Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Department of Botany
Phone (+994 36) 5542587; (+994 50) 6337571 


Teyyub  Yunis oglu Pashayev

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Assistant professor
Total number of employees 16 
Basic activity directions   Studying the rare and endangering plants of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, exploring its ways of protecting, their introduction in the Botanic Garden, introduction of some local and comer trees and bushes in the territory of the Autonomous Republic and investigation of their using opportunities.
Main scientific achievements 

The scientific-research works were done about the rare plants belonging to the flora and fauna biodiversity of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, their modern position in nature, protection and productive use.

The current condition of higher plants in the flora of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was studied, for the first time the spectrum of flora on higher plants has been prepared, the current state of existing species in the area has been investigated, more than 1000 plant species with abundant natural resources have been used as medicinal or technical plants, endemic, rare and endangered plant species have been identified and an action plan for their protection and the Red Book of flora of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic have been prepared. More than 100 plant kinds, species and genera have been added to the flora of the territory, 3 of which are new for the Caucasian flora. The areal and natural resource of the poisonous and official herbs has been defined.

The lichen flora of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has been defined to consist of 38 genera, 83 species, 347 kinds, 6 varieties and 5 forms for the first time. 17 genera, 35 species and 138 kinds of them were noted for the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and 6 kinds for Caucasian lixenoflora for the first time. 17 genera and 35 species were shown for the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic lixenoflora for the first time. The botanical-geographical analysis of the flora has been carried out, the spread problems of the kinds on geographical and areal types have been defined.

The spread intensity, highness zones of lichen have been defined. Anthropogenic dynamics of flora, tolerant species and their zonal distribution have been studied and five different ecologically different zones within the Araz plain, middle mountainous and higher mountainous climates have been identified as the three main orographic units of the area. The antropogen transformations happening in these zones, modern position of the soil-plant cover, comparative characteristics of the kinds on zones were studied. Rare and endangering species of lichen in Nakhchivan AR have been identified, as a result of which the areal of 47 species has been become smaller, and 26 species have been found to be rare, and measures for their protection have been developed. According to the results of scientific research carried out on the study of saffron in the autonomous republic, this plant is fully compatible with the soil-climatic conditions of the region. The influence of its cultivation and cultivating times, irrigation positions on biological grown of saffron, flourishing and productivity has been studied and great results have been gained from the economical point of view.  Introduction works of some local and foreign trees and bushes have been done, their use has been recommended in gardening and in greenery of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 

For the first time the plants belonging to Campanula – CampanulaceaeJuss. genus in the flora of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic have been studied in detail. The systematic composition, bioecological features and phytocoenological groupings of plants belonging to the Campanulaceae family in the flora of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic have been studied, the possibilities of use have been studied and rare species have been identified. The kind diversity of the Campanulaceaegenus has been explored, 3 species, 20 kinds and 6 varieties belonging to this genus have been revealed. The modern taxonomic spectrum of the Campanulaceae genus in the Autonomous Republic has been drawn, geographical-areal analysis has been conducted, the geographical elements and areal types have been defined. The plant community and rare associations formed during the geobotanical study of Campanulaceaes have been studied, their modern phytocenological classification has been given and the species composition of the associations has been studied. Position of the 7 rare kinds of this genus existing in the Red Books of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has been investigated, the areal of 4 of them has been defined and the 2 kinds becoming more and more rare day-by-day has been revealed.