Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Doctor of Sciences of the Central Office of the Presidium of ANAS

Gasimzade Tubukhanim Elman gizi
Place of birth Baku 
Date of birth 28.07.1978 
Education Baku State University 
Scientific degree PhD  
Title Assistant of professor 

Topic of  PhD thesis:

-         specialty code

-         specialty name

-         topic name



Influence of plant extracts with higher level of peroxidase and their compositions on mutational processes 

Total number of printed scientific publications:

-          number of scientific publications printed abroad:

-          number of papers  published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases






Number of patents and certificates of authorship

Staff training:     

-         number of  PhD

Basic scientific achievements Ecological assessment and monitoring of Shirvan region of Azerbaijan 
Names of scientific works

1.Şirvanın flora və bitkiliyi Elm, 2015, 510s.

2.Azərbaycanda, Böyük Qafqazda Qış otlaqlarının Monitorinqi (azərbaycan və ingilis dillərində). Volsfagen Fondu və GİZ, Qreysfald Univ., Almaniya, 2015, 56 S.

3.Azərbaycan florasının lüğəti»//«Словарь флоры Азербайджана» //«Dictionary of flora of Azerbaijan» «Elm», 2008, 272 С.

4.«Karl Linneyin həyatı və elmi yaracılığı» //«Жизнь и научная деятельность Карла Линнея». «Elm», 2008, 145 С.

5.Contour bonitation scale and cartogram of the soil of Shirvan massif of Azerbaijan. J. Sylwan, Poland, 2019, Vol. 163, Issue. 1

6.Ecological assessment and map of soils of Shirvan zone of Azerbaijan. Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola Journal, Portugal, 2019, Vol. 34, №1

7.Feed resources of winter pastures of the Shirvan territory of Azerbaijan. J. Sylwan, Poland, 2018, vol.162, issue 4, p.196-206

8.Modern conditions of ecosystems in the Shirvan region cities of Aazerbaijan. J.Bioscience, 2018, №

9.Ecological and phytocenological assessment of Salsola dendroides Pall. populations in Shirvan region of Azerbaijan. Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary. 2015, p. 158-171

10.Eco-biological assessment of main forage grain group and legumes in pastures hayland of Shirvan territory. Journal of Biology and Life Science. Macrothink Institute, 2015, p. 148-159

11.Fitocenological assesment and reserve of Artemisia fragrans will in Shirvan region of Azerbaijan Republic. International journal of current research in biosciences and plant biology. 2015, p. 1-7

12.Regularities of the desertification processes in Shirvan territory of Azerbaijan. J. Agrarian science, Georgia, 2015, pp.40-43

13.Фитоценологическая и экологическая оценка луговой растительности территории Ширвана. Black Sea, scientific journal of academic research multidisciplinary journal. 2015, p. 23-30

14.Şirvan florasının bioekoloji xüsusiyyətləri. J. AMEA-nın Xəbərləri, Bakı, 2018

15.Şirvan torpaqlarının ekoloji vəziyyəti. / Shirvan. Ecological conditions of soils. / Ширван. 16.Экологическое состояние почв. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Milli Atlasi

17.Şirvan torpaq-ekoloji xəritəsi//Soil-Ecological map of Shirvan. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Ekoloji Atlası (azerb.-ingilis), BKF, 2010, ss.82-83

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

● Diploma of Professor of Russian Academy of Nature Science, 2016

●Patron  Member of New-York Academy of Sciences (from 2006 till now)

●Responsible participants of "The Great Caucasus winter pastures Monitoring" project under Sustainable management of biodiversity in the South Caucasus, spent by Greysfald University (Germany) sponsored by Volkswagen Foundation

● Travel Grant of  SETAC (İtaly, Milan, 2011)

● Travel Grant of  SETAC (Spain, Sevilya, 2010)

●The State Award is awarded for «Scientific achievements» in 2006 and in 10-anniversary honors of a Youth Day of Azerbaijan (February, 2, 2007)

●Member of Women Confederation of Azerbaijan (from 2006 till now)

●Chairman of Integrated Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Botany, ●Microbiology and Central Botanical Garden of ANAS (2005-2009)

●The National Scholarship of World Federation of Scientists (2004-2005;2005-2006)

●Travel Grant of  Society for Experimental Biology of UK (Durham, U.K.,  2003)

●Member of Federation of European Plant Biology Societies (2003-2007)

●Member of Society for Experimental Biology (2003-2007)

●Member of Scientific Counsel of Biology Faculty of BSU (1999-2003)

●One of the founders of the Azerbaijan Society of Soilscientist (2013)

●Association of Women in Science, the founder (2013)

●Member of  Botanical Society of Azerbaijan (2003-2006)

●Chairman of Students Scientific Society of Biology faculty of Baku State University (1999-2003)

●Bonus grant of  Biology Faculty of Baku State University (1996-2001)
Pedagogical activity 2010-2016 teacher  on Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Ecology and solilscinece 
Other activities  
Awards and prizes

The State Award is awarded for «Scientific achievements» in 2006 and in 10-anniversary honors of a Youth Day of Azerbaijan (February, 2, 2007)

Bonus grant of  Biology Faculty of Baku State University (1996-2001)

Main place of work and its address

Central Botanical Garden ANAS, AZ1004, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city, Badamdar high way, 40 

Position Leading Researcher 
Office phone (+994 12) 4546062 
Mobile (+994 50) 3148192 
Home phone (+994 12) 4922804 