Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Aliyev Namig Nariman oglu
Namig Nariman oglu Aliyev was born on July 28, 1940 in the city of Baku. After graduating from the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute in 1968, N.Aliyev was a post-graduate student of the Microbiology Department of the same institute in 1968-1970. In 1970 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on "The effect of magnetic fields on the morphogenetic and genetic-biochemical properties of some microorganisms", in 1998 he defended his doctoral thesis on "Clinical and experimental substantiation of the application of magnetic fields in the complex treatment of a number of infectious diseases” and received a scientific title of Professor in 1989.

N.Aliyev worked as an assistant, associate professor, professor (1971-1990) at the Azerbaijan State Medical Institute, inspector at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1981), deputy chairman of the Scientific-Medical Council (1982-1991), head of the Science Department (1993-1994). Since 1994, he has been the director of the National Research Institute of Medical Prevention named after V.Y. Akhundov. A scientist engaged in active pedagogical activity, at the same time worked as the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Azerbaijan Medical University.

In 2001 he was elected a corresponding member of ANAS, in 2002 an active member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

N.Aliyev conducted valuable researches in the fields of infectious pathology, microbiology, epidemiology, immunology and magnetobiology, applied treatment methods such as magnetotherapy, laser therapy, sensory induction, aerosol proctoinhalation in the treatment of a number of infectious-parasitic diseases.

The scientist is the author of more than 300 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 5 textbooks and manuals, 18 rationalization proposals, 8 patents. Under his scientific guidance, 3 doctors of sciences and 16 doctors of philosophy were trained. He has been a UN environmental expert, a member of the National Bioethics Committee, as well as other influential local and international scientific communities.

Corresponding member of ANAS N.Aliyev's long-term scientific-organizational and pedagogical activity was highly appreciated, he was awarded the honorary titles of "Honored Doctor of Azerbaijan" (1992), "Honored Scientist" (2000), "Shohrat" order (2010) and was awarded honorary diplomas of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Corresponding member of ANAS Namig Nariman oglu Aliyev passed away in 2020.
