Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Dadashov Bilal Atash oglu
Dadashov Bilal Atash oglu was born on December 30, 1915 in the village of Ranjbar in Shamakhy (present Hajigabul district). He graduated from the Chemistry faculty of the Azerbaijan State University (1939).

He received his PhD in Chemistry (1944) and Doctor of Sciences (1957), and obtained the neme o0f professir (1963). He was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR (1980).

After graduating from the institute, B.Dadashov worked at the Department of Physical Chemistry (1934-1939), a post-graduate student at the department, and also taught chemistry at the Technical School (1939-1944).

In 1945-1950 he was the chief of Catalysis Laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of Azerbaijan AS and assistant and assistant professor of Azerbaijan Medical Institute named after N.Narimanov. He worked as the chief Laboratory at the Azerbaijan Institute of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry and later as Laboratory Manager at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes (IPP) (1957-1963).

He was a chief of Laboratory and Heterogeneous Catalysis Department of IPP Azerbaijan AS (1987-1995).

He was an associate Professor of the Azerbaijan Medical University in 1941-1949, associate professor of Baku State University in 1957-1959, associate professor of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute (now Azerbaijan Technical University) in 1962-1973, and 1984-1993 worked as a professor at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. Since 1996, he has been a consultant to the administration.

B.Dadashov is a prominent scientist in the field of catalysis. His scientific works are dedicated to the problem of effective catalysts for the dehydrogenation, isomerization and aromatization processes of paraffins.

B.Dadashov together with his teacher, academician Y.Mammadaliyev, conducted research in the field of synthesis and application of efficient catalysts in the reforming process to increase the number of octane gasoline (1945-1950). For the first time, it has prepared 2 types of fuel (Naftil-1B and Ditsil) for oil products from missile engines.

The results of B.Dadashov's scientific researches were reflected in 260 scientific papers, including 19 copyright certificates and patents.

B.Dadashov has prepared 5 doctors of sciences, 21 PHDs.

B.Dadashov was chairman of the Chemistry Society named after D. Mendeleyev, member of the All-Union Council on Catalysis under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

He deserved the title of Honored Scientist and was awarded with medals "For Distinction in Labor", "For the Protection of the Caucasus" and "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".

Corresponding member of ANAS Bilal Dadashov died in Baku in 2007.
