Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Hacıyev Sabir Abdulmanaf oglu

Hajiyev Sabir Abdulmanaf oglu was born on September 23, 1928 in the Sisian region. In 1956, he graduated from Azerbaijan State University (now BSU) with a degree in physics.

In 1960, he received a PhD degree, in 1974- Doctor of Physical Sciences, in 1975-Professor and as corresponding member of the ANAS in 1983.

He worked as a teacher at Azerbaijan State University (1956-1960), assistant professor (1960-1968), Chair of department (1972-1990), dean of the faculty of physics (1978-1988).

The scientific work by S.Hajiyev mainly covers research on the theory of calibration. S.Hajiyev proposed a method for determining quantum field functions in gauge theories that lead to solving algebraic equations. He taught courses in classical electrodynamics, gauge field theory, group theory, atomic physics, and nuclear physics.

S.Hajiyev is author of 130 scientific articles. Under his leadership were defended 22 candidate and 2 doctoral dissertations.

Awarded the Order "Shohrat" of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Glory Medal by the American Biographical Institute. He was awarded the “Honored Scientist”.

ANAS corresponding member Sabir Hajiyev died in 2013, Baku.
