Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

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Department of cataloguing, exploration and publication of manuscripts
Phone (+994 36) 5446991 


Sabuhi Mammadali oglu Ibrahimov

Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy, assistant professor
Total number of employees
Basic activity directions   Collecting, organizing and cataloging of manuscripts of Nakhchivan 
Main scientific achievements 

In the direction of obtaining and populari­zation of new data on the history and culture of Nakhchivan: translation and textual investigation of Suli Fagih’s work “Yusuf and Zulaikha”, analysis of text features of Mahammad Nakhchivani’s work “Sahab ad-Dumu”, translation and text features of tibbinames, primary research of Aligulu Mirzayi Nakhchivani’s work “Egaide-felsefe”.

1. S.M.Ibrahimov. Suli Fegih. Yusuf and Zulaikha (preface, dictionary, design and transliteration from the manuscript written in the Arabic language). Baku, MBM, 2008, 400p.

2. S.M.Ibrahimov. Philosophical thoughts in the Haji Molla Mahammad Nakhchivani’s work of “Sehabed-Dumu”. Baku: Publishing house of AZ.UT, 2009, 146p.

3. S.M.Ibrahimov. Exploration of manuscript texts being the national-spiritual wealth of Nakhchivan. Baku: Publishing house of AZ.UT, 2011, 201p.

4. S.M.Ibrahimov. Philosophical thoughts in the Haji Molla Mahammad Nakhchivani’s work of “Sehabed-Dumu”. I-II volumes (methodical means). Nakhchivan: Idea, 2011, 320p.

5. S.M.Ibrahimov. Exploration direction of Nakhchivan manuscripts (collection of articles). LAPLANBERT AcademiePublishing. Germany, 2014, 56p. 

6. S. Ibrahimov. Nematullah Nakhchivani: A prominent scientist-mufassier of the XV century. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2018, 104 p.