Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)

HOME PAGE  >>  Institutes and organizations  >>  Department of Geobotany

Department of Geobotany
Phone (+994 12) 502 40 53
Chief  Mehdiyeva Naiba Pirverdi gizi

Doctor of Biological Sciences, assistant professor

Total number of employees 12
Basic activity directions  

Assessment of the current state of forest ecosystems of the Greater Caucasus, study of the structure of plant communities, identification of useful plants, study of populations of rare and endangered species, design of GİS maps, use of computer programs.

Seed collecting, ex situ conservation, short- and long-term storage and research of plant diversity of Azerbaijan, especially endangered and useful species in order to protect and their sustainable use

Main scientific achievements 

A conception of the flora of forest ecosystems of the Greater Caucasus was compiled, an assessment of α-, β-, γ-diversity was carried out, the main plant units were determined and their diagrams were drawn up. A list of useful (medicinal, food, ornamental, dyeing, etc.) plants has been formed, the cenopulations of some rare and endangered species have been studied, phenological observations have been made on rare plants planted in the Central Botanical Garden.

376 seed collections belonging to 364 plant species have been collected from different regions of Azerbaijan and are storage in the Seed Bank. Out of these, 301 species are useful and 54 species are rare and endangered.