Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Scientific Archive
Phone (+994 36) 5446995  
Chief  Mammadova Rena Ismayil gizi 
Total number of employees
Basic activity directions  

Statistical reports of Nakhchivan Regional Scientific Center for 1998-2002 and Nakhchivan Branch of ANAS for 2003-2010, personal files of employees, quarterly and annual reports, signed contracts and other documents are kept in the archive.

The "Scientific series" created here in 2018 preserves copies of documents issued by the State Archives of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, as well as collected by employees of the department from the state archives of Russia and Georgia.

These historical documents contain rich information on the history of the Nakhchivan region in 1919-1920, 1919-1931, 1949, the economic and political situation in 1919-1920, the administrative-territorial division of Nakhchivan in 1921. It is possible to collect the materials on the cameral list of Nakhchivan city for 1831-1832, 1842-184, two-volume cameral list of Sharur district (1942), the history and ethnography of Nakhchivan region, and get detailed information about New history of the Caucasus (1722-1803), anciency of the Nakhchivan SSR (Nakhchivan, Ordubad district, Kharaba-Gilan), Nakhchivan Khanate and its annexation to Russia, treaties of Turkmenchay, Alexandropol (Gyumri), Moscow and Kars from archive documents.

At the same time, materials related to Ehsan khan Nakhchivanski, Ismail khan Nakhchivanski, Bahram khan Nakhchivanski, Kalbali khan Nakhchivanski, Karim Sultan Kangarli, Mansur agha Kangarli and other historical figures are preserved in the fund. Among the preserved documents are letters sent to writer Mammad Said Ordubadi, "Nakhchivan letters" by Eynali bey Sultanov, collections of Mirvarid Dilbazi titled “Nakhchivan memoirs”, documents on Nakhchivan literary environment, Aziz Sharif, Samad Mevlana and copies of some newspapers published in the 19th century.

Main scientific achievements