Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Hashimzade Firudin Mamed Ali oglu
Firudin Hashimzadeh was born on December 7, 1935 in Baku. After graduating from high school in 1952-1957, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Azerbaijan State University. In 1957, he entered the graduate school of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, and continued his education at the A.F.Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Leningrad Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

Started his career in 1961 as a junior researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, Firudin Hashimzadeh worked here as a senior researcher in 1963-1968, in 1968-1987 as head of the Semiconductor Laboratory, in 1987-1993 was the head of the department "Physics of strong anisotropic crystals." In 1993-1994 he worked as deputy director of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, in 1994-2000 - the director of the institute, and from 2001 until the end of his life - senior scientific employee.

Firudin Hashimzadeh defended the candidate's degree in 1962, in 1972 - his doctoral dissertation, in 1974 he received the scientific title of professor. In 1980 he was elected a corresponding member, and in 2001 he was a full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

Being one of the founders of the scientific school in the field of the theory of semiconductors in our republic, Academician Firudin Hashimzadeh with his fruitful scientific work made a significant contribution to the development of modern physical science. Firudin Hashimzade's research in the field of the theory of solids was highly appreciated by specialists. The scientist created the theory of kinetic, optical and magnetic properties of semiconductors and semimetals according to Kane type, determined the energy spectrum of electrons in a quantum system of small sizes, revealed a new mechanism for the formation of negative magnetoresistance.

The research results of academician Firudin Hashimzadeh are reflected in over 150 scientific works and one monograph published in our country and abroad. Under the guidance of a scientist in the field of physics, 11 doctors of science, 22 doctors of philosophy were trained. With his performances in a number of prestigious international scientific symposia and conferences, he adequately represented the Azerbaijani science.

The pedagogical activity of Firudin Hashimzadeh also deserved approval. The lectures on scientific directions of theoretical physics and the theory of solid substances read by scientists for more than 30 years in the Baku State University were highly appreciated by the educational community.

The scientific, organizational and pedagogical activities of Academician Firudin Hashimzadeh are highly appreciated by the state. In 1986, the scientist was awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of science and technology for the cycle of works "Optical Spectroscopy of Antiferromagnets", in 2015 for merits in the development of Azerbaijani science - honorary title "Honored Scientist".

Firudin Mammad Ali oglu Hashimzadeh died at the 83rd on September 28, 2018.
