Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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Department оf Folklore study
Phone (+994 50) 5203085 

Elkhan Gadir oglu Mammadov

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, assistant professor

Total number of employees 5
Basic activity directions   Collecting, publication and investigation of Nakhchivan folklore
Main scientific achievements 

As an integral part of the spiritual culture of Azerbaijan, researches have been conducted in the study of Nakhchivan's word memory, oral folk literature, and many results have been obtained in the genre, regional and historical directions of folklore. The scientific results obtained by the department are reflected in the publication of collection materials, as well as in separate monographs. The collected materials were involved in comparative research with other regions of Azerbaijan, as well as Turkey and other Turkic peoples. As a result, both the collection materials and the obtained scientific results were published as monographic publications in several countries and in different languages and aimed at the promotion of oral folk literature in the Nakhchivan region. As a result, the following collection materials, monographs and books were published.


1. Mammadhuseyn Tahmasib: Articles. Baku: Elm, 2005, 218 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Oruj Aliyev)

2. Azerbaijani fairy tales: Nakhchivan. Volume I (collection materials). Baku: MBM, 2005, 296 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Rafig Babayev)

3. The road to Orduba (collection materials). Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2005, 68 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Rafig Babayev)

4. Traces of folk memory (folklore materials collected from Shahbuz). Baku: Elm, 2005, 144 p. compiler (Mahsati Ismail)

5.Jafarli Muharram. Folklore and ethnic national consciousness. Baku: Elm, 2006, 126 p.

6.Jafarli Muharram. Epics and myths. Tabriz: Nashr Akhtar, 2006, 384 p.

7.Jafarli Muharram. Folklore and ethnic-national consciousness. Ankara: Culture Agency, 2007, 128 p.

8.Jafarli Muharram. Epic creativity. Baku: Elm, 2007, 108 p.

9. Nakhchivan folklore (collection materials). Baku: Nurlan, 2007, 248 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Rafig Babayev)

10. Word caravan (collection materials). Nakhchivan: Qeyrat, 2007, 168 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Fakhriya Ibrahimgizi)

11.Babayev Rafiq. Nakhchivan folklore: humanity, Turkism, regionalism. Baku: Elm, 2008, 144 p.

12.Ismail Mahsati. Legends of Nakhchivan. Baku: Elm, 2008, 208 p.

13. Nakhchivan bayatis (collection materials). Baku: Nurlan, 2009, 356 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Vafa Fatullayeva)

14.Jafarli Muharram. Structural poetics of Azerbaijani epics. Baku: Nurlan, 2010, 404 p.

15. Jafarli Muharrem. Poetic structure of Azerbaijani folk tales on the theme of love. Ankara: Culture Agency, 2010, 240 p.

16. Anthology of Azerbaijani folklore: Nakhchivan folklore - Volume I (collection materials). Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2010, 512 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Rafig Babayev)

17. Mammadhuseyn Tahmasib. Selected works. In 2 volumes, volume I. Baku: Mutarjim, 2010, 488 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli, Asif Hajili, Elshan Shukurlu)

18. Nakhchivan tales (collection materials). Tabriz: Yazar, 2010, 266 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Rafig Babayev)

19. Yusif Safarov. His works. In 5 volumes, volume I. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2010, 232 p.

20. The word of the people, the memory of the land (collection materials). Baku: Elm, 2010, 168 p. compiler (Mahsati Ismail)

21. Anthology of Azerbaijani folklore: Nakhchivan folklore - Volume II (collection materials). Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2011, 496 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli, Yusif Safarov and Rafig Babayev)

22. Mammadhuseyn Tahmasib. Selected works. In 2 volumes, volume II. Baku: “Kitab alemi” PPH, 2011, 440 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli, Asif Hajili and Elshan Shukurlu)

23. Yusif Safarov. Nakhchivan ashugs and folk poets. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2011, 152 p.

24. Jafarli Muharram. Azerbaijan oral folk literature (textbook for universities). Baku: ASPU Publishing House, 2012, 674 p.

25. Anthology of Azerbaijani folklore: Nakhchivan folklore - volume III (collection materials). Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2012, 560 p. compilers (Maharram Jafarli and Rafig Babayev)

26.Babayev Rafiq. Claims and opportunities of the genre (based on fairy tales collected from Nakhchivan). Baku: ASPU, 2014, 135 p.

27. Babayev Rafiq. Poetics of beliefs (on the basis of materials collected from Nakhchivan). Baku: ASPU Publishing House, 2015, 125 p.

28. Masterpiece in literature. Nakhchivan: Noah, 2016, 107 p. (Rafig Babayev and Seyfaddin Rzasoy)

29. Eynali bey Sultanov: Stories. Baku: Elm ve tehsil, 2016, 288 p. compiler and publisher (Elkhan Mammadov)

30. Izzet Magsudov: Life and works of Eynali bey Sultanov. Baku: Elm ve tehsil, 2016, 208 p. compiler and publisher (Elkhan Mammadov)

31. Irada Asadova. The creativity of Eynali bey Sultanov. Nakhchivan: Ajami UPP, 2016, 176 p. compiler and publisher (Elkhan Mammadov)

32. Hüseynzadə Əkrəm. Naxçıvan folklor mətnlərində tarixilik. Bakı: Elm və təhsil, 2016, 184 s.

33. “The land of Dada Gorgud -Nakhchivan” historical-geographical and ethnographic atlas. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2017, 460 p. compilers (Akram Huseynzade, I. Hajiyev, G. Gadirzade, F. Safarli, A. Guliyev, F. Rzayev, R. Zulfugarov, A. Orujov, F. Eylazov)

34. Examples from Nakhchivan children's folklore (collection materials). Baku: Mutarjim, 2017, 368 p. compilers (Akram Huseynzade, Rafig Babayev and Shola Aliyeva)

35.Mammadov Elkhan. Eynali bey Sultanov and folklore. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2017, 208 p.

36. Rzayeva Chinara. Hussein Javid and folklore. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2017, 112 p.

37.Rzayeva Chinara. Comparative view of the common folklore of the Turkic peoples. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2017, 120 p.

38. Mammadov Elkhan. Orujov Asaf. Holidays and ceremonies in Nakhchivan. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2018, 144 p.  

39. One of the oldest yallis of Azerbaijan: Kochari. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2018, 104 p. compilers (Elkhan Mammadov and Asaf Orujov)

40.Askerova Nazira. Poetic originality of folklore: environment, genre, tradition. Nakhchivan: Ajami, 2018, 144 p.