Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Dadashov Sadig Alakbar oglu
Active member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Sadig Alekper oghlu Dadashov was born on April 15,1905 in Baku. He graduated from Construction faculty of Baku Polytechnic Institute in 1929. 

S.Dadashov was the first chief of the   Architectural Affairs Office under the Soviet of People's Commissars of Azerbaijan USSR in 1944. The Prominent scientist was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Architecture in 1941 and an active member of the newly established Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan USSR (now Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences) in 1945. In 1940, he deserved Honored Art Worker of Azerbaijan, and in 1941 he was awarded the USSR State Prize. He was awarded with the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor and the medals.  

S.Dadashov is the first scientific researcher of Azerbaijan architectural heritage. He laid the foundations for the study of the history of architecture of Azerbaijan and for this purpose he went to some regions of Azerbaijan in 1934-1940 and 1944-1946. He has created his scientific-theoretical works on architecture together with the outstanding Azerbaijani architect Mikayil Useynov. He projected many residential, public and cultural buildings in Baku and other cities of the republic, and these architectural works have played a major role in the development of Azerbaijani architecture. 

Outstanding architect gave the project of 23 buildings in 1929-1933. They were a factory building in Baku (Bail) in 1932-1033, a new building of Azerbaijan Industrial Institute (present Azerbaijan State Oil Academy), House of Art Workers, a number of residential buildings, the Kazakh Pedagogical Technical School (all in 1933 ). 

The main works of S.Dadashov include the building of the Azerbaijan Technical University (1931-1933), the building of the Nizami Cinema (1937), the Baku Music Academy building (1938), the building of the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi (1940) can be shown. He is the author of Nizami Ganjavi's monuments in Ganja in 1946 and in Baku in 1949. 

Academician Sadig Dadashov died on December 24, 1946 in Moscow, was buried in Baku. 
