1941-1945). Baku, 2010.

8. Z.Ə. Hacıyeva. AMEA Prezidentləri. Şanlı yolun mərhələləri. Bakı, 2015. (azərbaycan, rus, ingilis dillərində). Z.A. Hajiyeva. Presidents of ANAS. Stages of the glorious path. Baku, 2015. (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English).

9. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Legendary man. Baku, 2013.

10. Z.A. Hajiyeva. The Karabakh khanate: socio-economic relations and the political system. Baku, 2010.

11. Preface or a few words about the Karabakh khanate (Preface about a book). Description of the Khrabakh province, preparation for publication and reprint by Z.A. Hajiyeva. Baku, 2003, pages III – XVI.

12. Z.A. Hajiyeva. About the mahals of the Karabakh khanate and the composition of its population, Proceedings of the ANAS – Nr 4, - 2004, pages 83-95.

13. Z.A. Hajiyeva. About the condition of craftsmanship in the Karabakh khanate. History and its problems – Nr 3, - 2—4, pages 236-247.

14. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Formation of the Karabakh khanate and its borders. Materials (thesis-speeches) of the Azerbaijan-Turkey symposium. Baku, 2004, - p. 148.

15. Materials (thesis-speeches) of the Azerbaijan and Turkey international scientific-practical symposium on the Turkic world moving in the direction of the new trends of development dedicated to the memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and May 2 the Republic Day.

16. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Formation of the Karabakh khanate. The presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis. 2004.

17. Z.A. Hajiyeva. About the administrative structure and religious-ethnic composition of the Karabakh khanate. Karabakh: Kurekchay treaty – 200. Baku, 2005, - pages 101-113.

18. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Formation of the Karabakh khanate. Baku, 2005 – Nr 4, - pages 19-26.

19. Z.A. Hajiyeva. About the condition of agriculture, land and water ownership in Karabakh during the khanate period. Baku, 2005, - pages 34-36.

20. About the Karabakhname of Mirza Adigozel bey. Revival, XXI century, Institute of Azerbaijan state-building and international relations, 126-127, Baku, 2008, - pages 369-384.

21. The place of Mirza Jamal Javanshir Qarabagly’s “History of Karabakh” in historiography. Baku, 2008, - pages 53-73.

22. About Mir Mehdi Khazani and his book “Kitabi-tarixi-Qarabagh” (History of Karabakh). Baku, 2008. – pages 3-17.

23. Ahmed bey Javanshir. About the political situation in the Karabakh khanate during 1747-1805. Proceedings of the Pedagogical University, Nr 6. Baku, 2008 – pages 112-123.

24. About the Irevan khanate during the rule of the Qajars (1875-1828), Proceedings of the ANAS – Nr 10, 2008, - pages 112-123.

25. Z.A.Hajiyeva. The town of Shusha during the second half of XVII century and early XIX century. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference (25-28. IX. 2008) Kizlyar.

26. Z.Ə. Hacıyeva. İrəvan hanlığı Amerikalı Bir erməni yazarın sonumunda (Türkiyə-konfransı- Kars) Kafkaz Universitesi Tarih bölümü və Atatürk ülkeleri və İnkilap tarihi Araştırma və Uyqulama merkezi II Uluslar arası Kafkasiya tarih simpoziumu 15-17. Kars, 2008.

27. Recurring history and recurring comments. Similarities and differences of George Bournoutian with Russian-soviet and Armenian historians. Baku, 2008-2009, - pages 147-159.

28. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Irevan khanate during the rule of the Kajars (1795-1828). Proceedings of ANAS about the book, Nr 10. Baku, 2009.

29. Z.Ə. Hacıyeva. The same old story... and the same old comments. Jeneva DİVA international issue 2. – 2010. - s. 42-48.

30. Z.A. Hajiyeva. The final word of historians about the history of the Irevan khanate, reports of ANAS, Nr 4, 2010,- pages 138-148.

31. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Proceedings of PY about the book of Mirza Rahim Fennah “Tarixi-jaddidi-Qarabagh” (The true history of Karabakh), Nr 3, 2012.- pages 87-90.

32. Z.A. Hajiyeva. History of the Karabakh khanate during the 60s and 80s of the XX century in the Azerbaijani and Soviet historiography. Proceedings of ANAS Nr 10, -2012.

33. Z.A. Hajiyeva. History of the Karabakh khanate in the modern Armenian historiography. Revival, XXI century, 171-172, - 2012, - pages 411-418.

34. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Azerbaijani historiography during the period of independence. A new approach to the problem. Proceedings of ANAS. Baku, 2012.

35. Z.A. Hajiyeva. History of the Karabakh khanate in the Iranian historiography. International scientific journal “Caucasus and the world”, Nr 14, - 2012, - pages 99-106.

36. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Raffi and his mythical narratives about Karabakh. Proceedings of RU, Nr 1. Baku, 2013. – pages 65-70.

37. Z.A. Hajiyeva. About the falsifications of the history of the Karabakh khanate in the Armenian historiography during the 30s-40s of the XX century. Proceedings of ANAS. Baku, 2013.

38. Z.A. Hajiyeva. The 40s-50s of the XX century in the Soviet historiography. Revival, XXI century, 173-174. Baku, 2013.

39. Z.Ə. Hacıyeva. Türkiye ve İran Tarih Bilimçiliginde Karabağ Tarihi. Türk Dünyası Araşdırmaları vakfı, Kültür Dergisi. Tarih: şubat 2013, - sayı 314, - s. 24-30.

40 Z.Ə. Hacıyeva. The History of the Yerevan Khanate in the context of Russia, Georgiya, İran and other countries. Jeneva DİVA international issue 1, - 2013, - s. 38-41.

41. Z.A. Hajiyeva. An Armenian American historian, George Bournoutian, about the history of the Irevan khanate. The Questions of Humanities, RISS IV 1684-2618, - Nr 3. Moscow, 2013.-pages 22-36.

42. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Kashes as a valuable resource for studying the historical and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan. Catalogue, preface and description of the Kashes. Baku, 2014. (co-author).

43. Z.A. Hajiyeva. History of the establishment of ANAS (1945). Baku, 2015. (Azerbaijani, Russian).

44. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Azerbaijan’s aide to the refugee children from Spain during the civil war of 1936-1939 as a unique model of tolerance, humanism and multiculturalism. Baku, 1916.

45. Z.A. Hajiyeva. Basic works of an outstanding historian Orientalist in the field of studying multiculturalism in Azerbaijan. Baku, 1916.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations  
Pedagogical activity 2000-2013 senior lecturer of the Azerbaijan State Economic Institute. 
Other activities 1976-1977 The Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, OK and A, secretary-typist.

1985-1987 Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR, UNA.

1987-1992 Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. Sector of Archaeology and Ethnography, senior laboratory assistant 0,5 staff.

1992-2001 junior staff member, 0.5 staff.

2001-2003 Presidium of ANAS.

2003-2011 Head of the "Department for the collection and systematization of the scientific heritage of Azerbaijan" under the Presidium of ANAS. Leading researcher of the Institute of History named after A.A. Bakikhanov, 0,5 staff. Since 2011, she has been leading the "Center for the collection and systematization of the scientific heritage of Azerbaijan". Decree Nr 208 dated 29 September of 2011 of the Presidium of ANAS.

Awards and prizes Honorary Diploma of influential intellectuals

Higher Diploma "Flag of Azerbaijan"

Diploma award "Golden Pen"

Honorary Diploma of ANAS (3 times) 2000, 2005 and 2015.

Presidential Decree awarded the medal "Tereggi"

Main place of work and its address Presidium of ANAS, Baku, H.Javid avenue, 117.
Position Chief,

Chairman of the commission of probationary experts-ANAS

Office phone (+994 12) 5387116,

(+994 12) 4371772

Home phone  
Fax (+994 12) 4371772