Veb-site | ![]() |
Place of birth | Baku | |
Date of birth | 28.07.1978 | |
Education | Baku State University | |
Scientific degree | PhD | |
Title | Assistant of professor | |
Topic of PhD thesis: - specialty code - specialty name - topic name |
03.0015 Genetics Influence of plant extracts with higher level of peroxidase and their compositions on mutational processes |
Total number of printed scientific publications: - number of scientific publications printed abroad: - number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases |
20 |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | 1 | |
Staff training: - number of PhD |
Basic scientific achievements | Ecological assessment and monitoring of Shirvan region of Azerbaijan | |
Names of scientific works |
1.Şirvanın flora və bitkiliyi Elm, 2015, 510s. 2.Azərbaycanda, Böyük Qafqazda Qış otlaqlarının Monitorinqi (azərbaycan və ingilis dillərində). Volsfagen Fondu və GİZ, Qreysfald Univ., Almaniya, 2015, 56 S. 3.Azərbaycan florasının lüğəti»//«Словарь флоры Азербайджана» //«Dictionary of flora of Azerbaijan» «Elm», 2008, 272 С. 4.«Karl Linneyin həyatı və elmi yaracılığı» //«Жизнь и научная деятельность Карла Линнея». «Elm», 2008, 145 С. 5.Contour bonitation scale and cartogram of the soil of Shirvan massif of Azerbaijan. J. Sylwan, Poland, 2019, Vol. 163, Issue. 1 6.Ecological assessment and map of soils of Shirvan zone of Azerbaijan. Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola Journal, Portugal, 2019, Vol. 34, №1 7.Feed resources of winter pastures of the Shirvan territory of Azerbaijan. J. Sylwan, Poland, 2018, vol.162, issue 4, p.196-206 8.Modern conditions of ecosystems in the Shirvan region cities of Aazerbaijan. J.Bioscience, 2018, № 9.Ecological and phytocenological assessment of Salsola dendroides Pall. populations in Shirvan region of Azerbaijan. Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary. 2015, p. 158-171 10.Eco-biological assessment of main forage grain group and legumes in pastures hayland of Shirvan territory. Journal of Biology and Life Science. Macrothink Institute, 2015, p. 148-159 11.Fitocenological assesment and reserve of Artemisia fragrans will in Shirvan region of Azerbaijan Republic. International journal of current research in biosciences and plant biology. 2015, p. 1-7 12.Regularities of the desertification processes in Shirvan territory of Azerbaijan. J. Agrarian science, Georgia, 2015, pp.40-43 13.Фитоценологическая и экологическая оценка луговой растительности территории Ширвана. Black Sea, scientific journal of academic research multidisciplinary journal. 2015, p. 23-30 14.Şirvan florasının bioekoloji xüsusiyyətləri. J. AMEA-nın Xəbərləri, Bakı, 2018 15.Şirvan torpaqlarının ekoloji vəziyyəti. / Shirvan. Ecological conditions of soils. / Ширван. 16.Экологическое состояние почв. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Milli Atlasi 17.Şirvan torpaq-ekoloji xəritəsi//Soil-Ecological map of Shirvan. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Ekoloji Atlası (azerb.-ingilis), BKF, 2010, ss.82-83 |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
● Diploma of Professor of Russian Academy of Nature Science, 2016 ●Patron Member of New-York Academy of Sciences (from 2006 till now) ●Responsible participants of "The Great Caucasus winter pastures Monitoring" project under Sustainable management of biodiversity in the South Caucasus, spent by Greysfald University (Germany) sponsored by Volkswagen Foundation ● Travel Grant of SETAC (İtaly, Milan, 2011) ● Travel Grant of SETAC (Spain, Sevilya, 2010) ●The State Award is awarded for «Scientific achievements» in 2006 and in 10-anniversary honors of a Youth Day of Azerbaijan (February, 2, 2007) ●Member of Women Confederation of Azerbaijan (from 2006 till now) ●Chairman of Integrated Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Botany, ●Microbiology and Central Botanical Garden of ANAS (2005-2009) ●The National Scholarship of World Federation of Scientists (2004-2005;2005-2006) ●Travel Grant of Society for Experimental Biology of UK (Durham, U.K., 2003) ●Member of Federation of European Plant Biology Societies (2003-2007) ●Member of Society for Experimental Biology (2003-2007) ●Member of Scientific Counsel of Biology Faculty of BSU (1999-2003) ●One of the founders of the Azerbaijan Society of Soilscientist (2013) ●Association of Women in Science, the founder (2013) ●Member of Botanical Society of Azerbaijan (2003-2006) ●Chairman of Students Scientific Society of Biology faculty of Baku State University (1999-2003) ●Bonus grant of Biology Faculty of Baku State University (1996-2001) |
Pedagogical activity | 2010-2016 teacher on Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Ecology and solilscinece | |
Other activities | ||
Awards and prizes |
The State Award is awarded for «Scientific achievements» in 2006 and in 10-anniversary honors of a Youth Day of Azerbaijan (February, 2, 2007) Bonus grant of Biology Faculty of Baku State University (1996-2001) |
Main place of work and its address |
Central Botanical Garden ANAS, AZ1004, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city, Badamdar high way, 40 |
Position | Leading Researcher | |
Office phone | (+994 12) 4546062 | |
Mobile | (+994 50) 3148192 | |
Home phone | (+994 12) 4922804 | |
Fax | || |