Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Alkhazov Tofik Gasan oglu

Tofik Hasan oglu Alkhazov was born on September 27, 1932 in the city of Baku. In 1955, he graduated from the Azerbaijan Industrial Institute with a degree in technological engineering, in 1960 he received a Ph.D. in chemistry, in 1969 - a doctorate in chemistry, and in 1971 - a professor. In 1989 he was elected a corresponding member of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.

In 1961-1962, the scientist was the head of the chemical sector of the research department of the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (ASOA), in 1962-1970 he was an assistant professor of the department of physical chemistry, in 1970-1998 he was the head of this department, in 1970-1978 he held the position Vice-rector for scientific work at the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy.

Corresponding member of ANAS Tofik Hasan oglu Alkhazov died in 2020.
