Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Orujov Aliheydar Alabbas oglu
Corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Orujov Aliheydar Allabbas oglu was born on November 25, 1905 in Guba. He got his first education in Guba, and came to Baku in 1922 and began his career there. In 1923-1926 he studied at the Faculty of Philology of the Azerbaijan State University.

In 1931-1933 he studied at the Editorial and Publishing Institute in Moscow and worked in various editorial and publishing houses in Baku.

In 1940 A. Orujov graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Azerbaijan State University. He began to work as a junior researcher at the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Dictionary since 1940, and in 1942 he was promoted to the position of senior researcher. He has been the head of the Dictionary Department for more than thirty years since 1944. He closely participated in the creation of the one-volume Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary.

In 1947 A. Orujov defended his thesis and in 1962 - doctoral thesis. In 1966 he was awarded the title of professor, and in 1968 he was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences. At the same time, he served as Deputy Chairman of the Terminology Committee under the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

He was awarded the State Prize in 1948 as one of the important compilers of the Russian-Azerbaijani Dictionary of Four volumes (1940-1946).

A special place in the works of the scientist is "Explanatory dictionary of the Azerbaijani language", "Spelling dictionary of the Azerbaijani language", "Azerbaijani-Russian phraseological dictionary".

The distinguished scientist was awarded with medals and honorary orders at various times, and in 1976 he was awarded the “Order of Honor”.

Corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Aliheydar Orujov died on October 27, 1987 in Baku.
