Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


"Elm" children's recreation camp

The "Elm" children's rest camp located in Mardakan settlement is intended for children (boys and girls) aged 6 to 13 years old. Recreation period is 5 times each, 14 days each.

I shift June 25 - July 8

II shift July 11 - July 24

III shift July 27 - August 9

IV shift August 12 - August 25

V shift August 28 - September 10

The camp has a canteen for 100 persons, a pool, a disco and an intellectual playground, a mini-park, a campus, a doctor's station and a library. In addition, there are special areas for football, volleyball courts, billiards and table tennis, chess, checkers, dominoes and backgammon.

"Elm" children's recreation camp makes excursions to the cultural and historical sites located on the Absheron Peninsula (M.Mukhtarov's house, H.Z.Taghiyev's cottage, house of Yessen, "Gala" historic architectural reserve, "Bina" equestrian center, Zira Eco park) also to the protected areas of Caspian beach.

The fee for each child is 200 manat. Children of ANAS employees are rewarded with a privileged fee.

Required Documents:

1. Birth certificate or identity card;

2. Health certificate;

Address: AZ1044 , Azerbaijan Republic, Baku city, Khazar, Mardakan settlement, S. Yesenin str. 89

Phone: (+994 51) 3290100; (+994 77) 4240185; (+994 12) 4541050
